The Director shall publish from time to time Program Regulations for the Program that are necessary and appropriate to effectively and efficiently implement the Program, as authorized by the Act and in accordance with this Chapter 66. The Director shall publish such Program Regulations on the website of MOHCD and in such other public places as the Director shall deem appropriate, and provide the Program Regulations to persons requesting a written copy thereof. The Program Regulations shall address matters including, but not limited to, Program and Fund administration, underwriting criteria, loan processing and documentation, and loan enforcement. The Program Regulations shall also cover the use of Loan proceeds for the costs of the acquisition, improvement, and/or rehabilitation of “at risk” multi-unit residential buildings, as further provided herein. Such Program Regulations and any material amendments thereto shall be subject to review and approval by the Loan Committee, and shall be reported to the General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee at the first meeting of that committee following the effective date of such Program Regulations or amendments.
(Added as Sec. 66.2 by Ord. 1-93, App. 1/7/93; amended by Ord. 1-01, File No. 001968, App. 1/12/2001; redesignated and amended by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
(Former Sec. 66.3 added by Ord. 1-93, App. 1/7/93; amended by Ord. 1-01, File No. 001968, App. 1/12/2001; Ord. 122-06, File No. 060386, App. 6/14/2006; redesignated as Sec. 66.4 and amended by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
(a) The Program and the issuance of general obligation bonds by the City to fund such Program in accordance with the Act are hereby authorized. A maximum of $350,000,000 will be raised for the Program through the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of the City for deposit into the Fund for use in the Program and for payment of certain bond issuance costs, and such general obligation bonds shall be allocated as provided below. Loans made under the Program for multi-unit properties may be used for costs associated with:
(1) the acquisition, improvement, and/or rehabilitation of “at-risk” multi-unit residential buildings;
(2) the conversion of such buildings to permanent affordable housing; and
(3) financing the cost of needed seismic, fire, health and safety upgrades, or other major rehabilitation for habitability of such structures. Notwithstanding the foregoing, proceeds of the Program shall not be used to finance new construction of permanent affordable housing units, or the acquisition of multi-unit residential buildings without improvement and/or rehabilitation of such buildings.
(b) A maximum of $150,000,000 of general obligation bonds shall be issued for the purpose of originating Below Market Rate Loans under the Program in accordance with Program Regulations.
(d) A maximum of $200,000,000 of general obligation bonds shall be made available to originate Market Rate Loans.
(e) Fees for Services, Indemnification. To the extent permitted by law, MOHCD may charge reasonable fees, including Loan origination and monitoring fees, and such other necessary fees of consultants and agents retained to administer the Program. MOHCD may use Bond Proceeds to pay such fees or may charge such fees to Applicants and Borrowers. MOHCD may also require Applicants and Borrowers to defend and indemnify the City against future claims, liabilities, and losses related to its administration of the Program as a condition precedent to making a Loan.
(f) Combining Loans. MOHCD may issue to a particular Property any number of Below Market Rate Loans, Market Rate Loans, and Deferred Loans in any combination thereof that the Director deems appropriate 1
(Added as Sec. 66.3 by Ord. 1-93, App. 1/7/93; amended by Ord. 1-01, File No. 001968, App. 1/12/2001; Ord. 122-06, File No. 060386, App. 6/14/2006; redesignated and amended by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
(Former Sec. 66.4 added by Ord. 1-93, App. 1/7/93; amended by Ord. 1-01, File No. 001968, App. 1/12/2001; Ord. 122-06, File No. 060386, App. 6/14/2006; redesignated as Sec. 66.5 and amended by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
SEC. 66.4. LOAN.1
All loans made under the Program shall be fully repaid over such periods as set forth in the Program Regulations but in no event for a term greater than 55 years, on such terms as the Director shall establish and deem appropriate, including but not limited to, loans the principal and/or interest of which are repaid in a single lump sum at the maturity of such loan. Principal and interest Loan repayments will be deposited into the Fund pursuant to the terms of the Program Regulations. All payments of principal and interest collected in connection with Below Market Rate Loans shall be remitted to the Controller’s office to be applied toward repayment of the Bonds associated with such Loans. All payments of principal, and the amount of interest equal to the City Cost of Funds, collected in connection with Market Rate Loans shall be remitted to the Controller’s Office to be applied toward repayment of the Bonds associated with such Loans. At the discretion of the Director, payments of interest in excess of the City Cost of Funds collected in connection with Market Rate Loans may be deposited into the Fund.
(Added as Sec. 66.4 by Ord. 1-93, App. 1/7/93; amended by Ord. 1-01, File No. 001968, App. 1/12/2001; Ord. 122-06, File No. 060386, App. 6/14/2006; redesignated and amended by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
(Former Sec. 66.5 added by Ord. 1-93, App. 1/7/93; amended by Ord. 1-01, File No. 001968, App. 1/12/2001; Ord. 122-06, File No. 060386, App. 6/14/2006; redesignated as Sec. 66.6 and amended by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
(a) Any Below Market Rate Loan made under the Program shall be subject to a Declaration of Restrictions. The term of the Declaration of Restrictions shall be sufficient to ensure that units acquired, improved, or rehabilitated remain affordable for as long as all or any portion of the buildings financed with the Loan operate as multi-family residential facilities.
(b) Market Rate Loans made under the Program shall be subject to a Declaration of Restrictions only to the extent set forth in the Program Regulations. The repayment liability for funds from any Market Rate Loan used for rehabilitation of a residential building shall not be passed through to tenants as a capital improvements rent increase or otherwise.
(Added as Sec. 66.5 by Ord. 1-93, App. 1/7/93; amended by Ord. 1-01, File No. 001968, App. 1/12/2001; Ord. 122-06, File No. 060386, App. 6/14/2006; redesignated and amended by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
(Former Sec. 66.6 added by Ord. 1-93, App. 1/7/93; amended by Ord. 287-96, App. 7/12/96; repealed by Ord. 1-01, File No. 001968, App. 1/12/2001)
Applicants must satisfy the underwriting criteria set forth in the Program Regulations, including but not limited to, appropriate loan-to-value and debt service coverage ratios, reserve requirements, credit worthiness, scope of work, experience, and such other factors as the Director deems appropriate.
(Added by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
Each Applicant must comply with all City contracting requirements, including but not limited to health insurance requirements, the Local Business Enterprise and Non-Discrimination in Contracting Program in Administrative Code Section 14B, and the First Source Hiring Program in Administrative Code Section 83. The Director shall ensure that the Program Regulations include compliance with City contracting requirements as a condition of receiving a Loan under the Program.
(Added by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
Application information and forms shall be made available by the Director and published on MOHCD’s website, or such other convenient location as may be determined by the Director. The Application package will indicate procedures for returning a completed Application, and the expected time frame for the processing thereof.
(Added by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
Subject to the limited exceptions set forth in the Program Regulations, all completed Applications shall be submitted to the Loan Committee for evaluation. Even if an Applicant meets all of the eligibility criteria in this Chapter 66, the Loan Committee may, in its discretion, choose not to approve any proposed Loan or choose to approve any Loan for less than the amount requested by the Applicant.
(Added by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
MOHCD shall be responsible for disbursing Loan proceeds and monitoring construction progress. In addition, MOHCD shall work with those departments or individuals designated by the Director to monitor compliance with all applicable Loan documents, this Chapter 66, and all other applicable federal, state, and local laws. MOHCD shall periodically inspect the progress of construction and approve disbursements of Loan proceeds.
(Added by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
MOHCD shall receive repayments of Loans, account for all such repayments, and provide to the Director annual statements of such accounts for each outstanding Loan. MOHCD is authorized to retain from time to time loan servicing agents as desirable to service Loans originated under the Program, and to charge Applicants and Borrowers for the cost thereof.
(Added by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
All construction funded in whole or in part by a Loan shall be subject to the requirements of the Prevailing Wage Provisions, through of the Labor and Employment Code.
As a condition precedent to receipt of a Loan, the Borrower shall maintain or cause to be maintained insurance in types, coverages, and amounts determined by the City’s Risk Manager and the Director. The Program Regulations shall include guidelines for such required insurance coverage, which may include but shall not be limited to general liability insurance, property insurance, and workers compensation coverage.
(Added by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
MOHCD or its successor shall be responsible for monitoring compliance with the Declaration of Restrictions and other Loan-related documents as described in the Program Regulations. MOHCD shall take such actions as are necessary to enforce provisions of such agreements. MOHCD shall also establish, impose and collect a monitoring fee to effectuate the provisions of this section.
(Added by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)
The Director shall be responsible for management of the Program. The Controller’s Office, in consultation with the Director, shall be responsible for disbursing from Bond Proceeds amounts needed to originate Loans. Disbursements of bond proceeds shall be made from time to time or upon the close of a Loan, as determined by the Director. The Director may from time to time appoint agents and consultants to assist with administration of the Program.
(Added by Ord. 270-18, File No. 180890, App. 11/9/2018, Eff. 12/10/2018)