Not later than April 1, the Director shall report to the Controller the revenues generated by the fees for the prior fiscal year and the prior fiscal year's costs of operation, as well as any other information that the Controller determines appropriate to the performance of the duties set forth in this Section.
Not later than May 15, the Controller shall determine whether the current fees have produced or are projected to produce revenues sufficient to support the costs of providing the services for which the fee is assessed and that the fees will not produce revenue which is significantly more than the costs of providing the services for which the fee is assessed.
The Controller shall, if necessary, adjust the fees upward or downward for the upcoming fiscal year as appropriate to ensure that the program recovers the costs of operation without producing revenue which is significantly more than such costs. The adjusted rates shall become operative on July 1.
(Ord. 159-08, File No. 080748, App. 7/30/2008)
The prevailing party in any action, including but not limited to administrative proceeding, court case, or special proceeding, to abate a nuisance shall recover attorneys' fees if the Director elects, at the initiation of the action, to seek recovery of attorneys' fees and provides notice of such intention to the Responsible Party. In no action shall an award of attorneys' fees to a prevailing party exceed the amount of reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the City.
(Added by Ord. 299-10, File No. 101062, App. 12/3/2010)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of manufacturing illuminating gas to cause or permit any gas, tar, or refuse to be deposited in any public waters or sewer, or public street or place; or to permit any gas, dangerous or prejudicial to health, to escape from any gas works or pipes; or to manufacture illuminating gas of such ingredients or quality that in the process of burning such gas or anything escaping therefrom shall be dangerous or prejudicial to life or health.
Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the manufacture of illuminating gas must use the most approved methods to prevent the escape of odors.