(a) Community Meeting Required. The Pre-Application Approval Process shall require participation in a community meeting in which the Applicant shall discuss its Preferred Locations for a Surface-Mounted Facility with local residents and business owners. At the community meeting, the Applicant shall discuss: (1) all feasible locations for the proposed Surface-Mounted Facility, which may include specific locations or zones, but in no case fewer than two Preferred Locations for the proposed Surface-Mounted Facility shall be identified and discussed; (2) any technological limitations to the location of the proposed Surface-Mounted Facility; and (3) the process for the public to object to the Applicant's Preferred Locations.
(b) Notice of Meeting. The Applicant shall provide notice of time and place for the community meeting as set forth in Section 2713. The time for the community meeting shall be after regular business hours and the place for the meeting shall be within the vicinity of the Applicant's Preferred Locations.
(c) City Department Participation. The Applicant shall notify the Department and the Planning Department of the time and place for the community meeting. If one of the Preferred Locations is in front of a City park or open space, the Applicant shall also notify the Recreation and Park Department. Where feasible, the Department, the Planning Department, and the Recreation and Park Department shall attend the community meeting.
(d) Record of Meeting. The Applicant shall keep a record of all Persons that attended a community meeting and shall prepare and distribute a summary of the meeting to the attendees and the Department.
(e) Language Requirement. The Applicant shall ensure that on-call translation services are available for such meeting when required by the Department. Prior to the meeting, the Applicant shall inquire of the Department whether translation services are required, and if so, into which language or languages such translation services shall be offered.