Each applicant shall pay to the Department a fee of $66 for each permit issued for a small excavation project, a fee of $83 for each block contained in a medium excavation project, or a fee of $110 for each block contained in a large excavation project. Said fees shall compensate the Department for the cost incurred to administer the provisions of this Article. If the Director grants a permit extension or amendment pursuant to Sections or, the permittee shall pay a fee of $66 for any block for which the permit has been extended or amended to cover the cost of additional permit review and administration. In instances where a contractor parking plan is required, the applicant shall pay a non-refundable fee of $138.00 per permit for Departmental review of the plan, and an additional $55.00 per permit each time the permittee requests a modification to the permit that will impact on-street parking unless the modified permit results in a reduction of the amount of on-street parking that is impacted.
(Added by Ord. 341-98, App. 11/13/98; amended by Ord. 33-02, File No. 020051, App. 3/28/2002; Ord. 163-15
, File No. 150270, App. 9/23/2015, Eff. 10/23/2015, Oper. 1/21/2016)
Each applicant shall pay to the Department a fee of $16 for each permit issued for a small excavation project, a fee of $55 for each calendar day of a medium excavation project, or a fee of $81 for each calendar day of a large excavation project. Said fee shall compensate the Department for the cost of the inspection and regulatory services provided to such applicant when he or she becomes a permittee pursuant to this Article. No inspection fees shall be collected from a municipal excavator when: (a) the municipal excavator pays the Department to manage and inspect the construction or (b) the excavation is to construct, replace, or repair Municipal Railway tracks. If the Director grants a permit extension pursuant to Section, the permittee shall pay $16 for a small excavation project or the appropriate fees for a medium or large excavation project for each additional calendar day for which the permit is extended to cover the cost of additional permit inspection. If the Director grants a permit amendment pursuant to Section that results in additional permit inspection, the permittee shall pay the fees specified above for permit extensions. In instances where a contractor parking plan is required, the permittee shall pay a non-refundable fee of $339.00 per permit for Departmental inspection regarding implementation of the plan and per modified permit unless the permit results in a reduction oft he amount of on-street parking that is impacted.
(Added by Ord. 341-98, App. 11/13/98; amended by Ord. 33-02, File No. 020051, App. 3/28/2002; Ord. 163-15
, File No. 150270, App. 9/23/2015, Eff. 10/23/2015, Oper. 1/21/2016)
In instances where administration of this Article or inspection of an excavation is or will be unusually costly to the Department, the Director, in his or her discretion, may require an applicant or permittee to pay any sum in excess of the amounts charged pursuant to Sections 2.4.41 and 2.4.42. This additional sum shall be sufficient to recover actual costs incurred by the Department and shall be charged on a time and materials basis. The Director also may charge for any time and materials costs incurred by other agencies, boards, commissions, or departments of the City in connection with the administration or inspection of the excavation. Whenever additional fees are charged, the Director, upon request of the applicant or permittee, shall provide in writing the basis for the additional fees and an estimate of the additional fees.
(Added by Ord. 341-98, App. 11/13/98)
(a) Street Damage Restoration Fee Adjustment. Within one year after adoption or amendment of the street damage restoration fee set forth in this Subarticle, and every three years thereafter, the Director shall review the proceeds of the street damage restoration fee and any other new information that shall become available, and prepare a report to the Board of Supervisors. Based upon the result of the review, the Director shall recommend to the Board of Supervisors any necessary adjustments to such fee, along with written justification for the recommended adjustment and any necessary legislation. In the event that fee proceeds have exceeded, or are anticipated to exceed, the costs for street repaving and reconstruction reasonably attributable to excavation, the Director shall recommend legislation to the Board of Supervisors that modifies such fee to ensure that fee proceeds do not exceed the costs for street repaving and reconstruction reasonably attributable to excavation. In the event that fee proceeds have undercollected, or are anticipated to undercollect, for the costs for street repaving and reconstruction reasonably attributable to excavation or the City's costs to administer this Article or inspect excavations, the Director may recommend legislation to the Board of Supervisors that modifies the applicable fee to more accurately recover the costs for street repaving and reconstruction reasonably attributable to excavation.
(Added by Ord. 341-98, App. 11/13/98; amended by Ord. 33-02, File No. 020051, App. 3/28/2002; Ord. 151-03, File No. 030830, 6/27/2003)
(a) Collection of Deposit and Fees. The Director shall establish procedures for billing, collection, and refund of a deposit(s), fees, and other charges provided for in this Article. The Director shall deposit all funds in accordance with Sections 10.117-119 and 10.117-120 of the San Francisco Administrative Code.
(b) Refunds.
(ii) In the event that the Director determines, after preparing a report pursuant to Section 2.4.45, that there has been an overcollection of any of the fees identified in this Subarticle, the Director shall establish procedures to refund excess fee proceeds in a manner which fairly and reasonably reimburses those excavators who paid the fee during the relevant period consistent with their level of excavation.
(iii) In the event that a project is completed prior to the permit expiration date, a permittee may make a written request for a refund of the inspection fee that is proportionate to the number of calendar days the project was completed early. Prior to the issuance of any refund, the Department shall verify the date of completion, that the project has been satisfactorily completed, that all punch list work has been completed, and that there are no outstanding fines or penalties pending against the permittee or its agent. The Department shall not release the requested refund until any and all outstanding fines or penalties pending against the permittee and its agent have been paid. The permittee seeking a refund shall pay the Department a fee of $110 for the cost of the calculation and processing of the refund.
(c) Deductions for Deposits. The Director may make deductions from the balance of a permittee's deposit(s) to ensure the faithful performance of the obligations under a permit to excavate, to pay fees, to offset the costs for any excavation done or repairs made by the Department, or to pay any assessed penalties or costs associated with violations of this Article.
(d) Retention of Deposit for Three Years. Each deposit made pursuant to Section 2.4.40 shall be retained by the City for a period of three years after the satisfactory completion of the excavation to secure the obligations in the permit and this Article.
(e) Return of Deposit. Upon expiration of three years from the satisfactory completion of the excavation, a permittee's deposit(s), less the deductions made pursuant to Subsection (c), shall be returned to the permittee or to its assigns.
(Added by Ord. 341-98, App. 11/13/98; amended by Ord. 33-02, File No. 020051, App. 3/28/2002; Ord. 131-07, File No. 070466, App. 6/15/2007)