(a) After receipt of an application for a permit to excavate, the Department, within a reasonable time period, shall determine whether an application is complete.
(b) Any application tor an excavation permit for major work that is 30 consecutive calendar days or longer shall include a contractor parking plan. The plan shall include the following along with an explanation to support the request for on- street parking:
(1) Number and total linear feet of on-street parking spaces that would be impacted;
(2) The number and total linear feet of parking spaces on side streets proposed for staging and other construction purposes that would be impacted. The plan shall address the amount and type of equipment placed on streets to be excavated and side streets. The plan also shall propose solutions to stockpiling construction materials in locations other than the proposed permit area in order to minimize impacted street area;
(3) The average number of employees anticipated each day at the work site;
(4) Timeline and phasing of the project, including the duration of each phase, and how it will affect the number and total linear feet of on street parking spaces set aside for the excavation project at each phase;
(5) A proposal to provide the Department with updates in writing, by phone, or an in-person visit regarding any changes to the status of the project, on a regular basis as appropriate, but no later than at the mid-point of the permit term or any extension thereof If the permittee provides updates by phone or in-person visit, the permittee shall provide this same information in writing to the Department within two business days of the phone or in-person communication;
(6) Information about the availability of on-site or nearby parking garages or other off-street parking opportunities in the vicinity. As part of this required information, the applicant shall submit a list of all available public and private parking garages within a 300-foot radius of the project limits and information on whether those garages include carpooling parking spaces. In addition, the applicant shall specify if he/she contacted any off-street parking opportunities and the name and date of such contact;
(7) A proposal concerning opportunities for reducing parking demand in the vicinity of the project site, such as car-pooling, van transportation, transit, or other off-site parking arrangements;
(8) A proposal on how the applicant will make the on-street parking available to the general public if no work is scheduled and/or no equipment or material storage is required on the street(s) or portion thereof by 4:00 pm if project work is complete for the day. The permittee shall include this information in the courtesy notice to property owners required under Section 2.4.20(d) below;
(9) Any other information the Department or other affected City departments, such as the Municipal Transportation Agency, deems valuable tor understanding the impact of the project on the neighborhood and neighborhood parking supply.
(c) Within a reasonable time period in advance of initiating excavation, the Public Utilities Commission and Municipal Transportation Agency shall provide copies of their contractor parking plan tor their major excavation projects that are 30 consecutive calendar days or longer to the Department tor informational purposes only.
(d) The permittee shall mail a courtesy notice within five business days from the start of each phase to all impacted fronting property owners. Said notice shall include information about the number and linear feet of parking spaces that will be impacted and/or removed as well at a 24-hour, 7-day per week contact for the project, including name and telephone number. For purposes of this Subsection, "fronting property owner" shall mean a property owner that owns property along the frontage where on-street parking will be impact and/or removed. If the fronting property owner is a condominium project, the permittee need only mail the notice to the condominium association and the building manager, if one exists, not each individual unit owner.
(e) If there is an emergency excavation as defined in Section 2.4.22 that also will be major work that is 30 consecutive calendar days or longer, the excavator shall submit the contractor parking plan to the Department no later than five business days after initiating the work.
(f) In no case shall a permittee impact 60 or more parking spaces or an area consisting of three block segments, excluding intersections and side streets, at any one time for a single project.
(g) If the application is deemed to be incomplete, the Department promptly shall advise the applicant in a written, electronic, or facsimile communication of the reasons for rejecting the application as incomplete.
(h) If the application is deemed to be complete, the Department, in its discretion, may deny, approve, or conditionally approve the application.
(1) If the application is approved or conditionally approved, the Department shall issue a permit to the applicant. The Department may condition a permit with specified requirements that preserve and maintain the public health, safety, welfare, and convenience. The Department shall inform the permittee of the basis for such requirements.
(2) If the application is denied, the Department shall advise the applicant in a written, electronic, or facsimile communication of the basis for denial.
(Added by Ord. 341-98, App. 11/13/98; amended by Ord. 163-15
, File No. 150270, App. 9/23/2015, Eff. 10/23/2015, Oper. 1/21/2016)