No person, other than members of the Police Mounted Detail when on duty, shall, in any park, allow any animal in his or her custody to enter any building, or any playground, sandbox or other area reserved for children, or to enter or drink the water of any drinking fountain, lake or pond located in any park, not including San Francisco Bay, except at places designated and maintained for such purpose. Notwithstanding the above provision, a blind person may enter these areas with a guide dog.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)
No person shall carry, lead, conduct or otherwise bring or allow to remain in any park a domestic cat unless the animal is on a leash not exceeding six feet in length or in an animal transport box equipped with vent holes capable of providing the animal with sufficient air.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)
Except as provided in Article 7, Chapter VIII (Police Code) of the San Francisco Municipal Code, it shall be unlawful for any person, including City and County of San Francisco, its officers, employees or agents, to hunt, chase, shoot, trap, discharge or throw missiles at, molest, disturb, capture, injure, or destroy any animal in any park, or to permit any animal in such person's custody or control to do so; provided, however, that any mole or any gopher, mouse, rat or other rodent which is determined by said Executive Director to be a nuisance may be destroyed by said Executive Director or a designated representative; and provided, further, that any animal other than a mole or a gopher, mouse, rat or other rodent which is determined by said Executive Director to be a nuisance or a hazard to persons using said areas or to be a hazard to plants or other horticulture, may, in a humane manner, be live trapped by said Executive Director and delivered to the Animal Control Officer for disposition pursuant to the provisions of Sections 41.7 through 41.9, inclusive, of Article 1, Chapter V (Health Code) of the San Francisco Municipal Code. This Section shall not restrict in any way the rights of the public to fish in San Francisco Bay.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)