Citizens' Advisory Committee. | |
Planning and Accountability. | |
Capital Implementation Program. | |
Definitions. |
(a) Membership. The Park, Recreation and Open Space Advisory Committee (“Committee”) shall be comprised of 13 voting members. Eleven members shall be appointed by the members of the Board of Supervisors and approved by the full Board, with one member appointed by each Supervisor from their supervisorial district; and each Supervisor shall also appoint from their supervisorial district a specific alternate for the regular voting member, subject to approval by the full Board. The alternates shall not be seated on the Committee, but if a regular voting member is unavailable to attend or unable to vote as a result of recusal, then that regular voting member’s specific alternate shall be seated and shall act in the place of the regular voting member. Alternates are expected to attend and participate in meetings of the Committee. The Mayor shall appoint one member of the Committee. The President of the Board of Supervisors shall appoint one additional member of the Committee, subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors. The Committee members shall all be City residents and shall have relevant experience with park, environmental, recreational, cultural, sports, youth, disability, racial equity, or senior citizen issues. Where a voting seat that is subject to appointment by a Supervisor is vacant for more than 30 days, the Committee shall advise the appointing Supervisor of the vacancy. If the vacancy is not filled within 30 days of transmission of the notice of vacancy to the appointing Supervisor, the President shall appoint a member to the vacant seat, subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors, and shall become the member’s appointing authority for the remainder of the member’s term, at the end of which the authority to appoint a member to the seat shall revert back to the appointing Supervisor.
(b) Terms. The Committee members shall serve at the pleasure of their appointing authority for terms of two years.
(c) Transition Period. Prior to September 1, 2023, the Committee shall adopt a transition roster that identifies which of the current Board-appointed members shall serve as regular voting members versus as alternates. Where there are already two members appointed by the same Supervisor, those members shall attempt to reach agreement as to which of them shall be the regular voting member and which of them shall be the alternate, before September 1, 2023, subject to approval of the Committee; but if they do not agree, then the Committee may designate their assignments by lot. The Committee’s adoption of a transition roster shall not impact the authority of the Mayor or Board of Supervisors to fill vacancies or reassign which members serve as regular voting members and alternates. The term of the Presidential appointee shall begin on September 1, 2023.
(d) Duties. The Committee shall have the following duties:
(1) The Committee shall submit written comments to the Department on its proposed Strategic, Capital and Operational Plans, and all updates to such plans. The Committee shall submit comments on each such plan within 30 days after the plan is delivered to the Committee.
(2) The Committee shall assist the Department in conducting at least two public hearings on evenings or on weekends to permit the public to comment on the Department’s full budget and programming allocations prior to adoption by the Commission.
(3) Members of the Committee appointed from supervisorial districts shall serve as liaisons between the Commission and the residents, neighborhood groups and organizations dedicated to park and recreational issues in their districts. Members may also serve as liaisons to the public at large and to citywide organizations that are concerned with park and recreational issues, and may assist the Department to arrange meetings with neighborhood groups, citywide organizations and the public at large to discuss such issues.
(4) The Committee shall select a representative of the Committee to make the Committee’s quarterly report to the Commission on all significant park and recreational issues that have come to the attention of the Committee or its members.
(5) The Committee shall hold meetings at least once a month in City Hall and shall adopt its own rules of procedure.
(6) In addition to the duties described in Charter Section 16.107 and set forth below, the Committee shall have such duties as maybe fixed by the Commission or the Board of Supervisors.
(a) Strategic Plan. By December 1, 2000, with input from the Committee, the Department shall prepare, for Commission consideration and approval, a five-year Strategic Plan, to be updated annually, that establishes or reaffirms the mission, vision, goals and objectives for the Department. The Department shall consider using an independent planning consultant to assist with preparation of the Strategic Plan.
(b) Capital Plan. By December 1, 2000, with input from the Committee, the Department shall prepare, for Commission consideration and approval, a five-year Capital Plan, to be updated annually, for the development, renovation, replacement and maintenance of capital assets, and the acquisition of real property. In its Capital Plan the Department shall propose specific properties to be acquired for open space, recreation facilities, significant natural areas, and other recreational purposes and shall prioritize capital and maintenance improvements and provide budgets associated with such improvements. In identifying properties for acquisition under the Capital Plan the Department shall consider, among other things, the following criteria, in this order:
(1) Acquisition of open space, facilities and other real property in neighborhoods designated as "high need areas" in the "Recreation and Open Space Element" of the City's General Plan;
(2) Acquisition of open space, facilities and other real property in neighborhoods that are experiencing a significant increase in residential population and that have few open space or recreational resources; and
(3) Acquisition of significant natural areas that are not otherwise protected from degradation or development. Commencing on July 1, 2000, the Department shall make a monthly report to the Commission on the status of all capital projects.
(c) Operational Plan. By December 1, 2001, with input from the Committee, the Department shall prepare, for Commission consideration and approval, a five-year Operational Plan, to be updated annually, detailing proposed improvements to the Department's services and responsiveness to customer needs. The annual Operational Plan will serve as a tool for improving the operational efficiency of the Department and will include measurable performance standards for the Department. In developing its performance standards the Department shall consider, among other matters, the following issues:
(1) Public safety, which shall include the reduction of environmental and other hazards, safe equipment operations and safe pesticide use;
(2) Detailed maintenance work plans for each facility, including preventative maintenance;
(3) Arboreal maintenance and reforestation of all parks;
(4) Facility and landscape cleanliness, including timely graffiti removal;
(5) Availability and cleanliness of restrooms; and
(6) Maintenance of park and facility signage, furniture and amenities.
(d) Environmental and Design Guidelines. The Commission shall adopt written environmental and design guidelines for new facilities, parks, and open spaces and the renovation or rehabilitation of existing facilities, parks, and open spaces. In developing its guidelines, the Commission shall consider measures that will accomplish the following goals, among others:
(1) Maximizing the visual appeal and natural values of the landscape as appropriate;
(2) Utilizing low-maintenance, long-lived, water-conserving plant materials where possible without compromising the aesthetic values of sound landscape design and public preferences;
(3) Encouraging the use of ecologically-appropriate landscape materials to expand and enhance habitat for wildlife;
(4) Providing consistent, attractive and durable furniture, signage, and park amenities; and
(5) Incorporating environmentally-efficient building design materials, operation, and maintenance for all new construction and buildings renovation.
(Added by Ord. 118-00, File No. 000478, App. 6/2/2000)
(a) Preparation of the Program. Annually and prior to the submission of their fiscal year budgets, the Department of Public Works ("DPW") and the Recreation and Park Department ("Department") will convene a committee ("Capital Implementation Committee") to prepare and/or revise a written, Capital Implementation Program. The Capital Implementation Committee, which will include a representative of the Open Space Advisory Committee, will determine the best method of project delivery for capital projects and the roles and responsibilities of each department and its staff. To make that determination, the Capital Implementation Committee will consider the following factors, among others:
(1) The Department's Strategic Plan and the scope, schedule and cost of projects included in the Department's Capital Plan;
(2) The staffing levels in each department, the workload of staff in each department, and the ability of that staff to ensure that long-term projects are fully constructed within five years of the budget allocation for design and construction and that all other projects are fully constructed within three years of such allocation;
(3) The work or projects to be performed in-house by each department's maintenance or repair staff;
(4) The availability of other resources, including, but not limited to, existing as-needed professional service or construction contracts; and
(5) Any project or group of projects that would be best delivered by contracting with consultants or contractors in accordance with City contracting requirements and policies.
(b) Modifications to the Program. DPW shall consult with the Department quarterly to review the operation of the Capital Implementation Program and to recommend to the Commission any necessary modifications or adjustments to the Program.
(Added by Ord. 118-00, File No. 000478, App. 6/2/2000)