Upon sale, transfer or relocation of a Public Photography Studio, the permit and license therefor shall be null and void unless approved as provided in Section 1073.18 herein; provided, however, that upon the death or incapacity of the permittee the Public Photography Studio may continue in business for a reasonable period of time to allow for an orderly transfer of the permit.
If the permittee is a corporation, a transfer of 25 percent of the stock ownership of the permittee will be deemed to be a sale or transfer and the permit and license therefor shall be null and void unless approved as provided in Section 1073.18 herein; provided, however, that the provision shall not apply to a permittee corporation, the stock of which is listed on a stock exchange in this state or in the City of New York, State of New York, or which is required by law to file periodic reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission unless approved in Section 1073.18 herein.
(Added by Ord. 428-74, App. 9/5/74)
Every person to whom or for whom a permit shall have been granted pursuant to the provisions of this article shall display said permit in a conspicuous place within the Public Photography Studio so that the same may be readily seen by persons entering the premises.
(Added by Ord. 428-74, App. 9/5/74)
The Police Department shall, from time to time and at least twice a year, make an inspection of each Public Photography Studio in the City and County of San Francisco for the purposes of determining that the provisions of this Article are complied with.
(Added by Ord. 428-74, App. 9/5/74)
Every permittee who conducts or assists in conducting or permitting any Public Photography Studio as defined herein shall pay to the Tax Collector an annual license fee. The license fee shall be paid annually on or before March 31, in accordance with the provisions of Section 76.1 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code.
(Amended by Ord. 555-81, App. 11/12/81; Ord. 238-11, File No. 111101, App. 12/15/2011, Eff. 1/14/2012)
Every person engaged as an employee of a public photography studio who requires a permit from the Police Department pursuant to the provisions of Section 1073.2.1 of this Article shall pay an annual license fee. The license fee shall be paid annually on or before March 31, in accordance with the provisions of Section 76.1 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code.
(Added by Ord. 555-81, App. 11/12/81; amended by Ord. 238-11, File No. 111101, App. 12/15/2011, Eff. 1/14/2012)
No permit shall be transferable except with the written consent of the Chief of Police. An application for such a transfer shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by the same filing fee as for an initial application. The written application for such transfer shall contain the same information as requested herein for initial application for such a permit.
(Amended by Ord. 555-81, App. 11/12/81)
Every person is guilty of a misdemeanor who, while acting as an entertainer in a Public Photography Studio as defined herein:
(a) Exposes his or her genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, natal cleft, perineum, anal region or pubic hair region; or
(b) Exposes or employs any device, costume or cover which gives the appearance of or simulates the genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, natal cleft, perineum, anal region or pubic hair region; or
(c) Exposes any portion of the female breast at or below the areola thereof; or
(d) Employs any device or covering which is intended to simulate such portion of the breast.
(Added by Ord. 428-74, App. 9/5/74)