The amendments of Section 4.121 and of provisions of this Appendix D, adopted at the June 7, 2022 election, shall become operative on July 1, 2023; provided, however, that the new process for nominating and confirming members to the Building Inspection Commission, along with the change in qualifications for members accompanying that new process, as specified in Section 4.121 as amended, shall commence sufficiently in advance of July 1, 2023 such that members may be appointed under the new process and be prepared to assume office on that date.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 6/7/2022)
(Former Sec. D3.750 deleted by Proposition B, Approved 6/7/2022)
The terms of office of all members of the Commission who hold office as of July 1, 2023 shall expire at noon on that date, at which time the terms of office for members of the Commission appointed pursuant to the new process for nominating and confirming members as referenced in Section D3.750 shall commence. In order to stagger the terms, three members (appointees to Seats 3 and 4, as designated by the Mayor when nominated; and the appointee to Seat 7, as designated by the President of the Board of Supervisors when nominated) shall initially serve one-year terms, and four members (appointees to Seats 1 and 2, as designated by the Mayor when nominated; and appointees to Seats 5 and 6, as designated by the President of the Board of Supervisors when nominated) shall initially serve two-year terms. All subsequent terms of office for all members of the Commission shall be two years.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 6/7/2022)
(Former Sec. D3.750-1 deleted by Proposition B, Approved 6/7/2022)
The Director of Building Inspection shall be the department head and appointing officer of the Department of Building Inspection and shall be qualified by either technical training or administrative experience in the enforcement of building and other construction codes. The Director shall serve as the building official of the City and County.
The Director shall not serve as an officer or member of any standing or ad hoc committee of any building industry or code development or enforcement organization or public agency other than the City and County of San Francisco without the prior approval of the Commission.
(Amended by Proposition B, Approved 6/7/2022)
The Commission shall have the sole authority to contract for the publication of the San Francisco Housing, Building, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Codes, and any amendments thereto. Other provisions of this Charter and the Administrative Code notwithstanding, the selection of a publisher shall be based on the lowest retail cost to the public of a complete set of these codes.
(Redesignated and amended by Proposition B, Approved 6/7/2022)
(Former Sec. D3.750-3 deleted by Proposition B, Approved 6/7/2022)
The Director shall submit a proposed department budget for each upcoming fiscal year for approval by the Commission. The proposed budget shall be compiled in such detail as shall be required on uniform blanks furnished by the controller. The Commission must hold at least two public hearings on the respective budget proposal.
The final budget for the Department of Building Inspection must be approved by a favorable vote of at least five commissioners.
(Redesignated and amended by Proposition B, Approved 6/7/2022)
(Former Sec. D3.750-4 deleted by Proposition B, Approved 6/7/2022)
The technical boards and advisory committees established in the Building Code by ordinance of the Board of Supervisors shall continue in existence as boards and committees within the Department of Building Inspection. Members of the boards and committees shall be appointed by the commission. Incumbents legally appointed to these respective bodies prior to the commission’s assumption of management of the department shall serve at the pleasure of the commission.
(Redesignated by Proposition B, Approved 6/7/2022)
(Former Sec. D3.750-5 redesignated as Sec. D3.750-3 by Proposition B, Approved 6/7/2022)
If any provision of this section, or its application to any person or circumstance, shall be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this section and its applications shall not be affected; every provision of this section is intended to be severable.
The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to recodify this amendment as may be necessary.
(Redesignated by Proposition B, Approved 6/7/2022)
(Former Sec. D3.750-6 redesignated as Sec. D3.750-4 by Proposition B, Approved 6/7/2022)