Editor’s Note:
Chapter 121 (“Closure of Juvenile Hall”) was enacted in Ord. 117-19 as Chapter 119, but it has been renumbered as Chapter 121 to avoid duplication with this chapter.
Establishment of the Program. | |
Definitions. | |
Survey of Real Property. | |
Operational Requirements. | |
Administrative Implementation. |
Subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter, the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (“HSH”) shall establish and operate a Pilot Program. In establishing the Pilot Program, HSH shall collaborate with the City Administrator, the Municipal Transportation Agency (“MTA”), the Port of San Francisco (the “Port”), the Public Utilities Commission (“PUC”), the Human Services Agency (“HSA”), and such other departments, offices, and commissions as may be necessary or appropriate for successful implementation of the Pilot Program.
(Added by Ord. 82-19, File No. 190141, App. 5/10/2019, Eff. 6/10/2019)
As used in this Chapter 119, the following words or phrases shall mean:
“City” means the City and County of San Francisco.
“Manufactured Home” has the meaning set forth in Section 18007 of the California Health and Safety Code, as may be amended from time to time.
“Mobile Home” has the meaning set forth in Section 18008 of the California Health and Safety Code, as may be amended from time to time.
“Pilot Program” means an Overnight Safe Parking Program comprised of a Vehicle Navigation Triage Center, where vehicularly homeless persons may be given a license to park
and sleep in their vehicle while they are assessed for eligibility for services, and Safe Overnight Parking Lots, where vehicularly homeless persons may be given a license to park and sleep in their vehicles overnight, and receive services and referrals to assist them to transition to non-vehicular housing.
“Program Participant” means an individual who is given a license to park and sleep in the individual’s Vehicle at a Safe Overnight Parking Lot, and who participates in case management and social services.
“Recreational Vehicle” or “RV” has the meaning set forth in Section 18010 of the California Health and Safety Code, as may be amended from time to time.
“Safe Overnight Parking Lot” means a facility or location where eligible individuals, as set forth in Section 119.4(c)(1), may be given a license to park and sleep in their Vehicles for a period of time to be determined by the Director of HSH, and receive case management and social services to assist them to move to non-vehicular housing.
“Vehicle” has the same meaning as set forth in California Vehicle Code Section 670, as may be amended from time to time.
“Vehicle Navigation Triage Center” means a facility or location where vehicularly homeless persons may be given a license to park and sleep in their vehicle while they are assessed for eligibility for City services and programs, including but not limited to shelter, housing, and referral to a Safe Overnight Parking Lot, and where their vehicles may be assessed. A Vehicular Navigation Triage Center may be co-located with a Safe Overnight Parking Lot.
(Added by Ord. 82-19, File No. 190141, App. 5/10/2019, Eff. 6/10/2019)
The Director of Real Estate shall conduct a survey of real property in the City to identify lots appropriate for use as a Vehicle Navigation Triage Center or a Safe Overnight Parking Lot, and shall submit the findings of such survey to the Board of Supervisors no later than three months after the effective date of this Chapter 119. The survey shall include vacant or unused sites owned or controlled by the City; sites owned or controlled by the City that are being used for other purposes but could feasibly be converted to a Vehicle Navigation Triage Center or Safe Overnight Parking Lot; private property, including property owned by non-City agencies, that could be leased or acquired by the City; and such other information, if any, as the Director of Real Estate deems appropriate to aid in identifying lots as intended by this Section 119.3.
(Added by Ord. 82-19, File No. 190141, App. 5/10/2019, Eff. 6/10/2019)
(a) Applicability of Requirements. The location of a facility or lot on property under the jurisdiction of the MTA, PUC, or the Port requires the approval of the agency with jurisdiction over the property.
(b) Operational Requirements for Vehicle Navigation Triage Centers.
(1) Coordinated Entry. The Vehicle Navigation Triage Center shall provide a location where vehicularly homeless persons may be given a license to park and sleep in their vehicles while they are assessed by HSH staff, consistent with the Coordinated Entry System, as set forth in Section 20.16-2 of the Administrative Code.
(2) Vehicle Assessment. The Vehicular Navigation Triage Center shall provide for the assessment of Vehicles to determine whether such Vehicles are operable.
(c) Operational Requirements for Safe Overnight Parking Lots.
(1) Eligibility. Persons who are eligible to receive a license to park their Vehicle at a Safe Overnight Parking Lot are persons, or households, who:
(A) Live in a Vehicle that is operable;
(B) Report that they have lived in their Vehicle for at least 30 consecutive days; and
(C) Have been referred to the Safe Overnight Parking Lot by a Vehicle Navigation Triage Center, HSH staff, or a not-for-profit organization or City department or agency designated by HSH to make such referral.
(2) Priority. Priority for referral to a Safe Overnight Parking Lot shall be given to senior citizens, people living with chronic illness, families with children under the age of 18, people with disabilities, and people living in cars.
(3) Duration of Participation. Program Participants shall be allowed to stay at a Safe Overnight Parking Lot for between 60 to 90 days, provided they comply with all applicable laws and all program rules promulgated by HSH. Such license may be renewed by HSH, in HSH’s discretion, upon a determination that the Program Participant is in compliance with such rules. Any Program Participant who has been notified by HSH that they are not in compliance with applicable laws or rules, and ordered to vacate the Safe Overnight Parking Lot, may seek administrative review of the notice by filing a notice of appeal with the Director of HSH within seven days from the issuance of the notice of violation. Upon receipt of a timely filed notice of appeal, the Director of HSH, or the Director’s Designee, shall hold a hearing and render a decision within five days, which decision shall be final. Program Participants may seek the assistance of shelter client advocates in this appeal process.
(4) Facilities and Amenities. A Safe Overnight Parking Lot shall provide hygiene facilities, showers, Wi-Fi, and waste disposal receptacles for use by Program Participants, and security services.
(5) Social Services. Safe Overnight Parking Lots shall provide Program Participants with case management and housing referral services, and may provide additional services, including but not limited to referrals to medical and legal assistance.
(6) Camping Prohibited. No Program Participant shall construct or maintain or inhabit any structure, tent, or any other thing at a Safe Overnight Parking Lot that may be used for non-vehicular outdoor housing or camping.
(7) Types of Vehicles.
(A) The parking of Mobile Homes and Manufactured Homes is prohibited.
(B) A Safe Overnight Parking Lot may provide for the parking of RVs, or Vehicles other than RVs, but not both, unless the Pilot Program operator is able to erect a temporary physical barrier between the parts of the Lot that are occupied by RVs and the parts of the Lot that are occupied by Vehicles other than RVs.
(Added by Ord. 82-19, File No. 190141, App. 5/10/2019, Eff. 6/10/2019)