Findings. | |
Definitions. | |
Participation in the "STEP" Program. | |
Transitional Independent Living Plan Requirement. | |
Notification and Funding Requirements. |
The Board of Supervisors finds and declares the following:
(a) Foster youth are a vulnerable population at risk of homelessness, indigence, welfare dependency, incarceration and other adverse outcomes if they exit foster care without the proper skills to become self-sufficient; and
(b) Many foster youth who exit from the foster care system cannot depend on their family for ongoing financial support while they pursue post-secondary education or career development; and
(c) When many foster youth exit the foster care system, their primary source of financial support, AFDC-Foster Care payments, terminates at 18 years of age, diminishing their resources for self-support; and
(d) Some foster youth cannot successfully complete education or training programs due to trauma suffered while in the care of their parents, and possibly from multiple placements while in the foster care system.
(Added by Ord. 3-04, File No. 031242, App. 1/16/2004)
For the purposes of this Article only, the following definitions shall apply to the terms used herein.
(a) "Supportive Transitional Emancipation Program" (STEP) means the program codified in section 11403.1 of the Welfare and Institutions Code in which eligible foster youth receive ongoing financial support up to 21 years of age while participating in an educational or training program, or any activity consistent with their transitional independent living plan.
(b) "Eligible foster youth" means a person who meets all of the following eligibility criteria:
1. the person was in foster care and emancipated upon reaching the age limitations under Welfare and Institutions Code section 11401, or received aid from the Kin-GAP program under Welfare and Institutions Code section 11360, and emancipated upon reaching the age limitations under Welfare and Institutions Code section 11363;
2. the person is participating in an educational or training program, or any activity consistent with his or her transitional independent living plan;
3. the person is under 21 years of age; and
4. the person has emancipated from a county that is participating in the STEP program.
(Added by Ord. 3-04, File No. 031242, App. 1/16/2004)
The City and County of San Francisco hereby elects to participate in the STEP program, pursuant to section 11403.1 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, and shall meet the funding ratios specified in that section.
(Added by Ord. 3-04, File No. 031242, App. 1/16/2004)
Aid under this section shall be provided pursuant to a transitional independent living plan agreed upon by both the eligible foster youth and either the Department of Human Services, the Juvenile Probation Department, or an independent living program coordinator or supervisor. The transitional independent living plan shall be reviewed annually, and shall meet the requirements under Welfare and Institutions Code section 11403.1(c).
(Added by Ord. 3-04, File No. 031242, App. 1/16/2004)
The San Francisco Department of Human Services shall notify all foster youth in its jurisdiction, including those foster youth receiving Kin-GAP, ages 16years old, inclusive, of the existence of the STEP program. In addition, the Department of Human Services shall seek any federal funds available for implementing the STEP program, and shall seek any waiver from the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services that is necessary to implement the STEP program.
(Added by Ord. 3-04, File No. 031242, App. 1/16/2004)
Delinquency Prevention Commission; Establishment; Composition; Purpose. | |
Members' Appointment; Terms; Expenses; Vacancies. | |
Funding. |
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 233 of the Welfare and Institutions Code of the State of California, there is hereby established a Delinquency Prevention Commission ("Commission") composed of 11 citizens, to coordinate the work of those governmental and nongovernmental organizations engaged in activities designed to prevent juvenile delinquency within the City and County of San Francisco. Each individual Supervisor on the Board of Supervisors shall appoint one commissioner to the Commission through the Rules Committee.
The Commission is to review and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors ("Board") on possible legislative and budgetary actions regarding: (1) the coordination of City agencies and community-based organizations aimed at the prevention of juvenile delinquency; (2) the allocation of City, state and federal funding for the prevention of juvenile delinquency; (3) programmatic changes to improve the cost-effectiveness and quality of care programs and services; and (4) any other matters pertaining to the prevention of juvenile delinquency referred to it by the Board.
(Amended by Ord. 177-73, App. 5/3/73; Ord. 232-01, File No. 011450, App. 12/7/2001)