(a) No person shall bring into or have in his possession within Candlestick Park Stadium, Kezar Stadium or Kezar Pavilion, any canned or bottled beverages or beer tappers, other than any vacuum bottle or other similar reusable container. This provision shall not apply to persons authorized by the Recreation and Park Commission to sell or otherwise make use of canned or bottled beverages within the areas described.
(b) No person shall throw, kick or cause to be thrown or kicked or otherwise placed in motion any ice, liquid, paper, can, bottle, container, cushion or other object within Candlestick Park Stadium, Kezar Stadium or Kezar Pavilion wherein a regularly scheduled athletic contest, exhibition or other special event is being presented.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
(a) Except as provided in Subsection 4.10(b), no person shall consume alcoholic beverages of any kind in any building, children's areas, swimming pool, restroom, or any of the following parks or portions of parks:
Alice Chalmers Playground;
Argonne Park;
Bayview Playground;
Bernal Playground;
Boeddeker Park;
Buchanan Street Mall;
Buena Vista Park;
Cayuga Playground;
Chinese Playground;
Civic Center Plaza;
Crocker Amazon Playground;
Duboce Park;
Eureka Valley Recreation Center;
Excelsior Playground;
the new park to be located on the Francisco Reservoir Site, located between Hyde and Larkin Streets south of Bay Street, and on the 0.96 acre parcel located immediately adjacent to and south of the Francisco Reservoir Site;
Franklin Square;
Fulton Park;
Garfield Square;
Gilman Playground;
The areas of Golden Gate Park consisting of:
The Panhandle (bordered by Fell, Baker, Oak and Stanyan Streets),
Stanyan Meadow Area (bordered by JFK Drive, Stanyan Street, Waller Street and Kezar Drive),
Kezar Stadium Park (bordered by Waller Street, Stanyan Street, Frederick Street, Martin Luther King Junior Drive and Kezar Drive);
Sharon Meadow north to John F. Kennedy, Jr. Drive, east to Kezar Drive, south to Kezar Drive, west to the tennis courts and the lawn bowling area;
Hallidie Plaza;
Hamilton Recreation Center;
Hayes Valley Playground;
Holly Park;
Jefferson Square;
Jose Coronado Playground;
Joseph Conrad Square;
Joseph Lee Recreation Center;
Juri Commons Mini Park;
Kimball Playground;
Lang Field;
Laurel Hill Playground;
Lessing Sears Mini Park;
Margaret Hayward Playground;
McKinley Square;
Merced Heights Playground;
Mission Dolores Park;
Mission Playground and Recreation Center;
North Beach Playground;
Oceanview Playground;
Pine Lake Park;
Pioneer Park;
Portsmouth Square;
Potrero del Sol Park;
St. Mary's Recreation Center;
St. Mary's Square;
Silver Terrace Park;
South Park;
Sunnyside Conservatory;
Transbay Rooftop Park;
Union Square Park;
United Nations Plaza;
Upper Noe Recreation Center;
Washington Square Park;
Wawona Clubhouse;
West Sunset Playground;
Youngblood Coleman.
(b) The General Manager of the Recreation and Park Department or the Recreation and Park Commission may grant permission to consume alcohol in the parks and portions of parks where such activity is prohibited by Subsection (a), above, if the General Manager or the Commission determines that the consumption of alcohol will not interfere with the public's use and enjoyment of the park. However, neither the General Manager nor the Commission may grant permission to consume alcohol in children's play areas.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81; amended by Ord. 370-98, App. 12/18/98; Ord. 238-99, File No. 990682, App. 9/3/99; Ord. 170-00, File No. 000628, App. 7/7/2000; Ord. 228-01, File No. 010589, App. 11/30/2001; Ord. 54-07, File No. 061646, App. 3/23/2007; Ord. 2-08, File No. 070508, App. 1/14/2008; Ord. 144-16
, File No. 160718, App. 7/29/2016, Eff. 8/28/2016; Ord. 56-18, File No. 180087, App. 4/13/2018, Eff. 5/14/2018)
Members of the San Francisco Police Department and Recreation and Park Department Employees, including members of the Park Patrol, are authorized to order persons to stay out of, or to leave, any park, or any facility, building or structure therein, when such officers or employees have reasonable cause to conclude that the person so ordered is under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any drug, or any "controlled substance" as that term is defined and described in the California Health and Safety Code, or any combination of any intoxicating liquor, drug, or controlled substance, and is in such a condition that he or she is unable to exercise care for his or her own safety or the safety of others or interferes with or obstructs or prevents the free use of park property.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
Members of the San Francisco Police Department and Recreation and Park Department employees, including members of the Park Patrol, are authorized to order any person to stay out of or to leave any park, or any facility, building or structure therein, when such officers or employees have reasonable cause to conclude that the person:
(a) Is consuming alcoholic beverages in violation of Section 4.10 of this Code;
(b) Is using any drug or controlled substance, as defined above, or any combination of any intoxicating liquor, drug, or controlled substance;
(c) Is doing any act injurious to any park or any building, structure or facility therein;
(d) While using any athletic facility or area, disobeys any rule or regulation governing such area or facility after being warned not to do so by a Recreation and Park Department employee, including members of the Park Patrol, when the employee has reasonable cause to conclude that such behavior damages or risks damage to park property or interferes with the use and enjoyment of such area or facility by other persons;
(e) Behaves in so noisy, boisterous or rowdy a manner as to disturb spectators or participants at an athletic event; or
(f) Is taking any action in violation of Section 4.01 of this Code.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81; amended by Ord. 79-00, File No. 981556, App. 5/5/2000; Ord. 72-14
, File No. 140261, App. 5/23/2014, Eff. 6/22/2014)
It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to obey the lawful order of a police officer or an employee of the Recreation and Park Department made pursuant to Section 4.14 of this Code.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)