In each year that a balance is provided in the budget pursuant to Section 250.391, Part 6, the Treasurer shall cause to be prepared annually, a report for each bond issue hereunder, which shall, under appropriate headings, show the amounts to be provided in the annual budget pursuant to Section 250.391 and by properly headed columns, show the County Assessor's description of each lot or parcel to be assessed, the amount of the levy applicable to said lot or parcel, and such other information as will be necessary or useful in carrying out the formula or formulae adopted by the Board for the particular issue of bonds to which said budget provision applied.
(Added by Ord. 225-81, App. 5/5/81)
The Clerk shall cause notice of the hearing on the report to be given by one publication in a newspaper in the City, and by posting a copy of the notice on the bulletin board of the City Hall. The posting and publication shall be at least 10 days before the day fixed for hearing.
(Added by Ord. 225-81, App. 5/5/81)
The notice shall be substantially as follows:
PROJECT NO. ____________"
PROJECT NO. ____________"
"NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Treasurer has caused to be prepared and filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors a report which provides (1) the basis for levying benefit assessments on the properties within the assessment district created and established for the Project cited above, and (2) the amounts proposed to be levied for the fiscal year of ____________ upon the several lots and parcels in the assessment district created to pay the principal and interest of the bonds issued in said project, which report is open to public inspection."
"Said report will be heard by the Board of Supervisors at its meeting to be held on the ____________ day of ____________/____________/____________, 19____________, at the hour of ____________ o'clock ____________.M., Board Chamber, City Hall, San Francisco, California, at which time said Board will examine said report and hear all persons interested therein and all objections, protests or other written communications."
"Any interested person, objecting to the amount of the assessment on any parcel of land owned by him, may file with the Clerk a written protest thereon at or before the time herein fixed."
(Added by Ord. 225-81, App. 5/5/81)
The Clerk shall endorse on each protest the date it is filed with him, and shall show whether said protest is filed prior to the hour fixed for hearing. No protest received after said hour shall be legal, but the Board may, at its discretion, consider said protests and hear the signers thereof.
(Added by Ord. 225-81, App. 5/5/81)