Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 510 of this Article, the Chief of Police may, upon written application thereof in such form and containing such information as said Chief shall require, issue a special permit allowing persons under the age of 18 years to play or engage in a game of billiards or pool or to be, remain in, or frequent a billiard or pool room, to any person, firm, corporation, association, or other legal entity holding a valid billiard or pool or combination table license if the area to be available to persons under the age of 18 years conform to the following physical design:
(a) All billiard or pool tables made available for the use of persons under the age of 18 years at said place of business shall be located on the street level of said place of business;
(b) All of said billiard or pool tables shall be open to public view from the adjoining sidewalk at all times said place of business is in operation;
(c) A specific area of said place of business is designated and set aside as a family recreation center for the exclusive use of patrons or guests under the age of 18 years or for groups which include patrons or guests under the age of 18 years and such area is separated from the remaining area of said place of business by a partition to be approved by the Chief of Police; provided, however, that no person under the age of 15 years shall be permitted to play or engage in a game of billiards or pool, or to be, remain in or frequent a billiard or pool room unless accompanied by parent or guardian.
In granting or denying a permit the Chief of Police shall give particular consideration to the peace, order and moral welfare of the public.
Nothing in this Section shall be taken or deemed to authorize or approve any person under the age of 18 years playing or engaging in a game of billiards or pool or being, remaining in or frequenting any billiard or pool room at any time during normal school hours on school days or at any other time prohibited by applicable law or statute.
(Added by Ord. 267-66, App. 11/3/66)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association owning, operating or having charge of any circulating or lending library to lend or rent to any person under the age of 21 years any book, magazine, pamphlet or other printed matter, unless and until such minor shall have registered with such circulating or lending library, and shall have received therefrom a membership card; provided, however, that such membership card shall not be issued to any person under the age of 21 years without the consent of the parent or legal guardian of such minor in writing, signed by such parent or legal guardian in the presence of the Librarian in charge of such Library. In case such minor has no regularly appointed legal guardian in the City and County of San Francisco, then such written consent must in like manner be obtained from the person who has the care or custody of said minor.
(Added by Ord. 1.075, App. 10/11/38)
The provisions of Section 515 of this Article shall not apply to libraries maintained or operated by the United States, the State of California, the City and County of San Francisco, or any non-profit, technical and reference libraries.
(Added by Ord. 1.075, App. 10/11/38)
(Added by Ord. 1.075, App. 10/11/38; repealed by Ord. 260-04, File No. 031932, App. 11/4/2004)
(Added by Ord. 1.075, App. 10/11/38; repealed by Ord. 260-04, File No. 031932, App. 11/4/2004)
It shall be unlawful for any minor, under the age of 16 years, to get on, or attempt to get on, or to get off, or attempt to get off, any street car, train or street cars, wagon, truck or other vehicle, which may be moving along any public street.
(Added by Ord. 1.075, App. 10/11/38)
Any minor under the age of 16 years who shall violate any of the provisions of Section 527 of this Article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $50, or by imprisonment in the County Jail for not more than one month, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(Added by Ord. 1.075, App. 10/11/38)
Each owner, agent, manager, or keeper of a hotel, motel, auto court, furnished apartment house, boarding house, lodging house, or tenement house, shall immediately report to the office of the Chief of Police of the City and County of San Francisco, the presence therein of any minor under the age of 18 years, unless such minor is accompanied by the parent, guardian, or other person having the care and custody of such minor; or unless said minor is attending a social event or other assemblage at which his attendance has been expressly authorized by his parents or legal guardian; or unless the presence of said minor in said place or places is connected with and required by some legitimate business, trade, profession, or occupation, in which said minor is engaged.
(Amended by Ord. 10741, Series of 1939, App. 12/12/57)