Every person requiring a permit as provided for in Section 3401 shall make written application to the Chief of Police for such a permit on forms provided by the Police Department together with a filing fee. Said application shall be accompanied by fingerprints of the applicant, shall contain all information deemed relevant by the Chief of Police, and for a permit as photographer, shall contain in addition thereto the name, business or occupation, and resident address of each person financially interested in such business. For a permit as solicitor, such application shall be first authorized in writing by the photographer engaging, employing or hiring such person.
(Added by Ord. 555-81, App. 11/12/81)
Upon receipt of said application the Chief of Police shall conduct such investigation as he may deem proper as to the character and morals of the applicant and the character of the business to be conducted. The Chief of Police may deny said application when, in his opinion, good cause exists therefor. If the Chief of Police approves the granting of said permit, he may issue a permit to said applicant which permit shall be serially numbered and shall expire on the last day of the calendar year in which issued.
(Added by Ord. 555-81, App. 11/12/81)
(Added by Ord. 555-81, App. 11/12/81; amended by Ord. 238-11, File No. 111101, App. 12/15/2011, Eff. 1/14/2012)
Every holder of a permit as herein provided shall pay to the Tax Collector an annual license fee. The license fee shall be paid annually on or before March 31, in accordance with the provisions of Section 76.1 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code.
The licensee shall issue to each solicitor employed a badge of such wording, design and material as the Chief of Police shall authorize. Said badge shall be worn on the person by the solicitor for whom it was issued, in a conspicuous place for the public to see, at all times when said person is engaged in taking such photographs or soliciting the same. It shall be unlawful for any other person to wear or otherwise display said badge.
(Added by Ord. 555-81, App. 11/12/81; amended by Ord. 238-11, File No. 111101, App. 12/15/2011, Eff. 1/14/2012)
The Chief of Police may revoke any permit issued hereunder when the permittee is violating, attempting to violate, any law of the State of California, any ordinance of the City and County of San Francisco, any provisions of Sections 3400 to 3408, or the rules and regulations issued by the Chief of Police governing the conduct or operations of the permittee. Written notice of such revocation shall be forwarded by the Chief of Police to the Tax Collector.
(Added by Ord. 555-81, App. 11/12/81)
The issuance of a permit or license under the provisions of Sections 3400 to 3408 shall not exempt the permittee or licensee from any other provisions of the San Francisco Municipal Code or any ordinance of the City and County of San Francisco requiring a permit or license or otherwise regulating the taking, or soliciting the taking, of photographs.
(Added by Ord. 555-81, App. 11/12/81)