It shall be unlawful for any person to hitch or fasten any animal to, or to place any placard or notice upon, or in anywise to injure any lamp post or hydrant, or any growing tree, upon any public street, or, without authority, to extinguish any public light. This Section shall not prohibit any person from fastening any dog on a leash to any lamp post, hydrant or growing tree.
(Added by Ord. 1.075, App. 10/11/38; amended by Ord. 194-12
, File No. 120672, App. 9/17/2012, Eff. 10/17/2012)
It shall be unlawful for any person, except for a peace officer authorized under California Penal Code Section 12600, to buy, sell, offer or expose for sale, barter or exchange, have in his possession or use any sling shot.
It shall also be unlawful for any person to buy, sell, offer or expose for sale, barter or exchange, have in his possession or use any toy by which, whether used singly or in combination of units, missiles may be projected by force or compressed air, carbon dioxide, or any other chemical, gas, or other element, or combined thereof. Nothing in this section is intended to be inconsistent with Government Code Section 53071.5 or any successor statute regulating imitation firearms, BB guns or air rifles.
(Amended by Ord. 4782, Series of 1939, App. 1/6/48; Ord. 260-04, File No. 031932, App. 11/4/2004)
Editor's Note:
See also the following Police Code provisions:
∙ Sec. 607, Possession of Sling Shots or Metal Knuckles Prohibited.
∙ Sec. 608, Prohibiting Sale of Darts and Similar Weapons to Minors.
∙ Sec. 609, Prohibiting Possession of and Purchase by Minors of Darts and Similar Weapons.
∙ Sec. 4507, Firearms and Projectile Weapons; Possession of by Minors.
See also the following Police Code provisions:
∙ Sec. 607, Possession of Sling Shots or Metal Knuckles Prohibited.
∙ Sec. 608, Prohibiting Sale of Darts and Similar Weapons to Minors.
∙ Sec. 609, Prohibiting Possession of and Purchase by Minors of Darts and Similar Weapons.
∙ Sec. 4507, Firearms and Projectile Weapons; Possession of by Minors.
[1977 Water Conservation and Rationing Plan]
Whereas, the Public Utilities Commission on March 22, 1977 has adopted a mandatory water conservation and rationing plan relating to the use of water from the San Francisco Water Department, this Board of Supervisors hereby declares that a water shortage condition prevails in the City and County of San Francisco due to conditions prevailing throughout the State of California and intends herewith to prohibit the usage of water which is wasteful during such water shortage condition to the end that sufficient water will be available for human consumption, sanitation and fire protection.
The specific uses prohibited in Section 603.1 are nonessential, and if allowed would constitute a wastage of water.
(Added by Ord. 221-77, App. 6/9/77)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association, corporation, partnership or organization of any kind, with respect to water provided directly from the San Francisco Water Department through its facilities to:
(a) Use a hose to wash motor vehicles, trailers, or boats except that automobiles and buses may be washed in commercial or fleet washing facilities using a water recycling system.
(b) Use a hose to wash a building or structure or any part thereof.
(c) Fill with water any existing or new swimming pool except that water may be added to existing swimming pools in order to maintain normal levels and to replace evaporation.
(d) Clean or wash sidewalks, driveways, patios, parking lots, tennis courts, athletic fields covered with artificial surfaces and other hard-surfaced areas with water from hoses or by use of water directly from faucets or other water outlets.
(e) Use water in such a manner which results in flooding or runoff in gutters, driveways or streets.
(f) Use water to clean, fill or maintain water levels in decorative fountains.
(g) Serve water to a customer in a restaurant unless specifically requested by such customer.
(Added by Ord. 221-77, App. 6/9/77)
No person, firm, association, corporation, partnership or organization of any kind shall remove any water flow restricting device installed by the San Francisco Water Department to control water use in excess of allotment on a customer service line.
(Added by Ord. 221-77, App. 6/9/77)
No person, firm, association, corporation, partnership or organization of any kind shall tamper with, or alter in any manner a water meter or the water service line which connects a water main to a water meter of the San Francisco Water Department.
(Added by Ord. 221-77, App. 6/9/77)
Pursuant to Section 836.5 of the Penal Code, San Francisco Water Department employees in the civil service classification of District Water Serviceman (Water Service Inspector) and Senior District Water Serviceman (Senior Water Service Inspector) shall have the duty to enforce Sections 603.1, 603.2 and 603.3 of the Article and are hereby authorized and empowered to arrest any person, firm, association, corporation, partnership or organization of any kind for violations of such sections of the Article.
(Added by Ord. 221-77, App. 6/9/77)