No person, other than members of the Police Mounted Detail when on duty, shall, in any park, allow any animal in his or her custody to enter any building, the Zoological Gardens, or those areas of Golden Gate Park known as the Arboretum, Japanese Tea Garden and Conservatory Valley, or any playground, sandbox or other area reserved for children, or to enter or drink the water of any drinking fountain, lake or pond, except at places designated and maintained for such purpose. Notwithstanding the above provision, a blind person may enter buildings, the Arboretum, Japanese Tea Garden and Conservatory Valley with a guide dog.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
No person shall carry, lead, conduct or otherwise bring or allow to remain in any park a domestic cat unless the animal is on leash not exceeding six feet in length or in an animal transport box equipped with vent holes capable of providing the animal with sufficient air.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
No person shall:
(a) Lead, drive, entice, conduct or otherwise bring any horse into any park other than horses attached to vehicles being driven by the person in charge or horses being used for riding purposes;
(b) Ride, drive or conduct a horse in any park except upon designated bridle paths and roadways;
(c) Ride, drive or conduct a horse in a reckless manner;
(d) Let loose or permit a horse to run at large.
Attention is called to Part II, Chapter VIII of the San Francisco Municipal Code (Police Code), pertaining to the regulation of horseback riding in public places.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to feed or offer to any animal in any park any substance which would be likely to be harmful to it.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to feed, or offer food or any substance to any animal in any park which is wild by nature and not customarily domesticated in the City and County of San Francisco. However, the Recreation and Park Commission may authorize the feeding of certain animals or birds in specified areas.
(c) It shall unlawful for any person to feed, or offer food or any substance to any animal in the San Francisco Zoological Gardens without specific authorization from Zoo staff.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81); Ord. 38-10, File No. 091441, App. 2/18/2010)
Except as provided in Article 7, Chapter VIII (Police Code) of the San Francisco Municipal Code, it shall be unlawful for any person, including City and County of San Francisco, its officers, employees or agents, to hunt, chase, shoot, trap, discharge or throw missiles at, harass, disturb, taunt, endanger, capture, injure, or destroy any animal in any park, including the bison paddock, and the San Francisco Zoological Gardens, or to permit any animal in such person's custody or control to do so; provided, however, that any mole or any gopher, mouse, rat or other rodent which is determined by the Superintendent of Parks to be a nuisance may be destroyed by said Superintendent or a designated representative; and provided, further, that any animal other than a mole or a gopher, mouse, rat or other rodent which is determined by said Superintendent to be a nuisance or a hazard to persons using said areas or to be a hazard to plants or other horticulture, may, in a humane manner, be live trapped by said Superintendent and delivered to the Animal Control Officer for disposition pursuant to the provisions of Sections 41.7 through 41.9, inclusive, of Article 1, Chapter V (Health Code) of the San Francisco Municipal Code. The provisions of this Section are intended to prohibit fishing in any park other than fishing in Lake Merced pursuant to a license obtained pursuant to Article 8 of this Code or in any other area designated by Commission resolution as a fishing area.
The provisions of this Section shall not be applicable to the destruction of any animal in any park where such animal poses an immediate and serious threat to persons or property or is suffering excessively.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81; Ord. 38-10, File No. 091441, App. 2/18/2010)
Before any City department or contractor may keep one or more African (Loxodonta africana) or Asian (Elephas maximus) elephant(s) at the SanFrancisco Zoo, the department or contractor must request permission from the City (by resolutions approved by the Recreation and Park Commission and the Board of Supervisors) to keep such elephant(s). In such resolutions the department or contractor must also obtain approval by the Commission and Board of a plan submitted by the department or contractor for Elephant Habitat Standards that includes an area of at least 15 acres, and the department or contractor must agree to complete the Commission and Board approved plan before bringing any elephants to the Zoo. The City department or contractor shall, before requesting such permission:
1. Complete refurbishments to the bear, rhinoceros and hippopotamus housing facilities, these improvements having been identified by the Budget Analyst as a priority in his 2003 Performance Audit of the Zoo; and
2. Complete refurbishments to the grey seal and sea lion exhibits, these improvements having been identified by the Budget Analyst as a priority in his 2003 Performance Audit of the Zoo.
In addition, the City department or contractor shall provide annual updates to the Board of Supervisors and the Recreation and Park Commission on the status of improvement at the Zoo, beginning in November of 2005.
(Added by Ord. 305-04, File No. 041461, App. 12/24/2004)