For the purposes of this Chapter 14, the following words have the following meanings:
“Alternative Daily Cover” or “ADC” shall mean materials, other than soil, that have been approved by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (“CalRecycle”), or a successor agency for use as an overlay on an exposed landfill face.
“Beneficial Reuse” shall mean the reuse at a landfill of material for the following purposes: ADC; alternative intermediate cover; final cover foundation layer; liner operations layer; leachate and landfill gas collection system; construction fill; road base; wet weather operations pads and access roads; and, soil amendments for erosion control and landscaping. “Beneficial Reuse” shall not include Disposal of material at a landfill.
“Bio-mass Conversion” shall mean the controlled combustion, when separated from other solid waste and used for producing electricity or heat, of wood, woodchips, woodwaste, tree and brush prunings. Bio-mass conversion does not include the controlled combustion of recyclable pulp or recyclable paper materials, sludge, medical or hazardous waste.
“C&D Debris Box” shall mean a portable, non-vehicular container, including but not limited to a roll-off dumpster, that is used for collection of Construction and Demolition Debris from site of generation, and for loading onto a Vehicle for Transport through the streets of San Francisco.
“Construction and Demolition Debris” or “C&D Debris” shall mean building materials and solid waste generated from construction and demolition activities in San Francisco, including, but not limited to, fully-cured asphalt, concrete, brick, rock, soil, lumber, gypsum wallboard, cardboard and other associated packaging, roofing material, ceramic tile, carpeting, fixtures, plastic pipe, metals, tree stumps, and other vegetative matter resulting from land clearing and landscaping for construction, deconstruction, demolition or land developments. This term does not include; refuse regulated under the 1932 Refuse Collection and Disposal Initiative Ordinance or sections of the Municipal Code that implement the provisions of that ordinance; materials excavated from the public right-of-way; or, unless otherwise specified in Section 1402(b), materials source separated for reuse or recycling. Hazardous waste, as defined in California Health and Safety Code sections 25100 et seq., as amended from time to time, is not Construction and Demolition Debris for purposes of this Chapter.
“Department” shall mean the San Francisco Department of the Environment.
“Director” shall mean the Director of the Department of the Environment or the Director’s designee.
“Disposal” shall have the meaning set forth in California Public Resources Code Section 40192(b), as amended from time to time.
“Facility” shall mean a facility, including a Person responsible therefor, that receives and processes Construction and Demolition Debris into its component material types for Reuse, Recycling, and Disposal of residuals.
“Fixed Body Vehicle” shall mean a Vehicle used to collect, contain, and Transport C&D Debris that does not rely on a C&D Debris Box, trailer, or any other detachable container.
“Gross Vehicle Weight” or “GVW” shall mean the maximum operating weight of a vehicle as specified by the manufacturer including the vehicle’s chassis, body, engine, engine fluids, fuel, accessories, driver, passengers, and cargo. Gross Vehicle Weight is identified in Section 13.020 of the California DMV Vehicle Industry Registration Procedures Manual “Chapter 13: Commercial Vehicles,” as Declared GVW or Declared CGW, wherein CGW is the combined gross weight of a motor vehicle and trailer. Section 13.020 provides for vehicle weight codes A through N, starting at 10,000 up to 80,000 pounds of GVW or CGW, that must appear on a California commercial vehicle registration.
“Hazardous Material” shall mean any material defined as hazardous in California Health and Safety Code Sections 25100 et seq., as amended from time to time, and 25500 et seq., as amended from time to time.
“Landfill” shall mean a facility that (a) accepts for Disposal, in or on land, waste that is not Hazardous Material, such as household, commercial, and industrial waste, and waste generated during construction, remodeling, repair, and demolition operations, and (b) has a valid current solid waste facilities permit from CalRecycle.
“Person” shall mean a natural person, a firm, joint stock company, business concern, association, partnership or corporation, or governmental entity, including the City and County of San Francisco and its departments, boards, and commissions for projects within the geographic boundaries of the City, and its or their successors or assigns.
“Processed Residual” shall mean the remaining byproduct material after a Facility lawfully registered under this Chapter has sorted or processed C&D Debris and completed removal of material for Recovery. Processed Residual may include unrecoverable C&D Debris.
“Recover” or “Recovery” shall mean any activity, including source reduction, deconstruction and salvaging, reuse, recycling, composting, or anaerobic digestion, which causes materials to be recovered for use as a resource and diverted from disposal. Recovery shall not include engineered municipal solid waste conversion as defined in Section 40131.2, or transformation as defined in Section 40201, of the California Public Resources Code, as amended from time to time.
“Recovery Rate” shall mean the percentage of total material that is diverted or recovered from Disposal at permitted landfills and transformation facilities through processes such as source reduction, reuse, Recycling, and composting.
“Recycle” or “Recycling” means the process of collecting, sorting, cleansing, treating, and reconstituting materials that would otherwise become solid waste, and returning them to the economic mainstream in the form of raw material for new, reused, or reconstituted products which meet the quality standards necessary for use in the marketplace. Recycling shall not include transformation, as defined in Section 40201, or engineered municipal solid waste conversion as defined in Section 40131.2, or transformation as defined in Section 40201, of the California Public Resources Code, as amended from time to time, nor shall it include Disposal.
“Registered Facility” shall mean a person who holds a valid registration issued by the Director pursuant to this Chapter.
“Reuse” shall mean the use of an object or material again, either for its original purpose or for a similar purpose, without significantly altering the physical form of the object or material.
“Solid Waste Facility” shall have the meaning set forth in California Public Resources Code Section 40194 as amended from time to time.
“Source Reduction” shall mean any action which causes a net reduction in the generation of solid waste. Source reduction includes, but is not limited to, reducing the use of non-recyclable materials, replacing disposable materials and products with reusable materials and products, reducing packaging, reducing the amount of yard wastes generated, and increasing the efficiency of the use of paper, cardboard, glass, metal, plastic, and other materials.
“Source-Separate” or “Source-Separation” shall mean the act of separating materials by type at the point of generation for Reuse, Recycling, or composting for delivery to markets, in order to be transformed into raw material for new, reused, or reconstituted products.
“Trailer” shall mean a nonmotorized, wheeled container, such as an end dump, super dump, or transfer trailer, that is used for collection and towing by Vehicle for Transport of Construction and Demolition Debris through the streets of the City and County of San Francisco. “Trailer” shall not include a C&D Debris Box.
“Transport” or “Transportation” shall mean transportation of Construction and Demolition Debris as defined in the Chapter, through the streets of San Francisco. “Transport” or “Transportation” does not include transportation of Source-Separated material, soil designated for Beneficial Reuse, or of Processed Residual, or transportation of less than one cubic yard of C&D Debris.
“Transporter” shall mean a Person in the business of Transports1
as defined in this Chapter, including his or her agents and designees. “Transporter” does not include a Person who owns or resides at the property at which the Construction and Demolition Debris was generated, a City department, or an entity performing activities approved and funded through the City’s refuse rate-setting process.
“Vehicle” shall mean a motorized vehicle used to Transport Construction and Demolition Debris as those terms are defined in this Chapter, including but not limited to Fixed-Body Vehicles, roll-off Vehicles, and Vehicles towing Trailers.
(Added by Ord. 27-06, File No. 051142, App. 2/16/2006; amended by Ord. 144-21, File No. 201151, App. 9/24/2021, Eff. 10/25/2021, Oper. 1/1/2022)