Housing Reports. |
(a) The Department of Disability and Aging Services (“DAS”) shall publish a Housing Needs Overview for Seniors and People with Disabilities (“Overview Report”) by October 1, 2025, and by October 1 every other year thereafter, except years in which DAS publishes a Needs Assessment Report under subsection (c) of this Section 111.1. The Overview Report shall contain a comparison of both the median income of seniors and the median income of people with disabilities in the City to rents charged at City-funded affordable housing and shall include the number of existing units by: neighborhood, housing type, units occupied by seniors, units occupied by people with disabilities, and units accessible to people with disabilities, as well as information and analysis regarding affordability by income level; and for each City-funded housing development planned or in construction within the next three years, a timeline for production, and an analysis of the number of housing units projected in each such City-funded housing development to be occupied by seniors and people with disabilities, including information and analysis regarding affordability by income level, accessibility for people with disabilities, neighborhood, and housing type.
(b) The Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“MOHCD”) shall contribute to the Overview Report required under subsection (a), by providing DAS the data it requires to complete the Overview Report.
(c) DAS shall work in collaboration with MOHCD, the Planning Department, the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (“HSH”), and the Mayor’s Office on Disability to publish a Housing Needs Assessment and Production Pipeline Report for Seniors and People with Disabilities (“Needs Assessment Report”) by October 1, 2027, and every eighth year thereafter that addresses, to the extent feasible, at least the following:
(1) An analysis of housing needs for seniors addressing median household income of seniors who are tenants and who are homeowners in the City; rent or housing cost burden; overcrowding; security of tenure; disability; and overall housing shortages, by income level, race/ethnicity, primary language, age range, household type, neighborhood, and housing type.
(2) An analysis of housing needs for people with disabilities addressing median household income of people with disabilities who are tenants and who are homeowners in the City; rent or housing cost burden; overcrowding; security of tenure; and overall housing shortages, by income level, race/ethnicity, primary language, age range, household type, neighborhood, and housing type.
(3) An analysis of City housing programs or services that specifically target seniors and people with disabilities, including but not limited to the number of households that include seniors or persons with disabilities served by rental subsidies, counseling support, and homeowner renovation grants.
(4) Recommendations to address the unmet needs of seniors and people with disabilities for affordable housing and to improve the coordination of the development of City-funded housing and the delivery of services for those populations.
(d) MOHCD shall contribute to the Needs Assessment Report required under subsection (c):
(1) Data, including location and number, of housing units designed to serve or accommodate, and housing units set aside for, seniors and people with disabilities, completed over the previous two years.
(2) An analysis of potential sites over the next five years for future housing developments for seniors and people with disabilities, including analysis of affordability by income level and accessibility for people with disabilities.
(3) An evaluation of how planned and potential future housing developments align with the housing needs of seniors and people with disabilities, addressing, to the extent feasible, housing needs by income level.
(4) An assessment of the unmet needs of extremely low-income seniors and extremely low-income people with disabilities relative to City-funded affordable housing and MOHCD’s efforts over the previous year to address those needs.
(5) Such other information as DAS requests for its analysis.
(e) The Overview Report and the Needs Assessment Report shall present information in de-identified form to protect the privacy of individuals whose data are included in the reports. Data collected for the Overview Report and the Needs Assessment Report shall be confidential to the extent of protecting personal privacy insofar as the law requires or permits such protection.
(f) DAS shall present, in collaboration with MOHCD, the Planning Department, Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing1
HSH, and the Mayor’s Office on Disability, the Overview Report and the Needs Assessment Report to the Board of Supervisors, along with any recommendations for legislation or other policy recommendations.
(g) The Overview Report and the Needs Assessment Report shall address each item to the extent feasible based on available data. DAS and MOHCD are not required to collect new data to complete the reports.