The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized and empowered to issue permits for the placement and maintenance of anti-litter receptacles at locations in the financial and business districts of the City and County of San Francisco to be determined or approved by the Director. The receptacles and the placement thereof shall involve no cost to the City and County.
The provisions of this Section shall not be applicable to receptacles required to be placed and maintained pursuant to the provisions of Section 173 of this Article.
(Amended by Ord. 32-78, App. 1/13/78; Ord. 330-93, App. 10/11/93)
(a) Sponsors of the placement of the receptacles shall be allowed to place decals on the receptacles bearing their names, providing that the decal shall be no larger than four inches by six inches overall and the size and design of the decal shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works.
(b) Pursuant to Section 170(a), owners of garbage receptacles shall be allowed to prominently place decals on the receptacles bearing the scheduled collection dates and times, providing that the decal shall be no larger than 8½ inches by 11 inches overall and the size and design of the decal shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works.
(Added by Ord. 349-69, App. 12/3/69; amended by Ord. 330-93, App. 10/11/93)
The Director of Public Works shall prescribe the form of the application to be filed for the placement of the anti-litter receptacles and shall have the power and authority to adopt and enforce such rules and regulations with respect to the placement, maintenance and removal of such receptacles as are consistent with the provisions of this Article.
(Added by Ord. 349-69, App. 12/3/69)
(a) It is the intent of this Section to ensure that public areas are kept clean and free from litter.
(b) Any person, firm or corporation operating a grocery store, a liquor store or an establishment selling food or beverages for consumption off the premises shall place and maintain a litter receptacle outside of each exit from said premises for the use of the patrons thereof during business hours; provided, however, that a person, firm, or corporation is not required under this Section to place and maintain a litter receptacle outside each exit if that person, firm, or corporation places and maintains a set of three containers for recyclables, compostables and trash for use by customers and visitors as specified in Chapter 19 of the Environment Code.
(c) Any person, firm, corporation, or property owner operating a place of employment shall provide and maintain adjacent to the place of employment sufficient ashtrays or other receptacles for the disposal of cigarettes, cigars, and other similar combustible products used by employees and patrons who smoke. The Director of Public Works shall authorize the placement of such ashtrays or other receptacles in the public right-of-way where necessary.
(d) The design, capacity, location, and number of ashtrays and receptacles shall be prescribed by the Director of Public Works. Decals may be placed upon said receptacles subject to the limitations set forth in Section 171 of this Article.
(e) The receptacle shall be emptied when full and at the close of business each day and the contents thereof shall be stored or set out for collection in the same manner as other refuse generated in the operation of the business. Each receptacle shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
(f) Violation of this Section shall constitute an infraction and shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $80 nor more than $100; for a second offense by a fine not less than $150 nor more than $200; and for each additional offense by a fine not less than $250 nor more than $500. In the alternative, an administrative penalty not to exceed $250 may be assessed for each violation. Such penalty shall be assessed, enforced and collected in accordance with Section 39-1 of the Police Code.
(Added by Ord. 32-78, App. 1/13/78; amended by Ord. 197-98, App. 6/19/98; Ord. 227-99, File No. 990822, App. 8/13/99; Ord. 87-03, File No. 030482, App. 5/9/2003; Ord. 100-09, File No. 081404, App. 6/23/2009)
No person, firm or corporation, including but not limited to any department, board or commission of the City and County, shall have or permit upon any public sidewalk, public stairway or other right-of-way for public pedestrian travel that abuts property owned or occupied such person, firm, or corporation, any nuisance detrimental to health or any accumulation of filth, garbage, decaying animal or vegetable matter, waste paper, hay, grass, straw, weeds, vegetation overgrowth, litter, trash, cigarette or cigar butts, unsanitary debris, waste material, animal or human excrement, or stains, marks or grime caused by oil and other wastes absorbed or compressed into the surface, or any other matter that constitutes a threat to public health and safety. For purposes of this Section, the owner and/or the occupant of the premises or unit nearest the public sidewalk, public stairway or other pedestrian right-of-way shall be held liable for the cleanliness of said public sidewalk, public stairway, or other pedestrian right-of-way that abuts the building.
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; amended by Ord. 389-94, App. 11/18/94; Ord. 227-99, File No. 990822, App. 8/13/99)
(a) It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works to cause any person, firm or corporation, including but not limited to any department, board or commission of the City and County, that permits the accumulation of materials mentioned in Section 174 to be notified in writing to abolish, abate and remove such nuisances. The Director of Public Works may abate nuisances under this Section in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Community Preservation and Blight Reduction Act, Chapter 80 of the San Francisco Administrative Code, including, but not limited to, its provisions for notice, abatement, penalties, cost recovery, and debt collection against the parcel or parcels of land fronting the nuisance upon the sidewalk, driveway, curb or gutter.
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; amended by Ord. 389-94, App. 11/18/94; Ord. 77-11, File No. 110281, App. 5/12/2011, Eff. 6/11/2011)
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; amended by Ord. 389-94, App. 11/18/94; Ord. 87-03, File No. 030482, App. 5/9/2003; Ord. 292-04, File No. 040561, App. 12/24/2004; repealed by Ord. 77-11, File No. 110281, App. 5/12/2011, Eff. 6/11/2011)
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; amended by Ord. 389-94, App. 11/18/94; repealed by Ord. 77-11, File No. 110281, App. 5/12/2011, Eff. 6/11/2011)
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; amended by Ord. 389-94, App. 11/18/94; repealed by Ord. 77-11, File No. 110281, App. 5/12/2011, Eff. 6/11/2011)
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; amended by Ord. 389-94, App. 11/18/94; repealed by Ord. 77-11, File No. 110281, App. 5/12/2011, Eff. 6/11/2011)
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; repealed by Ord. 77-11, File No. 110281, App. 5/12/2011, Eff. 6/11/2011)
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; repealed by Ord. 77-11, File No. 110281, App. 5/12/2011, Eff. 6/11/2011)
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; repealed by Ord. 77-11, File No. 110281, App. 5/12/2011, Eff. 6/11/2011)
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; repealed by Ord. 77-11, File No. 110281, App. 5/12/2011, Eff. 6/11/2011)
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; repealed by Ord. 77-11, File No. 110281, App. 5/12/2011, Eff. 6/11/2011)
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; repealed by Ord. 77-11, File No. 110281, App. 5/12/2011, Eff. 6/11/2011)
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; repealed by Ord. 77-11, File No. 110281, App. 5/12/2011, Eff. 6/11/2011)
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; repealed by Ord. 77-11, File No. 110281, App. 5/12/2011, Eff. 6/11/2011)