Unless otherwise defined in this Article 29A, the terms used in this Article shall have the meanings given to them in Article 6 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code, as amended from time to time. For purposes of this Article, the following definitions shall apply:
“Affiliate” means a person under common majority ownership or common control, whether that ownership or control is direct or indirect, with any other person, including but not limited to a person that majority owns or controls, or is majority owned or controlled by, any other person.
“Building Permit Application Period” means the period following the date that an application for a building permit for repair, rehabilitation, or construction with respect to a Residential Unit is filed with the City through the date the Department of Building Inspection or its successor agency grants or denies that application, not to exceed one year. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, if more than one building permit application is filed by or on behalf of one or more persons in the Owner’s Group for the same Residential Unit, the Building Permit Application Period shall mean only the applicable period following the date the first application is filed with the City by or on behalf of anyone in the Owner’s Group.
“Construction Period” means the one-year period following the date that the City issues a building permit for repair, rehabilitation, or construction with respect to a Residential Unit, provided that if the City issues multiple building permits to or for the benefit of one or more persons in the Owner’s Group for the same Residential Unit, the Construction Period shall mean only the one-year period following the issuance of the first building permit to or for the benefit of anyone in the Owner’s Group.
“Disaster Period” means the two-year period following the date that a Residential Unit was severely damaged and made uninhabitable or unusable due to fire, natural disaster, or other catastrophic event.
“Homeowners’ Exemption Period” means the period during which a Residential Unit is the principal place of residence of any owner of that Residential Unit and for which such owner validly has claimed either the homeowners’ property tax exemption under Section 218 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code or the disabled veterans’ exemption under Section 205.5 of that Code, as those sections may be amended from time to time.
“Lease Period” means the period during which any owner of a Residential Unit or any person in the Owner’s Group of that owner leases that Residential Unit to one or more tenants under a bona fide lease intended for occupancy, but not including any lease or rental of that Residential Unit to anyone in the Owner’s Group or to travelers, vacationers, or other transient occupants.
“New Construction Period” means the one-year period following the date that the City issues a certificate of final completion and occupancy with respect to a Residential Unit in a newly erected building or a newly added Residential Unit in an existing building.
“Owner Death Period” means, with respect to a co-owner or decedent’s estate, heirs, or beneficiaries, the period during which a Residential Unit is unoccupied, uninhabited, or unused because of the death of any owner of a Residential Unit who was the sole occupant of that Residential Unit immediately prior to such owner’s death, provided that such period shall not exceed the longer of one year or the period during which the Residential Unit is subject to the authority of a probate court.
“Owner In Care Period” means the period during which a Residential Unit is unoccupied, uninhabited, or unused because all occupants of the Residential Unit who used that Residential Unit as their principal residence are residing in a hospital, long term or supportive care facility, medical care or treatment facility, or other similar facility.
“Owner’s Group” means for each owner of a Residential Unit, with respect to each Residential Unit, the owner, any current or former co-owner, and any Related Person or Affiliate of the owner or any current or former co-owner.
“Related Person” means a spouse, domestic partner, child, parent, or sibling.
“Residential Unit” means a house, an apartment, a mobile home, a group of rooms, or a single room that is designed as separate living quarters, other than units occupied or intended for occupancy primarily by travelers, vacationers, or other transient occupants. Separate living quarters are those in which the occupants live and eat separately from any other persons in the building and which have a kitchen and direct access from the outside of the building or through a common hall. For purposes of this Article 29A, a Residential Unit shall not include a unit in a currently operational nursing home, residential care facility, or other similar facility, or any unit that is fully exempt from property tax under the welfare exemption under Section 214(g) of the California Revenue and Taxation Code, as may be amended from time to time.
“Vacancy Exclusion Period” means the Building Permit Application Period, Construction Period, Disaster Period, Homeowners’ Exemption Period, Lease Period, New Construction Period, Owner Death Period, or Owner In Care Period.
“Vacant” means unoccupied, uninhabited, or unused, for more than 182 days, whether consecutive or nonconsecutive, in a tax year.
(Added by Proposition M, 11/8/2022, Eff. 12/23/2022, Oper. 1/1/2024)
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this Article 29A, for the purposes described in Section 2958, the City imposes an annual Empty Homes Tax on each person that owns a Residential Unit for keeping that Residential Unit Vacant.
(b) The tax on an owner keeping a Residential Unit Vacant for the 2024 tax year shall be as follows:
(1) $2,500 for each Residential Unit with square footage less than 1,000;
(2) $3,500 for each Residential Unit with square footage from 1,000 to 2,000; and
(3) $5,000 for each Residential Unit with square footage greater than 2,000.
(c) The tax on an owner keeping a Residential Unit Vacant for the 2025 tax year, if that owner has not kept that Residential Unit Vacant in the 2024 tax year, shall be as follows:
(1) $2,500 for each Residential Unit with square footage less than 1,000;
(2) $3,500 for each Residential Unit with square footage from 1,000 to 2,000; and
(3) $5,000 for each Residential Unit with square footage greater than 2,000.
(d) The tax on an owner keeping a Residential Unit Vacant for the 2025 tax year, if that owner has kept that Residential Unit Vacant in the 2024 tax year, shall be as follows:
(1) $5,000 for each Residential Unit with square footage less than 1,000;
(2) $7,000 for each Residential Unit with square footage from 1,000 to 2,000; and
(3) $10,000 for each Residential Unit with square footage greater than 2,000.
(e) The tax on an owner keeping a Residential Unit Vacant for the 2026 tax year and subsequent tax years, if that owner has not kept that Residential Unit Vacant in the immediately preceding tax year, shall be as follows:
(1) $2,500 for each Residential Unit with square footage less than 1,000;
(2) $3,500 for each Residential Unit with square footage from 1,000 to 2,000; and
(3) $5,000 for each Residential Unit with square footage greater than 2,000.
(f) The tax on an owner keeping a Residential Unit Vacant for the 2026 tax year and subsequent tax years, if that owner has kept that Residential Unit Vacant in the immediately preceding tax year but has not kept that Residential Unit Vacant in the tax year immediately preceding that tax year, shall be as follows:
(1) $5,000 for each Residential Unit with square footage less than 1,000;
(2) $7,000 for each Residential Unit with square footage from 1,000 to 2,000; and
(3) $10,000 for each Residential Unit with square footage greater than 2,000.
(g) The tax on an owner keeping a Residential Unit Vacant for the 2026 tax year and subsequent tax years, if that owner has kept that Residential Unit Vacant in the immediately preceding tax year and has kept that Residential Unit Vacant in the tax year immediately preceding that tax year, shall be as follows:
(1) $10,000 for each Residential Unit with square footage less than 1,000;
(2) $14,000 for each Residential Unit with square footage from 1,000 to 2,000; and
(3) $20,000 for each Residential Unit with square footage greater than 2,000.
(h) The rates set forth in subsections (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) of this Section 2953 shall be adjusted annually in accordance with the increase in the Consumer Price Index: All Urban Consumers for the San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose Area for All Items as reported by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, or any successor to that index, as of December 31st of the preceding year, beginning with the 2025 tax year.
(i) The Empty Homes Tax shall be payable by the owner or owners of the Residential Unit kept Vacant. Not more than one tax per Residential Unit shall be imposed under this Section 2953 for a tax year by reason of multiple liable owners. If there are multiple liable owners, each owner shall be jointly and severally liable for the tax, which shall be the highest amount of tax payable by any owner for that Residential Unit for that tax year.
(j) A person shall be liable for the Empty Homes Tax only if that person, while owning a Residential Unit, has kept or is deemed to have kept that Residential Unit unoccupied, uninhabited, or unused, for more than 182 days, whether consecutive or nonconsecutive, in a tax year. In determining whether an owner has kept a Residential Unit Vacant during a tax year, days within any Vacancy Exclusion Period shall be disregarded if that Vacancy Exclusion Period applies to that owner for that Residential Unit, as shall days in which the Residential Unit was not owned by the owner, but the owner shall be deemed to have kept the Residential Unit unoccupied, uninhabited, or unused on all other days that such Residential Unit is unoccupied, uninhabited, or unused during the tax year.
(k) The Empty Homes Tax shall take effect on January 1, 2024. The Empty Homes Tax shall expire on December 31, 2053.
(Added by Proposition M, 11/8/2022, Eff. 12/23/2022, Oper. 1/1/2024)
(a) Each person that is required to pay the Empty Homes Tax shall file a return in the form and manner prescribed by the Tax Collector.
(b) Each person that owns a Residential Unit at any time during a tax year shall file a return for that tax year in the form and manner prescribed by the Tax Collector, unless that person is exempt from the Empty Homes Tax with respect to that Residential Unit under any one of subsections (a) through (d) of Section 2955 or is covered under the Homeowners’ Exemption Period for that Residential Unit for the entire tax year. A person that fails to file the return required by this subsection (b) for a Residential Unit shall be presumed to have kept that Residential Unit Vacant for the tax year for which such return is required. The person who fails to file the required return may rebut the presumption by producing satisfactory evidence that such person did not keep the Residential Unit Vacant during the tax year for which the return is required.
(Added by Proposition M, 11/8/2022, Eff. 12/23/2022, Oper. 1/1/2024; amended by Ord. 224-23, File No. 230898, App. 11/3/2023, Eff. 12/4/2023)
(a) For only so long as and to the extent that the City is prohibited from imposing the Empty Homes Tax, any person upon whom the City is prohibited under the Constitution or laws of the State of California or the Constitution or laws of the United States from imposing the Empty Homes Tax shall be exempt from the Empty Homes Tax.
(b) Any organization that is exempt from income taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, shall be exempt from the Empty Homes Tax.
(c) The City, the State of California, and any county, municipal corporation, district, or other political subdivision of the State shall be exempt from the Empty Homes Tax, except where any constitutional or statutory immunity from taxation is waived or is not applicable.
(d) A person that owns any Residential Unit located in a building with two or fewer Residential Units shall be exempt from the Empty Homes Tax with respect to any Residential Unit located in that building.
(e) For purposes of this Article 29A, the Empty Homes Tax shall not apply with respect to a Residential Unit for any tax year for which any person is liable for the Vacancy Tax imposed under Article 29 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code with respect to that Residential Unit.
(Added by Proposition M, 11/8/2022, Eff. 12/23/2022, Oper. 1/1/2024)
(a) Except as otherwise provided under this Article 29A, the Empty Homes Tax shall be administered pursuant to Article 6 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code.
(b) Transactions with the principal purpose of avoiding or evading all or a portion of the Empty Homes Tax shall be disregarded for purposes of determining the amount of the Empty Homes Tax and whether the Empty Homes Tax is due. In addition to the Empty Homes Tax due as a result of this subsection (b), any owner liable for any Empty Homes Tax as a result of this subsection (b) shall be liable for a penalty in an amount equal to the Empty Homes Tax due as a result of this subsection (b).
(Added by Proposition M, 11/8/2022, Eff. 12/23/2022, Oper. 1/1/2024)