(A) No permit may be required to engage in petitioning, leafletting, demonstrating or soliciting so long as engaging in any of these activities, or any combination of these activities, does not involve 50 or more petitioners, leafletters, demonstrators, or solicitors at the same time within an area circumscribed by a 500-foot radius.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in petitioning, leafletting, demonstrating or soliciting in such a manner as to substantially obstruct any traffic of pedestrians or vehicles after being warned by a peace officer or a member of the Park Patrol not to do so.
(C) Where the park is a frequent site for the issuance of permits; involving large groups of people for events requiring exclusivity, in order to prevent interference with the progress and enjoyment of these events, no person may engage in petitioning, leafletting, demonstrating or soliciting in these parks while an event is in progress for which a permit has been issued by the Commission or Executive Director except in those areas designated as public assembly areas. No person shall be considered in violation of the prohibition contained in this subsection until he or she has been informed by a member of the San Francisco Police Department, a member of the Park Patrol, or a member of the Commission who displays proper identification of such employment that the event is being conducted pursuant to a valid permit or until the permit pursuant to which the event is being conducted has been shown to such person.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)
No person shall engage in commercial photography, filming or recording in any park without first having obtained a permit from the Executive Director. Permits for such commercial activities shall be issued by the Executive Director pursuant to the Port's permit authority set forth Charter Section B3.581.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)
Any processing or user fee established by the Commission for the use of park property may be waived where the applicant is the United States of America, the State of California or subdivision thereof, an agency or commission of the City and County of San Francisco, or other governmental unit.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)
Any person possessing a valid permit, which states that an area has been reserved for such person's use, has the exclusive right to use the area or facility specified in the permit for the time specified. It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to leave an area or facility which has been reserved by a valid permit when asked to do so by the person or party displaying such permit, by a Commission employee, by a police officer, or by a member of the Park Patrol, and no person shall in any manner disturb or interfere with any person or party occupying the area under such a permit, nor with the belongings of such person or party.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)