The term "rent," as defined in Section 601(f), shall be deemed to include the total charges required to be paid by an occupant (including but not limited to, any separately stated valet or service labor charge) in connection with the use or occupancy of parking space; provided that nothing herein shall require the payment of parking tax on the sale of petroleum products, automobile parts, or the like, or the rendering of services (including car-wash services) totally unconnected with the use or occupancy of parking space. The Board of Supervisors hereby declares its intent that from its initial enactment, the parking tax was intended to include and exclude the charges set forth in this Section 602A. The Board of Supervisors further declares that the addition of this Section 602A is not intended to make any substantive change in the Parking Tax Ordinance, but is enacted for clarification purposes only.
(Added by Ord. 74-72, App. 4/3/72; amended by Ord. 20-98, App. 1/16/98)
There shall be an additional tax of 10 percent on the rent of every occupancy parking space in a parking station in the City and County of San Francisco on and after July 1, 1980. The total tax on the rent of every occupancy after the effective date of this surcharge shall be 25 percent.
When rent is paid, charged, billed or falls due on either a weekly, monthly or other term basis, the rent so paid, charged, billed or falling due shall be subject to the tax of 15 percent herein imposed to the extent that it covers any portion of the period prior to July 1, 1980, and to the tax of 15 percent herein plus the amount of surcharge imposed to the extent that it covers any portion of the period on and after July 1, 1980, and such payment, charge, bill or rent due shall be apportioned on the basis of the ratio of the number of days falling within said periods to the total number of days covered thereby. Where any tax has been paid hereunder upon any rent without any right of occupancy therefor, the Tax Collector may by regulation provide for credit or refund of the amount of such tax upon application therefor as provided in this Code.
The surcharge tax so collected shall be deposited in the General Fund subject to appropriation pursuant to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
By adopting this ordinance the People of the City and County of San Francisco do not intend to limit or in any way curtail any powers the Board of Supervisors may exercise as to the subject matter of this ordinance, including, but not limited to, raising the rate of taxation or surcharge, lowering the rate of taxation or surcharge, eliminating the tax or surcharge, or creating or defining new categories of taxpayers under this ordinance.
(Added by Proposition R, App. by voters 6/30/80; amended by Ord. 20-98, App. 1/16/98)
Unless prohibited by the laws of the United States, the State of California, or exempted by the provisions of this Article, every occupant occupying parking space in a parking station in this City and County shall be required to pay the tax imposed herein to the operator along with the rent for occupancy. This obligation is not satisfied until the tax has been paid to the City and County, except that a receipt indicating payment of the rent from an operator maintaining a place of business in this City and County or from an operator who is authorized by the Tax Collector to collect the tax shall be sufficient to relieve the occupant from further liability for the tax to which the receipt refers.
(Amended by Ord. 395-84, App. 9/20/84)
(a) Every Operator maintaining a place of business in this City and County as provided in Section 603 herein, and Renting parking space in a Parking Station in this City and County to an Occupant who is not exempted under Section 606 or Section 608 of this Article or elsewhere in this Code, shall at the time of collecting the Rent from the Occupant, collect the Parking Tax from the Occupant and on demand shall give to the Occupant a Receipt that meets the requirements of Article 22 of this Code. In all cases in which the Parking Tax is not collected by the Operator, as aforesaid, the Operator shall be liable to the Tax Collector of the City and County for the amount of Parking Tax due on the amount of taxable Rent collected from the Occupant under the provisions of this Article the same as though the Parking Tax were paid by the Occupant. In all cases of transactions upon credit or deferred payment, the remittance or payment of Parking Tax to the Tax Collector may be deferred in accordance therewith, and the Operator shall be liable therefore at the time and to the extent that such credits are paid or deferred payments are made in accordance with the rate of tax owing on the amount thereof.
(b) Unless the Operator can provide an explanation or other sufficient proof that the Enforcing Agency in its sole discretion deems to be credible to establish the validity of a claim for a Lost Ticket or an otherwise Unaccounted Ticket (as those terms are defined in Section 2201 of Article 22 of this Code), every Lost Ticket and Unaccounted Ticket shall be considered as a full value Parking Ticket for which the Operator is liable for transmitting to the City the full value of the Parking Tax and surcharge required under this Code applicable to the highest maximum daily rate charged for any parking space without discount, except that an Operator shall be allowed an Unaccounted Ticket Ratio of 1.5 percent for each Parking Station that it operates (as that term is defined and used in Article 22 of this Code) in a reporting period, for which the Operator may not be liable for failure to remit the Parking Tax.
(c) The Operator shall have the burden of explaining and establishing the validity of Lost Tickets and Cancelled Transactions, as those terms are defined in Article 22 of this Code. The Enforcing Agency may consider a verifiable statement signed by the Occupant claiming a Lost Ticket that includes the Occupant's name, address, telephone number, the Occupant's Motor Vehicle license plate number, the time of entry and the time of exit as sufficient proof of a valid Lost Ticket transaction. An Operator shall maintain a log of all Lost Tickets and Cancelled Transactions. The Enforcing Agency may consider in its sole and absolute discretion an Operator's log of Cancelled Transactions or Lost Ticket transactions that includes the cashier or attendant's name and/or Log File identification number who processed the Transaction, the date and time of the Transaction, and a credible reason for processing the transaction as a Lost Ticket transaction.
(d) The Tax Collector shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations prescribing methods and schedules for the collection and payment of the tax and such methods and schedules shall provide that the fractional part of 1 cent shall be disregarded unless it amounts to ½ of 1 cent or more, in which case the amount (determined without regard to the fractional part of 1 cent) shall be increased by 1 cent.
(Amended by Ord. 395-84, App. 9/20/84; Ord. 20-98, App. 1/16/98; Ord. 234-06, File No. 060892, App. 9/14/2006; Ord. 291-10, File No. 101099, App. 11/18/2010; Ord. 189-12
, File No. 120407, App. 9/11/2012, Eff. 10/11/2012)
It shall be unlawful for any operator to advertise or hold out or state to the public or to any occupant, directly or indirectly, that the tax or any part thereof will be assumed or absorbed by the operator or that it will not be added to the rental of the parking space, or that, if added, it or any part thereof will be refunded.
(Added by Ord. 286-70, App. 8/28/70)
No tax shall be imposed hereunder:
(1) On the rent for any occupancy or parking space in parking stations wherein the rent for such occupancy is paid by the deposit of a coin or coins in a parking meter owned or operated by the City and County and located adjacent to said parking space;
(2) On the rent for any occupancy of parking space in parking stations which are a part of residential or hotel premises, provided the occupant of said parking space is a resident or a registered guest of said premises;
(3) On the rent for any occupancy of parking space by registered hotel guests in parking stations not located on the hotel premises if no charge is made to the registered guest or if such charge is added to the room bill of the registered guest and paid by him to the hotel, provided that proper records are maintained by both the hotel and the operator which accurately reflect such exemption parking activity;
(4) On the rent for any occupancy of parking space in parking stations where:
(a) The motor vehicle occupying said parking space is owned by an individual person who is on active duty in some branch of the United States military service; and
(b) The motor vehicle is stored for not less than 75 days; provided that the operator submits, at the time the return required by this ordinance is due, a declaration under penalty of perjury, a form to be furnished by the Tax Collector, verifying the facts necessary for this exemption.
(Amended by Ord. 296-72, App. 10/13/72; Ord. 20-98, App. 1/16/98)
(a) Definitions. The terms used in this Section shall have the meaning given to them in Section 2201 of this Code.
(b) Operator's RCE Certification. Concurrent with remittance of Parking Taxes to the City pursuant to Business and Tax Regulations Code Section 6.7-1, an Operator shall certify in writing under penalty of perjury that it has utilized RCE that complies with the applicable provisions of Article 22 of this Code during the period for which the Operator remits the Parking Taxes.
(c) Operator's RCE Records Review Certification. Concurrent with remittance of Parking Taxes to the City pursuant to Business and Tax Regulations Code Section 6.7-1, an Operator shall also certify in writing under penalty of perjury that it has reviewed the RCE Records, as defined at Section 2201(c) of this Code, as to amounts of gross revenue, Rent received, Parking Tax collected and remitted, discounts provided, and Unaccounted Ticket Ratio for each Parking Station that it operated in the period reported. The Operator shall further certify that it has reconciled those RCE Records with its books and records of accounts of Rent received and Parking Tickets used, such that the Operator's certifications made under this Article are informed and correct.
(d) Operator's Unaccounted Ticket Ratio Certification. Concurrent with remittance of Parking Taxes to the City pursuant to Business and Tax Regulations Code Section 6.7-1, on a form provided by the Tax Collector, an Operator shall state the Unaccounted Ticket Ratio for the reporting period, and shall certify in writing under penalty of perjury that the stated ratio is accurate. The Unaccounted Ticket Ratio shall be calculated as follows. The number of Unaccounted Tickets for a reporting period is calculated separately for each Parking Station operated by the Operator as the sum of Inventory at the start of the reporting period and the Issued Tickets for that period, less the Voided Tickets for that period, less the Collected Tickets for that period. The Unaccounted Ticket Ratio is calculated as the number of Unaccounted Tickets for a particular Parking Station for that period divided by the number of Issued Tickets for that period, with the resulting quotient multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percentage of Issued Tickets.