(a) It shall be the policy of the City that each nonprofit organization shall make good-faith efforts designed to promote the membership, on its Board of Directors, of at least one person who is a recipient of the goods or services of that nonprofit organization or of like goods or services provided by another nonprofit organization.
(b) Each nonprofit organization shall seek candidates for appointment to its Board of Directors who consume or receive its goods or services, or like goods or services provided by another nonprofit organization, and who are members of the class of persons intended to be benefited by the organization's activities or services. The nonprofit organization shall seek these candidates by:
(1) Giving notice of vacancies on its Board of Directors by means reasonably calculated to come to the attention of the recipients of the goods or services or type of goods or services provided by the nonprofit organization, which may include, but shall not be limited to, posting written notice of such vacancies in a location accessible to recipients of such goods or services.
(2) Providing each member of the public the opportunity to propose him or herself or other member of the public for nomination for appointment to the Board of Directors at least one of the designated public meeting per year or in writing; and
(3) Providing members of the public the opportunity to comment on Board of Directors membership at least one of the designated public meetings per year.
(Added by Ord. 198-98, App. 6/19/98)