A separate written application for a permit is required for the installation and maintenance of a public telephone or group of telephones to be installed on the public sidewalk fronting each lot or property under one ownership. Any subsequent installation of additional telephones fronting the same lot or property shall require a separate application and permit. Application for permit shall be filed with the Director of Public Works and shall contain the name and residence or business address of the person, firm or corporation making such application, a brief description of the location, the number and type of each public telephone to be installed and maintained, and such other appropriate information as the Director may require. Each application shall be accompanied by two copies of a map of the site, drawn to scale and showing the location of the proposed installation, the location of all surface facilities such as poles, hydrants, street lighting electroliers, vehicular parking or stopping zones, parking meters, underground facilities, building entrances, driveway entrances and the width of the sidewalk. Each application described herein shall also be accompanied by a general deposit in the sum of $500 for each public telephone included in the application, or in lieu thereof, the application shall be accompanied by a bond executed and filed with the Department of Public Works in a penal sum equal to the amount of $500 per telephone included in the application. Said bond shall be with a surety company authorized to do business in the State of California as surety thereon, running in favor of the City and County of San Francisco, conditioned that the applicant shall make all payments required to be made under and pursuant to this Article, and while such general deposit is maintained at the said sum of $500 per telephone or while no breach of condition of said bond shall occur said applicant shall be required to comply with all of the permitting and other provisions of this Article.
(Added by Ord. 122-70, App. 4/17/70; amended by Ord. 287-92, App. 9/16/92)
All required inspections in connection with public telephones on public sidewalks shall be made by the Department of Public Works at the expense of the permittee. In addition to maintaining the deposit or bond required by Section 953 of this Article, the permittee shall pay to the Department of Public Works a fee to be set by the Director of Public Works in an amount reasonably calculated to cover the estimated cost of administration and inspection services, including salary and overhead costs incurred by the Department of Public Works in connection with issuance of the public telephone permit.
(Added by Ord. 122-70, App. 4/17/70; amended by Ord. 287-92, App. 9/16/92)
A separate permit is required in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of the San Francisco Public Works Code, before any excavation is made in street or sidewalk for the purpose of installing pipes or conduits. A separate permit is required for electrical work, in accordance with the San Francisco Electrical Code.
(Added by Ord. 122-70, App. 4/17/70)
(a) The permittee shall pay monthly to the City and County of San Francisco in lawful currency of the United States an amount of money equal to the greater of $75, or 35 percent of the total gross receipts generated by the usage of each and every public telephone installed and maintained under the provisions of this Article. Such payments shall be made monthly by every permittee to the Controller of the City and County of San Francisco together with a full, true and correct statement of all its gross receipts from each and every public telephone for the preceding month. The permittee shall file with the Director of Public Works annual reports covering each 12-month period, ending June 30th. Such reports shall be submitted no later than 30 calendar days after the end of each period and shall include the total number of public telephones in operation, the gross receipts and the total amount paid to the City and County of San Francisco for the last expired period.
(b) The permittee shall at all times keep and maintain a full, true and correct account of its gross receipts, of every kind and nature, including noncoin receipts and revenues from service enhancements, from each and every public telephone installed and maintained under the provisions of this Article, which said accounts, and all books, records, correspondence and documents of the company in connection therewith shall at all times be open to audit, inspection and examination by the Controller of said City and County of San Francisco.
(Added by Ord. 122-70, App. 4/17/70; amended by Ord. 287-92, App. 9/16/92; Ord. 139-98, App. 5/1/98)