All employees of the port authority who, at the time the transfer provided for herein shall go into effect, are members of the Public Employees' Retirement System of the State of California shall continue to be members of said Public Employees' Retirement System, with all the rights, privileges and benefits of said system and they shall not be members of the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System; and, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Charter, the City and County shall perform all acts necessary to continue the membership of such employees in said Public Employees' Retirement System.
All employees of the port authority who, at the time the transfer provided for herein shall go into effect, are covered under the provisions of a retirement program other than the Public Employees' Retirement System of the State of California shall thereafter continue to be covered under such retirement program and they shall not be members of the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System; and, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Charter, the City and County shall perform all acts necessary to continue the coverage of such employees under such retirement program.
Persons who, after the transfer provided for herein has gone into effect, become employees of the City and County in positions related to the operation of the State Belt Railroad and who become covered under the provisions of the Railroad Retirement Act by virtue of their employment in such positions shall not be members of the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System.
In the matter of the control and operation of the harbor and of the facilities and equipment thereof, including the matter of budgets and appropriations, the Port Commission shall be subject to the budgetary and fiscal procedure elsewhere provided for in this Charter.
The City Attorney shall be the legal advisor of the Commission, and may, with the approval of the Commission, compromise, settle or dismiss any litigation or legal proceeding, pending for or on behalf of the Commission relative to any matter under its jurisdiction, and said Commission may with the consent of the Mayor and the approval of the City Attorney appoint special counsel.
The revenues of the harbor and of all properties and facilities incident thereto, or used in connection therewith, shall be deposited in a separate fund in the treasury of the City and County; and a harbor trust fund or trust funds shall be established by the City and County; and the City and County shall deposit in the fund or funds all monies received attributable to facilities on the transferred lands in the harbor.
Subject to the terms and conditions of Statute 1968, ch. 1333, appropriations from such funds shall be made for the following purposes and in the order named, viz:
(a) for the payment of maintenance and operating expenses, pension charges and proportionate payments to such compensation and other insurance and accident reserve funds as the Commission may established the Board of Supervisors may require;
(b) for the payment of principal, interest, reserve funds, sinking funds, and other funds established for the benefit of any forms of indebtedness issued or undertaken by or on behalf of the Commission for any purpose authorized under this Charter, including, but not limited to, revenue bonds, general obligation bonds, infrastructure financing district bonds, certificates of participation, lease revenue bonds, commercial paper, variable rate demand notes, auction rate securities, bond anticipation notes and other evidences of indebtedness:
(c) for capital improvements to, and reconstruction and replacement of, the properties, equipment and facilities of the harbor , and
(d) to establish a reserve, surplus or sinking fund for harbor operations, capital improvements, reconstruction, and replacement of equipment or facilities used in connection thereto as the Commission may establish.
In the event of a conflict between any trust indenture or other instrument securing or evidencing indebtedness outstanding as of January 1, 2009 and authorized in this Charter and the priorities set forth in this Section B6.406, the priorities of the debt instrument will control.
(Amended by Proposition D, 11/4/2008)
The Port Commission shall have the exclusive power to perform or accomplish the issuance of revenue bonds in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided for by the San Francisco Harbor Revenue Bond Act of 1951, enacted by Stats. 1951, Chapter 1712, page 4020, of the Statutes of California and codified as Sections 3300 to 3369 of the Harbors and Navigation Code of the State of California, except that the provisions of said Act codified as Section 3338 of the said Harbors and Navigation Code shall not be applicable to these bonds and the bonds shall instead be governed by the following provision:
The San Francisco Port Commission may fix terms and conditions for the sale or other disposition of any authorized issue of bonds and may provide that the bonds may be sold on the basis of the lowest net interest cost to the San Francisco Port Commission, the coupon rates to be fixed by the successful bidder on the sale of the bonds. The San Francisco Port Commission may authorize the City Treasurer to sell bonds at less than their par or face value, but no bond may be sold at a price below 95 percent of the principal amount of the bond and accrued interest thereon. The said San Francisco Port Commission may set the annual rate or rates of interest which the bonds to be issued shall bear, which rate or rates, at the discretion of the said Commission, may be determined by the bidder at the time of sale of said bonds. Such interest may be payable at such periods as may be fixed by the Commission.
All of the other provisions of said Act are by this reference incorporated in and made a part of this Charter, except that where the term "Board of State Harbor Commissioners" is used it shall be deemed to mean the "Port Commission," and where the term "San Francisco Harbor" is used it shall be deemed to mean all the property under the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Port Commission, and where the term "San Francisco Harbor Bond Finance Board" or "Bond Finance Board" is used it shall be deemed to mean "Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco," and where the term "Attorney General of the State of California" is used it shall be deemed to mean "City Attorney," and where the term "State Treasurer" is used it shall be deemed to mean "City Treasurer," and where the term "State Controller" is used it shall be deemed to mean "City Controller." The revenue bonds issued hereunder shall be known as "Revenue Bonds of the Port Commission of San Francisco."