Upon special application submitted by an organization which holds a permit pursuant to this Article and upon payment of a fee, the Chief of Police may issue a special permit authorizing bingo games at locations, and on days of the week, and at times other than those set forth in the organization's annual permit; provided, however, that no such special permit may authorize more than 12 additional bingo games as defined in Section 3200(c)(2) to be conducted during that period for which the organization's permit is applicable.
(Amended by Ord. 555-81, App. 11/12/81)
The Chief of Police may adopt, after a noticed public hearing, rules and regulations supplemental to this Article and not in conflict therewith. The rules and regulations shall become effective 10 days after adoption by the Chief of Police.
(Added by Ord. 571-77, App. 12/29/77)
Each licensee shall keep records of all bingo games conducted within the previous calendar year. Such records shall include the following information:
(a) The number of participants present at each series of bingo games as defined by Section 3200(c)(1);
(b) The number of bingo cards and instant bingo cards sold in each price category established therefor for each series of bingo games as defined by Section 3200(c)(1);
(c) The amount of prizes awarded during each bingo game as defined by Section 3200(b);
(d) The total amount of fees collected for the purchase of bingo cards and instant bingo cards and any admission fees collected for each series of bingo games as defined in Section 3200(c)(1).
(e) The total amount of prizes awarded during each series of bingo games as defined in Section 3200(c)(1).
(Added by Ord. 571-77, App. 12/29/77)
Each licensee shall keep all records required by Section 3212 for a period of time not less than one calendar year.
The Chief of Police shall have the power to examine or cause to be examined the books and records of any licensed organization so far as they may relate to bingo games and to examine any manager, officer, director, agent, member or employee thereof under oath in relation to the conduct of any such game.
Any information so received shall not be disclosed except so far as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Article.
(Added by Ord. 571-77, App. 12/29/77)
Every nonprofit charitable organization licensed pursuant to this Article must file with the Chief of Police a report containing:
(a) The total amount of money received from the operation of each series of bingo games as defined in Section 3200(c)(1);
(b) The total amount paid out in prizes for each bingo game as defined in Section 3200(b);
(c) All expenses connected with the operation of each series of bingo games as defined in Section 3200(c)(1);
(d) Such other information as the Chief of Police may require in addition to the other requirements of this Section.
(Added by Ord. 571-77, App. 12/29/77)