(a) "Continuous service" for vacation allowance purposes means paid service pursuant to a regular work schedule which is not interrupted by a breach in service and shall include periods of unpaid furlough in accordance with a Civil Service Rule governing voluntary and involuntary furloughs.
(b) "Employee" means "Every person employed in the City and County service" which, as used in Charter Section 8.440 includes the classified employees of the City and County of San Francisco as provided in Section 3.661 of the Charter and classified personnel of the San Francisco Unified School District and Community College District, and officers, other than elected officers.
(c) "Irregular work schedule" means a work schedule for which the frequency and length is determined solely by the immediate or imminent needs of the service and which is subject to change at any time. Service in an irregular schedule does not constitute continuous service for vacation purposes.
(d) "Maximum vacation entitlement" means the maximum vacation allowance an employee may earn in any 12 month period. The amount is based on years of continuous service as follows:
Years of Continuous Service | Maximum Vacation Entitlement |
1 through 5 years | 80 hours |
more than 5 through 15 years | 120 hours |
more than 15 years | 160 hours |
(e) "Paid service" means service in paid status with the City and County of San Francisco, the San Francisco Unified School District or the Community College District, as applicable, and includes hours paid as sick leave, vacation, compensatory time-off and overtime for employees who are eligible for overtime pay under the administrative provisions of the Annual Salary Standardization Ordinance.
(f) "Regular work schedule" means a work schedule consisting of a pre-determined and fixed number of hours to be worked on a routine basis and includes an authorized flex-time schedule.
(h) "Vacation allowance" means the leave with pay for vacation purposes which an employee accrues or is awarded under the terms of this ordinance.
(i) "Vacation with pay" means the compensation the employee would have earned during the vacation period if the employee had worked during the same period, without the inclusion of overtime earnings or special pay.
(j) "Unpaid furlough" means voluntary or involuntary time off without pay imposed or approved in accordance with a Civil Service Rule governing unpaid furloughs in response to a projected budgetary shortfall.
(Amended by Ord. 182-85, App. 4/12/85; amended by Ord. 54-93, App. 3/4/93)
(a) No employee is entitled to a vacation allowance until the employee has completed one year of continuous service.
(b) For purposes of determining the vacation allowance the anniversary date for an employee shall be the first date of employment in the current period of continuous service.
(c) Continuous service shall not be deemed to have been breached:
(1) By an employee because of absence from service due to duly authorized leave; or
(2) By a permanent employee laid off due to lack of work or funds, provided the employee is reappointed to a position in the service with a regular work schedule within five years of lay-off; or
(3) By a permanent school term employee because of a period when schools are not normally in session; or
(4) By a permanent employee who resigns in good standing and is reappointed to a position in the service with a regular work schedule within six months from the effective date of resignation; or
(5) By a temporary or provisional (noncivil service or limited tenure) employee who has completed one year of continuous service and resigns in good standing or is laid off and is reappointed to a position in the service with a regular work schedule within six months from the effective date of resignation or layoff; or
(6) By an employee who has resigned from a position with services certified as other than satisfactory by the appointing officer if the employee is granted reappointment rights by the Civil Service Commission and is reappointed to a position in the service with a regular work schedule within six months from the effective date of resignation;
(7) By a period of voluntary or involuntary furlough without pay imposed or approved in accordance with a Civil Service Rule governing unpaid furloughs in response to a projected budgetary shortfall.
(d) Without regard to any other provisions in this Section, no vacation allowance is earned for paid service in an irregular work schedule.
(e) An employee who has completed one year of continuous service shall accrue vacation allowance at the rate of .0385 of an hour for each hour of qualifying service. An employee who has completed five years of continuous service shall accrue thereafter a vacation allowance at a rate of .0577 of an hour for each hour of paid service. An employee who has completed 15 years of continuous service shall accrue a vacation allowance a rate of .077 of an hour for each hour of paid service.
(f) No employee shall be credited with more than 2080 hours of paid service in any 12 month period for purposes of computing the vacation allowance.
(g) The vacation allowance for an employee receiving temporary disability benefits shall be computed on the basis of the number of hours in the employee's regular work schedule; provided, however, that an employee not supplementing State Disability Insurance payments with earnings from paid service will not accrue a vacation allowance during the period of disability. An employee who has received a permanent disability award and who does not return to employment because of such disability is not entitled to accrue a vacation allowance.
(h) For members of the uniformed force of the Fire Department, the factors for earning vacation allowance, the maximum number of hours credited for vacation allowance purposes and the maximum number of vacation hours an employee may accrue shall be administered in a manner consistent with the intent of this ordinance and approved by the General Manager, Personnel. In addition, if necessary because of minimum daily staffing requirements and the financial and scheduling problems created in bringing the uniformed force into conformity with Section 16.12(e) and (f), the Fire Department may establish an alternative schedule or other means for decreasing in an equitable manner the maximum accrual of vacation allowance to an amount consistent with that permitted other City employees under Section 16.12(e) no later than December 31, 1989. If the Fire Department establishes an alternative schedule, it may not permit a member of the uniformed force to accrue vacation days or hours in excess of the following:
Years of Continuous Service | Maximum Accrual |
1 through 5 years | 50 days or 400 hours |
more than 5 years through 15 years | 60 days or 480 hours |
more than 15 years | 70 days or 560 hours |
(i) Any dispute over whether an employee is assigned to a regular or an irregular work schedule shall be finally decided by the Civil Service Commission.
(Amended by Ord. 182-85, App. 4/12/85; Ord. 54-93, App. 3/4/93)
(a) Beginning with the first full pay period after the effective date of this ordinance, an employee shall be awarded the employee's vacation allowance on the first day of the pay period following the pay period in which the allowance is accrued.
(b) An employee does not accrue vacation allowance in the first year of continuous service, however, at the end of one year of continuous service, an employee shall be awarded a vacation allowance computed at the rate of .0385 of an hour for each hour of paid service in the preceding year.
(c) At the end of five years of continuous service, an employee shall be awarded a one-time vacation allowance computed at the rate of .01924 of an hour for each hour of paid service in the preceding year except that the amount of the vacation allowance shall not exceed 40 hours.
(d) At the end of fifteen years of continuous service, an employee shall be awarded a one-time vacation allowance computed at the rate of .01924 of an hour for each hour of paid service in the preceding year except that the amount of the vacation allowance shall not exceed 40 hours.
(e) The maximum number of vacation hours an employee may accrue consists of 240 hours carried forward from prior years plus the employee's maximum vacation entitlement which is based on the number of years of service. The maximum number of vacation hours which an employee may accrue is as follows:
Years of Continuous Service | Maximum Accrual |
1 through 5 years | 320 hours |
more than 5 through 15 years | 360 hours |
more than 15 years | 400 hours |
(f) On the first day of the second pay period following the effective date of this ordinance, employees shall be awarded any vacation allowance accrued between January 1, 1985, and the first day of the second pay period following the effective date of this ordinance. In order to prevent employees from unfairly losing accrued vacation allowance in the transition from an award date of January 1st of each year, the limitation on the number of vacation hours an employee may accrue as set forth in Subsection 16.12(e) shall not apply between the effective date of this ordinance and January 9, 1987. Vacation allowance hours in excess of those set forth in Section 16.12(e) will be lost if not used before January 9, 1987.
(Amended by Ord. 97-86, App. 3/27/86)
An employee in the final year of service may with the approval of the appointing officer elect to receive a cash payment in lieu of vacation due at the time of separation, provided that the appointment and payment of a replacement for the period of time representing such cash payment in lieu of vacation is not required. In lieu of such cash payment an employee who separates from City and County service and who without interruption in service is appointed to any governmental agency whose employees are eligible for membership in the San Francisco City and County Retirement System may elect to transfer such accumulated vacation to such agency if the agency rule or regulation permits the crediting of such accumulated vacation.
(Amended by Ord. 182-85, App. 4/12/85)
(a) Appointing officers are responsible for approving vacation schedules. In approving vacation schedules, the appointing officers shall give due regard to employee seniority and preference and the needs of the service. Unless an emergency situation exists requiring the immediate presence of an employee, an employee shall be allowed to begin a vacation on the day immediately following the employee's normal day off.
(b) With the approval of the appointing officer, an employee's vacation allowance may be taken in increments of not less than one hour.
(c) Except as requested by the employee to supplement disability benefits, the vacation allowance of an employee, who has started a vacation and who suffers a nonindustrial injury or illness or a recurrence of an industrial injury or illness during such vacation and who is entitled to and receives temporary disability benefits, shall not be charged for periods in which the employee receives disability benefits.
(d) Every department shall maintain records which shall include, in addition to all other information required by the Civil Service Commission and Controller, the employee's accrued vacation allowance. When an employee accepts a permanent appointment to another department, the employee's vacation and sick leave records shall be transferred by the first department to the second department. Ninety calendar days after an automated payroll/personnel data system is fully implemented in a department, and, upon approval of the General Manager, Personnel, and the Controller, the maintenance of such records by the department shall no longer be required. All records shall, however, continue to be preserved according to present statutory requirements.
(Amended by Ord. 182-85, App. 4/12/85)