Exception: Permits for permitted activities occurring on Port of San Francisco property are administered separately.
The following San Francisco Fire Code section replaces the corresponding California Fire Code section:
An operational permit is required for hot work including, but not limited to:
1. Public exhibitions and demonstrations where hot work is conducted.
2. Use of portable hot work equipment inside a structure.
Exception: Work that is conducted under a construction permit.
3. Fixed-site hot work equipment such as welding booths.
4. Hot work conducted within a wildfire risk area.
5. Application of roof coverings and any other associated work while roofing or waterproofing the exterior surfaces of a building with the use of an open-flame device.
6. When approved, the fire code official shall issue a permit to carry out a hot work program. This program allows approved personnel to regulate their facility’s hot work operations. The approved personnel shall be trained in the fire safety aspects denoted in this chapter and shall be responsible for issuing permits requiring compliance with the requirements found in Chapter 35. These permits shall be issued only to their employees for hot work operations under their supervision.
The following San Francisco Fire Code section replaces the corresponding International Fire Code section:
An operational permit is required for storage and use of LP-gas.
Exception: A permit is not required to use one LP-fueled cooking device per building or to store one additional cylinder with a 20 lb. (9.1 kg) aggregate water capacity outside of the building of residential occupancies. See Section 308.1.4 for additional requirements.
The following San Francisco Fire Code section replaces the corresponding International Fire Code section:
An operational permit is required to conduct an outdoor assembly event where planned attendance meets either of the following:
1. The event is enclosed by a temporary or permanent fence, barricade, or similar enclosure and exceeds 500 persons.
2. The event exceeds 1000 persons in any outdoor area.