The Department of Elections or Contractor shall provide written instructions to each Election Officer at least 21 days prior to the First Voting Day, informing such officer of dates on which ballots will be distributed and collected and the procedure to be followed for their distribution and collection. If any department has failed to designate an Election Officer by the time that the Department of Elections or Contractor sends these written instructions, the Department of Elections or Contractor shall thereafter treat the administrative head of the department as the Election Officer until another employee has been designated as such by that department.
(Added by Ord. 512-80, App. 10/29/80; amended by Ord. 378-95, App. 12/7/95; Ord. 285-08, File No. 081190, App. 12/5/2008)
The Retirement Board, Health Service Board or Retiree Health Care Trust Fund Board shall furnish the Department of Elections or Contractor with the names of the eligible nominees at least 35 days prior to the First Voting Day.
The Retirement Board, Health Service Board or Retiree Health Care Trust Fund Board shall also furnish the Department of Elections or Contractor with a list of the members and retired members of the Retirement System or Health Service System respectively eligible to vote (“voters”) in the election at the same time that it furnishes the names of the eligible nominees. A supplemental list shall be furnished to the Department of Elections or Contractor within two days of the First Voting Day, which list shall provide the names of eligible voters not included on the original list. These lists shall be in the format required by the Department of Elections or Contractor. These lists shall include the last known addresses for the members and retired members. For the active members, at the election of the entity conducting the election the department address shall be provided as an alternative.
Upon request, the City’s Health Service System shall provide all information to Contractor, or the Department of Elections necessary to conduct the Retiree Health Care Trust Fund Board nomination and election process including, but not limited to, information regarding voter lists, voter contact information and Health Service System membership status.
(Added by Ord. 512-80, App. 10/29/80; amended by Ord. 287-94, App. 8/4/94; Ord. 378-95, App. 12/7/95; Ord. 285-08, File No. 081190, App. 12/5/2008; Ord. 212-18, File No. 170738, App. 9/14/2018, Eff. 10/15/2018)
Any person seeking the disclosure of the names, addresses, and other personal information of eligible voters for the purpose of a Retirement Board, Health Service Board or Retiree Health Care Trust Fund Board election, may request such information from either the San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System or the San Francisco Health Service System.
(Added by Ord. 212-18, File No. 170738, App. 9/14/2018, Eff. 10/15/2018)
Each ballot shall contain instructions printed on it informing the voters of the procedure to be used in marking the ballot. Each ballot, or ballot return envelope, shall inform the voter that there are three ways to return the ballot:
(a) By placing the ballot in the signed and sealed return envelope provided by the Contractor or the Department of Elections in the container maintained for such purpose by the Election Officer of the voter's department, or by otherwise using the collection procedure arranged for by the Election Officer;
(b) By delivering the signed and sealed return envelope provided by the Contractor or the Department of Elections with the ballot enclosed personally to the Department of Elections or the Contractor; and
(c) By placing a stamp on the ballot return envelope and mailing the ballot and envelope to the Department of Elections or the Contractor.
The instructions shall also note the date by which ballots must be delivered to be counted.
(Added by Ord. 512-80, App. 10/29/80; amended by Ord. 287-94, App. 8/4/94; Ord. 378-95, App. 12/7/95; Ord. 285-08, File No. 081190, App. 12/5/2008)
(a) Members. Each ballot and ballot return envelope shall be mailed in a separate envelope addressed to each employee eligible to vote at the member's individual address provided by the Retirement System, Health Service System or Retiree Health Trust Fund Board. In the alternative, at the election of the entity conducting the election, ballots shall be delivered in care of his or her department.
(b) Retired Members. Each ballot and ballot return envelope shall be mailed in a separate envelope addressed to the retired member at the address provided by the Retirement System, Health Service System or Retiree Health Trust Fund Board.
(c) Additional ballots shall be printed and available for members and retired members of the Retirement System or Health Service System who are eligible to vote but did not receive an individually addressed ballot.
(Added by Ord. 512-80, App. 10/29/80; amended by Ord. 287-94, App. 8/4/94; Ord. 378-95, App. 12/7/95; Ord. 285-08, File No. 081190, App. 12/5/2008)
(a) Members. The Department of Elections or Contractor shall cause the ballots and accompanying envelopes to be mailed or delivered pursuant to Section 16.559(a) not later than 10 days prior to the First Voting Day, along with written instructions for their proper distribution and collection and any other pertinent guidelines as set out in these provisions or as otherwise applicable.
(b) Retired Members. The Department of Elections or Contractor shall deposit in the mail the ballots and accompanying envelopes to each retired member at least 10 business days prior to the First Voting Day.
(Added by Ord. 512-80, App. 10/29/80; amended by Ord. 287-94, App. 8/4/94; Ord. 378-95, App. 12/7/95; Ord. 285-08, File No. 081190, App. 12/5/2008)
Each Election Officer shall:
(a) Prior to the date that ballots are delivered, inform the department or employee responsible for distributing paychecks to employees of the department of the dates during which ballots are to be distributed to employees and of the responsibility of the Payroll Department to make arrangements to distribute a ballot by a date that will allow each voter at least three days to mark and deliver the ballot;
(b) Upon receipt of the ballots, coordinate his or her efforts and those of the Payroll Department to insure that the ballots are ready to be distributed by a date that will allow each voter at least three days to mark and deliver the ballot;
(c) Provide notice to employees who are in the Retirement System or Health Service System but would not be likely to receive ballots, such as employees on the temporary payroll, that ballots are available;
(d) Provide ballots to employees pursuant to the procedure established by the Department of Elections or Contractor;
(e) Establish and maintain a collection procedure so that employees have a convenient method of returning ballots, which method shall, where possible, make use of at least one container in which ballots can be placed; and
(f) Return the ballots which have been received or otherwise collected according to the collection procedure established by such officer to the Department of Elections or Contractor, either personally or by the inter-office mail system, in a timely manner so that the ballots will be delivered to the Department of Elections or Contractor by the date established by the Retirement Board, the Health Service Board or Retiree Health Care Trust Fund Board as the final date for such delivery.
(Added by Ord. 512-80, App. 10/29/80; amended by Ord. 287-94, App. 8/4/94; Ord. 378-95, App. 12/7/95; Ord. 285-08, File No. 081190, App. 12/5/2008; Ord. 212-18, File No. 170738, App. 9/14/2018, Eff. 10/15/2018)
(Added by Ord. 512-80, App. 10/29/80; amended by Ord. 378-95, App. 12/7/95; Ord. 285-08, File No. 081190, App. 12/5/2008; repealed by Ord. 212-18, File No. 170738, App. 9/14/2018, Eff. 10/15/2018)