Except as provided below, no City employee or officer, other than the Director of Elections, an appointee of the Director of Elections or a member of the Elections Commission, may in any capacity perform any function relating to the conduct of an election that this Charter places under the Department of Elections. This section prohibits City personnel from providing to the Department of Elections services that are unique to that department. This section does not prohibit City personnel from providing to the Department of Elections ordinary services that are unrelated to the conduct of an election and that are indistinguishable from services performed for other City departments. These general support services include, but are not limited to, services relating to human resources, personnel processing, payroll, workers compensation, budgeting, accounting, procurement, contracting, and the maintenance of telephone and voice mail systems. The Elections Commission may, upon the recommendation of the Director of Elections request from the Board of Supervisors a waiver of this prohibition so as to allow City employees and officers to assist the Department of Elections. The Board of Supervisors shall approve or deny such requests from the Elections Commission by motion.
The City Attorney shall serve as legal counsel to the Elections Commission and the Department of Elections. The Commission may, by a majority vote of its members. hire outside legal counsel to advise the Commission and the Department on matters that directly involve the election or campaign of the City Attorney, if the City Attorney is standing for election. All outside legal counsel hired pursuant to this Section shall be a member in good standing of the California State Bar. In selecting outside legal counsel, the Commission shall give preference to engaging the services of a City attorney's office, a County counsel's office or other public entity law office with an expertise regarding the subject-matter jurisdiction of the Elections Commission. In the event that the Commission concludes that private counsel is necessary, it may, by a majority vote, engage the services of a private attorney who has at least five years' experience in the subject-matter jurisdiction of the Elections Commission. Any private counsel retained pursuant to this Section shall be subject to the conflict of interest provisions of Section 13.103.5. Any contract for outside legal counsel authorized by this section shall be paid for by the Commission and shall be subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of this charter.
The Sheriff shall be responsible for transporting all voted ballots and all other documents or devices used to record votes from the polls to the central counting location and approving a security plan for the ballots until the certification of election results. This requirement shall not become operative following its adoption until the Sheriff has completed meeting and conferring required by state law. The Elections Commission shall send a copy of the approved transportation and security plan to the Board of Supervisors.
The Director of Elections shall develop and submit for the approval of the Elections Commission an alternative transportation and security plan if an incumbent sheriff is running for election or if there is a measure on the San Francisco ballot that would have a material, financial effect on the Sheriff or the uniformed personnel of the Sheriff's department as determined by the Ethics Commission. The Director of Elections shall invite the Secretary of State to comment on any alternative transportation and security plan. The Elections Commission shall send a copy of the approved alternative transportation and security plan to the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall have the authority to enter into any contracts or take whatever actions are necessary to meet the alternative security requirements of this section.
(Added November 2001; amended November 2002)
The Board of Supervisors shall, by ordinance, provide for the format of a voters' pamphlet including a sample ballot, candidates' statements, lists of sponsors, arguments for and against each ballot measure, any financial impact statements prepared by the Controller, and arguments for and against the recall of any officers. The voters' pamphlet shall be mailed to each elector so as to be received at least ten days prior to each general, runoff or special municipal election.
After the closing of the polls, each precinct board shall cause to be posted outside of each polling place an accounting that includes the number of ballots delivered to that precinct board and the number of voted ballots, unused ballots, spoiled ballots, cancelled ballots, absentee ballots and provisional ballots returned to the Department of Elections by the precinct board at any time on election day. After the closing of the polls, each precinct board shall also post outside each polling place any computer record indicating the number of ballots cast for each candidate and for or against each ballot measure.
(Added November 2001)
The canvass of votes cast, and certification of elections shall be as prescribed by law. If a person elected fails to qualify or for any reason does not take office, the office shall be filled in the manner prescribed by state law for the filling of a vacancy in such office.
The amount of fees to be charged for candidate filings, candidate statements, paid arguments and any other fees to be collected in the conduct of elections shall be proposed by the Director of Elections for approval by the Board of Supervisors on or before the second Monday in December immediately prior to the election in which the fees apply.
Signatures of registered voters in the City and County may be submitted in lieu of any filing fee. At the same time the Board of Supervisors approves the schedule of fees for the election, the Director of Elections, with the approval of the Board of Supervisors, shall establish the dollar value equivalent of each valid signature submitted.
(a) The members of the board of supervisors shall be elected by district as set forth in this section.
(b) The City and County shall be divided into 11 supervisorial districts as set forth in this section. Beginning with the general municipal election in 2000, and until new districts are established pursuant to this section, these districts shall be used for the election or recall of the members of the board of supervisors, and for filling any vacancy in the office of member of the board of supervisors by appointment. Once new districts are established, those districts shall be used for the same purposes. No change in the boundary or location of any district shall operate to abolish or terminate the term of office of any member of the board of supervisors prior to the expiration of the term of office for which such member was elected or appointed.
(c) [See editor's note following the concluding paragraph (f) of this section.]
(d) Within 60 days following publication of the decennial federal census in the year 2000 and every decennial federal census after that, the Director of Elections shall report to the Board of Supervisors on whether the existing districts continue to meet the requirements of federal and state law and the criteria for drawing districts lines set in the Charter.
The criteria for drawing districts lines are:
Districts must conform to all legal requirements, including the requirement that they be equal in population. Population variations between districts should be limited to 1 percent from the statistical mean unless additional variations, limited to 5 percent of the statistical mean, are necessary to prevent dividing or diluting the voting power of minorities and/or to keep recognized neighborhoods intact; provided, however, that the redistricting provided for herein shall conform to the rule of one person, one vote, and shall reflect communities of interest within the City and County. Census data, at the census block level, as released by the United States Census Bureau, statistically adjusted by the Bureau to correct the unadjusted census counts for any measured undercount or overcount of any subset of the population according to the bureau's Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation or other sampling method, shall be used in any analysis of population requirements and application of the rule of one person one vote. In the event such adjusted census data, at the census block level, are not released by the Bureau, population data, at the census block level, adjusted by the California Department of Finance for any measured undercount or overcount maybe used.
If it is determined that the districts are in compliance with all legal requirements, including the requirement that they be equal in population, the current districts as drawn will be valid for the next decade. If it is determined that any of the districts are not in compliance, the Board of Supervisors by ordinance shall convene and fund a nine-member elections task force. Three members shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors, three members shall be appointed by the Mayor, and three members shall be appointed by the Director of Elections unless an Elections Commission is created in which case the appointments designated to the Director of Elections shall be made by the Elections Commission. Task Force shall be appointed by January 8, 2002 and following the publication of each decennial federal census thereafter, shall be appointed within sixty days after issuance of a report by the Director of Elections to the Board of Supervisors that the districts are not in compliance, pursuant to this subsection.
Members of the Task Force previously appointed by the Director of Elections shall serve on the Task Force until the Elections Commission, if established, appoints three members to the Task Force, whereupon the terms of the members appointed by the Director of Elections shall expire.
The Director of Elections shall serve ex officio as a non-voting member. The task force shall be responsible for redrawing the district lines in accordance with the law and the criteria established in this Section, and shall make such adjustments as appropriate based on public input at public hearings.
The Task Force shall complete redrawing district lines before the fifteenth day of April of the year in which the first election using the redrawn lines will be conducted. The Board of Supervisors may not revise the district boundaries established by the Task Force.
If the Task Force determines that the adjusted population data to which this subsection refers are not available a sufficient period of time before the fifteenth day of April in order to use the adjusted population data in redrawing the district lines for the following supervisorial election, and the adjusted population data demonstrate more than a five percent variance from the figures used in redrawing the district lines for the [sic] that supervisorial election, the Task Force shall by the fifteenth day of April immediately preceding the next supervisorial election redraw the district lines for that supervisorial election in accordance with the provisions of this section. The procedures for redrawing supervisorial lines following the publication of every subsequent decennial federal census shall follow the procedures established by this Section.
The City Attorney shall remove the description of district lines found in this subsection from the Charter after the Elections Task Force has completed redrawing the district lines as set forth above. Following each redrawing of the district lines thereafter, the City Attorney shall cause the redrawn district lines to be published in an appendix to this Charter.
(e) Each member of the board of supervisors, commencing with the general municipal election in November, 2000, shall be elected by the electors within a supervisorial district, and must have resided in the district in which he or she is elected for a period of not less than 30 days immediately preceding the date he or she files a declaration of candidacy for the office of supervisor, and must continue to reside therein during his or her incumbency, and upon ceasing to be such resident shall be removed from office.
(f) Notwithstanding any provisions of this section or any other section of the charter to the contrary, the respective terms of office of the members of the board of supervisors who shall hold office on the eighth day of January, 2001, shall expire at 12 o'clock noon on said date and the 11 persons elected as members of the board of supervisors at the general election in 2000 shall succeed to said offices on said eighth day of January, 2001. At that time, the clerk of the board of supervisors shall determine by lot whether the supervisors elected from the even- or odd-numbered supervisorial districts at the general municipal election in 2000 shall have terms of office expiring at noon on the eighth day of January, 2003, and which shall have terms of office expiring at noon on the eighth day of January, 2005; commencing, however, with the general municipal election in November, 2002, the terms of office of the supervisors elected from the even- or odd-numbered supervisorial districts, as the case may be, shall be for a term of four years and shall continue as such thereafter. Those members of the board of supervisors elected at the general election in 1998, and those elected at the general election in 2000 who only serve an initial two-year term, shall not be deemed to have served a full term for purposes of the term limit established in Section 2.101.
(Added November 1996; amended November 1999; November 2001)
Editor's Note:
Charter Section 13.100(c) originally contained boundaries and descriptions of the eleven supervisorial districts of the City and County of San Francisco. Charter Section 13.100(d) requires that once new district lines are drawn, those descriptions are to be removed and the new lines published in an appendix to this Charter. For the current district boundaries and descriptions, please see Appendix E of this Charter.
Charter Section 13.100(c) originally contained boundaries and descriptions of the eleven supervisorial districts of the City and County of San Francisco. Charter Section 13.100(d) requires that once new district lines are drawn, those descriptions are to be removed and the new lines published in an appendix to this Charter. For the current district boundaries and descriptions, please see Appendix E of this Charter.
(a) Manner of Election.
(1) Beginning on January 1, 2017, and ending on the sunset date set forth in subsection (a)(2), elections for the Board of Education of the Unified School District shall be conducted in a manner that permits any San Francisco resident to vote who either:
(A) is a voter, as defined in Article XVII of this Charter, or
(B) is the parent, legal guardian, or caregiver (as defined in California Family Code Section 6550 or any successor legislation) of a child under age 19 residing in the San Francisco Unified School District, is the minimum age required under this Charter to vote in a municipal election, and is not disqualified from voting under Article II Section 4 of the California Constitution or any implementing State statute, regardless of whether the person is a United States citizen.
The Board of Supervisors may adopt ordinances implementing this subsection (a)(1).
(2) Subsection (a)(1)(B) authorizing non-citizens to vote in Board of Education elections shall expire by operation of law on December 31, 2022, or on December 31 immediately following the third election for members of the Board of Education conducted in accordance with this Section 13.111, whichever is later. Thereafter, the Board of Supervisors may determine by ordinance whether non-citizens may vote in elections for members of the Board of Education.*
(b) Limitations. This Section 13.111
shall apply only to elections for members of the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District. Nothing in this Section 13.111
shall affect the terms of office of members of the Board of Education, including incumbent members on the effective date of the Charter amendment enacting this Section. Nothing in this Section shall alter the definition of “elector” or “voter” set forth in Article XVII of this Charter.
(Added by Proposition N, Approved 11/8/2016)
*Editor’s Note: