(a) Material From Hospitals, Shoddy, Etc., to be Sterilized. No person or corporation, by himself or by his agents, servants or employees, shall employ or use in the making, remaking or renovating of any mattress, any material of any kind that has been used in, or has formed a part of, any mattress used in or about any public or private hospital, or institution for the treatment of persons suffering from disease or for or about any person having any infectious or contagious disease; any material known as "shoddy" and made in whole or in part from old or worn clothing, carpets or other fabric or material previously used, or any other fabric or material from which shoddy is constructed; and material not otherwise prohibited of which prior use has been made; unless any and all of said material has been thoroughly sterilized and disinfected by a reasonable process, approved by the Department of Public Health of the City and County of San Francisco.
(b) Used or Second-Hand Mattress-Disinfection Tag Required. No person or corporation by himself or by his agents, servants or employees, shall cause to be renovated, or remade, or buy, sell, offer for sale, or have in his possession with intent to sell, any renovated, or remade, or used or secondhand mattress unless the same has been sterilized and has thereto attached a muslin or linen tag not smaller than three inches square, securely sewed to the covering thereof with a statement in the English language setting forth the following facts in type not smaller than 20 point:
"This is a (renovated) (used) mattress and has been sterilized with ____________ (material used) on (day) ____________ (month) ____________ (year) ____________ by (firm's name) ____________ Department of Public Health Certificate No. ____________."
(c) Prohibition. No person or corporation by himself or by his agents, servants or employees, shall sell, offer to sell, deliver or consign, or have in his possession with intent to sell, deliver or consign any mattress made, remade or renovated in violation of subsections ((a) and (b) of this section.
(d) Material, Etc., Tag Required. No person or corporation, by himself or his agents, servants or employees, shall, directly or indirectly, at wholesale or retail, or by public auction, or otherwise, sell, offer for sale, deliver or consign or auction, or have in his possession with intent to sell, deliver or consign, any mattress that shall not have plainly and indelibly stamped or printed thereon, or upon a muslin or linen tag not smaller than three inches square securely sewed to the covering thereof, a statement in the English language setting forth the kind or kinds of materials used in filling the said mattress, and whether the same are in whole or in part, new or old, or second-hand or shoddy, and the name and address of the manufacturer or vendor thereof, or both together with the tag required in subsection (b) of Section 675.
(e) Regulating Sale in Bulk by Junk Dealers or Others. It shall be unlawful for junk dealers or any person or corporation by himself or his agents, servants or employees, to sell or offer for sale, deliver or consign, or have in his possession with intent to sell, deliver or consign, any material which has been previously used or formed a part of any mattress unless the same has been sterilized in a manner satisfactory to the Department of Public Health.
(1) Use of Terms. Whenever the word "felt" as applied to cotton is used in the said statement concerning any mattress it shall be designated in said statement whether said felt is "felted cotton" or "felted linters."
It shall be unlawful to use in the said statement concerning any mattress the word "floss" or words of like import, if there has been used in filling said mattress any materials which are not termed as "Kapok."
It shall be unlawful to use in said statement concerning any mattress the Word "hair" unless said mattress is entirely manufactured of animals' hair.
It shall be unlawful to use in the description in the said statement any misleading term or designation, or term or designation likely to mislead.
(2) Materials Used. Any mattress made from more than one new material shall have stamped upon the tab attached thereto the percentage of each material so used.
Any mattress made from any material of which prior use has been made shall have stamped or printed upon the tag attached thereto in type not smaller than 20 point the words "second-hand material."
Any mattress made from material known as "shoddy" shall have stamped or printed upon the tag attached thereto in type not smaller than 20 point the words "shoddy material."
(3) Form of Statement. The statement required under Section 675 of this Article shall be in the following form:
"Materials Used in Filing
Vendor ________________________
Address " ________________________
(4) Removal, Etc., of Tags. Any person who shall remove, deface, alter, or in any manner attempt the same, or shall cause to be removed, defaced, or altered, any mark or statement placed upon any mattress under the provisions of this Section and Section 676 of this Article shall be guilty of a violation of said sections.