(a) Each Department possessing or using Surveillance Technology before the effective date of this Chapter 19B shall submit an inventory of its Surveillance Technology to COIT, within 60 days of the effective date of this Chapter. COIT shall publicly post the inventory on COIT’s website.
(b) Each Department possessing or using Surveillance Technology before the effective date of this Chapter 19B may continue its use of the Surveillance Technology and the sharing of data from the Surveillance Technology until such time as the Board enacts an ordinance regarding the Department’s Surveillance Technology Policy and such ordinance becomes effective under Charter Section 2.105.
(c) Beginning on March 1, 2025, and every six months thereafter, COIT staff shall issue and post on its website a report that includes the status of any Surveillance Technology listed on an inventory under Section 19B.5 and the number of Surveillance Technologies in use by Departments and still awaiting an approved Surveillance Technology Policy, including the number of Surveillance Technologies in use by the Police Department under Section 19B.2(c).
(a) A Department that obtains approval for the acquisition of Surveillance Technology under Section 19B.2 must submit to the Board of Supervisors and COIT, and make available on its website, an Annual Surveillance Report for all Surveillance Technology used by the City Department within 12 months of Board approval of the applicable Surveillance Technology Policy, and on or before November 1 every two years thereafter. If the Department is unable to meet the deadline, the Department may submit a request to COIT for an extension of the deadline. COIT may extend the deadline for good cause. For each report a Department submits to the Board of Supervisors, the Department shall include a resolution to accept the report.
(b) By no later than February 15 of each year, the Board of Supervisors shall publish a summary of all requests for Board approval of Surveillance Technology Policy ordinances for the prior calendar year, which shall include a summary of any Board action related to such requests, and all Annual Surveillance Reports submitted in the prior calendar year.
(c) By no later than February 15 of each year, COIT shall post on its website each Annual Surveillance Report submitted to COIT in the prior year.
(a) A Department may temporarily acquire or temporarily use Surveillance Technology in exigent circumstances without following the provisions of this Chapter 19B. If a Department acquires or uses Surveillance Technology under this Section 19B.7, the Department shall do all of the following:
(1) Use the Surveillance Technology solely to respond to the exigent circumstances;
(2) Cease using the Surveillance Technology within seven days, or when the exigent circumstances end, whichever is sooner;
(3) Keep and maintain only data related to the exigent circumstances, and dispose of any data that is not relevant to an ongoing investigation, unless its retention is (A) authorized by a court based on a finding of probable cause to believe the information constitutes evidence of a crime; or (B) otherwise required by law;
(4) Not disclose to any third party any information acquired during exigent circumstances unless such disclosure is (A) authorized by a court based on a finding of probable cause to believe the information constitutes evidence of a crime; or (B) otherwise required by law; and
(5) Submit a written report summarizing that acquisition and/or use of Surveillance Technology under this Section 19B.7 to the Board of Supervisors within 60 days following the inception of the exigent circumstances.
(b) Any Surveillance Technology temporarily acquired in exigent circumstances shall be returned within 7 days following the conclusion of the exigent circumstances, unless the Department acquires the Surveillance Technology in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter 19B.
(a) If a Department alleged to have violated this Chapter 19B takes corrective measures in response to such allegation, the Department shall post a notice on the Department’s website that generally describes any corrective measure taken to address such allegation.
(b) Any alleged violation of this Chapter 19B for which the City received notice under subsection (c) and that is not corrected by the Department within 30 days of receipt of the notice, constitutes a legally cognizable basis for relief,,1
and any person affected thereby may institute proceedings for injunctive relief, declaratory relief, or writ of mandate to remedy the violation, in any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce this Chapter 19B. An action instituted under this subsection (b) shall be brought against the City.
(c) Prior to the initiation of any legal proceeding under subsection (b), the City must be given written notice of the alleged violation(s) and an opportunity to correct such alleged violation(s) within 30 days of receipt of the notice.
(d) If the alleged violation(s) is substantiated and subsequently corrected, a notice shall be posted in a conspicuous space on the City’s website that describes the corrective measure(s) taken to address the violation(s).
(e) A court shall award costs and reasonable attorney’s fees to a plaintiff who is a prevailing party in any action brought under subsection (b).