Registration of Fixed Patrols, Street Patrols and Private Watchman. | |
Fixed Patrol Defined. | |
Street Patrol Defined. | |
Private Watchman Defined. | |
Person. | |
Method of Registration of Street Patrol and Fixed Patrol Services. | |
Review of Registration Application. | |
Registration of Employees of Street Patrol Business. | |
Registration of Employees of Fixed Patrol Business. | |
Registration of Private Watchman. | |
Issuance of Identification Card. | |
Notice of Termination of Employee. | |
Use of Official Police or Sheriff Titles and Similar Subterfuges. | |
Revocation or Refusal of Registration. | |
Matters to be Considered by Chief of Police. | |
Insurance Coverage. | |
Registration Fee. | |
Exemptions. | |
Severability. | |
Effective Dates. | |
Drawing of Firearms. | |
Analysis for Implementation of Article 25. | |
Unless registered as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful for any person, either for himself or for any other person, firm or corporation, to manage, conduct or carry on the business of a fixed patrol, street patrol, or serve as a private watchman service in the City and County of San Francisco, or willfully to hire the services of a private watchman, fixed patrol, or street patrol, unless said private watchman, fixed patrol, or street patrol is registered as hereinafter defined.
(Added by Ord. 312-72, App. 11/2/72)
For the purpose of this Article, the term "Fixed Patrol" shall mean a person, firm or corporation licensed by the State of California, who or which agrees to furnish, or furnishes, a watchman, guard, patrolman or other person to protect persons or property or to prevent theft, unlawful taking, loss, embezzlement, misappropriation or concealment of any goods, wares, merchandise, money, bonds, stocks, notes, documents, papers or property of any kind, remains at a fixed location and does not utilize the public streets during the course and scope of such employment, except for incidental use of the streets by a fixed patrol operator, or his employee, solely for the purpose of traveling from one location owned or operated by a client to another location owned or operated by the same client, or for the purpose of supervising employees of a fixed patrol operator, or for incidental use of the streets reasonably necessary to accomplish the purpose of the fixed patrol service.
(Added by Ord. 312-72, App. 11/2/72)
For the purpose of this Article the term "Street Patrol" shall mean any person, firm or corporation who furnishes or agrees to furnish, for any consideration whatsoever, any of the services enumerated in Section 1750.1 of this Article and utilizes the public streets to perform such services and is licensed by the State of California to perform such services or is employed by a person so licensed.
(Added by Ord. 312-72, App. 11/2/72)
For the purpose of this Article the term "Private Watchman" shall mean a person who is appointed a Special Police Officer pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.535 of the Chapter, and is directly employed by one person, firm or corporation to perform any of the services enumerated in Section 1750.1 of this Article, and who shall, in the performance of his duties, remain on or immediately adjacent to the property of his employer.
(Added by Ord. 312-72, App. 11/2/72)