Members of the Delinquency Prevention Commission shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors, through the Rules Committee, to serve a term of four years, and they shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The Commission shall have at least five members who have advanced degrees or at least five-years experience in: (1) law enforcement or criminal justice, (2) social services, (3) mental health, (4) education, and (5) physical health, respectively. At least two of the remaining members of the Commission shall be persons between the ages of 14 and 21 years of age. Upon a vacancy occurring in the membership of the Commission and upon the expiration in the term of office of any member a successor shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. When a vacancy occurs for any reason other than the expiration of a term of office, the appointee to fill such vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired term of his or her predecessor.
(Amended by Ord. 114-75, App. 4/4/75; Ord. 14-00, File No. 992232, App. 2/11/2000; Ord. 232-01, File No. 011450, App. 12/7/2001)
The Department of Children, Youth and Their Families shall provide staff, administrative support, and other services to the Commission as needed. The Board of Supervisors may, subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter, provide funds to pay for such staff personnel services and facilities as may be reasonably necessary to enable the Delinquency Prevention Commission to exercise its powers and perform its duties under the Welfare and Institutions Code.
Nothing in this provision shall prevent the Commission from receiving and expending funds from other governmental and nongovernmental sources to assist the Commission in carrying out specific projects designed to accomplish its objectives.
(Amended by Ord. 407-76, App. 10/8/76; Ord. 232-01, File No. 011450, App. 12/7/2001)
Findings. | |
Definitions. | |
Smart Start for San Francisco Kids. | |
Smart Start for San Francisco Kids Fund. | |
Promulgation of Regulations. | |
Evaluation. | |
General Welfare. | |
Severability. | |
Editor’s Note:
This article, as adopted by the electorate on November 4, 2003, was designated Chapter 20, Article IV, Sections 20.100 through 20.107. Because that article and those section numbers were already occupied by other legislation, the editor has designated these provisions as Article III, Sections 20.53-100 through 20.53-107.
This article, as adopted by the electorate on November 4, 2003, was designated Chapter 20, Article IV, Sections 20.100 through 20.107. Because that article and those section numbers were already occupied by other legislation, the editor has designated these provisions as Article III, Sections 20.53-100 through 20.53-107.