(a) Subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter, HSH shall establish the Place for All Program by opening, leasing, funding, or otherwise making available as many Shelters, Permanent Supportive Housing Units, and Safe Overnight Parking Lots as are necessary to accommodate all of the Unsheltered people in San Francisco, based on the most recent estimate prepared by HSH pursuant to Sections 118.6 or 118.8. As part of the Program, at least 50% of the Shelter Units opened must be in non-congregate facilities, and no more than 10% of the Shelter Units opened may be at Safe Sleep Sites.
(b) HSH shall coordinate with the Division of Real Estate, the Recreation and Park Department, the Human Services Agency, the Department of Public Works, the Port of San Francisco, the Public Utilities Commission, the Municipal Transportation Agency, and such other City departments, offices, agencies, boards, and commissions as may be necessary or appropriate for successful implementation of the Program.
(c) The City shall not fund the opening or operation of new Shelters with funds that may not lawfully be used for those purposes, including tax revenue designated by the voters for use to support behavioral health treatment or permanent housing.
(Added by Ord. 92-22, File No. 220281, App. 6/24/2022, Eff. 7/25/2022)
By no later than January 1, 2024, and every year thereafter, HSH shall prepare an estimate of the number of Unsheltered people in San Francisco who are in need of Shelter, Permanent Supportive Housing, or referral to a Safe Overnight Parking Lot, excluding individuals who have accepted an offer of permanent housing and are awaiting placement, which estimate shall be used to determine the number of Shelter Units, Permanent Supportive Housing units, and Safe Overnight Parking Lot units that the City is required to open, lease, fund, or otherwise make available, consistent with Section 118.5. HSH shall calculate the estimate in consultation with the Controller, using the most accurate and current data sources available, including but not limited to the Telephonic Shelter Referral System, Point-in-Time Homeless Count, tent counts, and data collected and maintained by HSH and other City departments reflecting the rate of successful referrals to Shelters, Permanent Supportive Housing, and Safe Overnight Vehicle Lots among people who are offered such placement, and the rate of successful referrals to permanent housing.
(Added by Ord. 92-22, File No. 220281, App. 6/24/2022, Eff. 7/25/2022)
(a) The Director of HSH may issue rules, regulations, and/or guidelines, applicable to the Program, consistent with the objectives and requirements of this Chapter 118.
(b) To the extent consistent with Charter requirements, the Director of HSH may enter into contracts or other agreements with other City departments, public agencies, and private entities to aid in the administration of this Chapter 118.
(c) All City officers and entities shall cooperate with the Director of HSH in the implementation and administration of this Chapter 118.
(d) Within two years of the Effective Date and every two years thereafter, the Controller shall submit to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors, as well as HSH, a report evaluating the Program, including but not limited to an assessment of the number of Unsheltered persons served, the number of Shelter Units made available, the number of Shelter, Permanent Supportive Housing, and Safe Overnight Parking Lot placements made, the average nightly occupancy rate for each Shelter, and data showing the number and percentage of exits from Shelters, Permanent Supportive Housing project, and Safe Overnight Vehicle Lot, that are made to permanent housing, shelter, the streets, or another location, and any programmatic recommendations, along with a resolution for the Board to accept for consideration the report.
(Added by Ord. 92-22, File No. 220281, App. 6/24/2022, Eff. 7/25/2022)
In enacting and implementing this ordinance, the City is assuming an undertaking only to promote the general welfare. It is not assuming, nor is it imposing on its officers and employees, an obligation for breach of which it is liable in money damages to any person who claims that such breach proximately caused injury.
(Added by Ord. 92-22, File No. 220281, App. 6/24/2022, Eff. 7/25/2022)