The Cultural Districts of the City and County of San Francisco are:
(a) Japantown. The Cultural District shall include the area bound by California Street to the north, Steiner Street to the west, Gough Street to the east, and Geary Boulevard, Ellis Street and O’Farrell Street to the south.
(b) Calle 24 (Veinticuatro) Latino Cultural District. The Cultural District shall include the area bound by Mission Street to the west, Potrero Street to the east, 22nd Street to the north, and Cesar Chavez Street to the south, as well as the commercial corridor on 24th Street extending west from Bartlett Street to Potrero Avenue, and the Mission Cultural Center at 2868 Mission Street.
(c) SoMa Pilipinas – Filipino Cultural Heritage District. The Cultural District shall include the area bounded by 2nd Street to the east, 11th Street to the west, Market Street to the north, and Brannan Street to the south, as well as the International Hotel (also known as the I-Hotel, at 848 Kearny Street), the Gran Oriente Filipino Masonic Temple (106 South Park Street), Rizal Apartments, the Iloilo Circle Building, Rizal Street, and Lapu Lapu Street.
(d) Transgender Cultural District. The Cultural District shall include the area defined as the north side of Market Street between Taylor Street and Jones Street, the south side of Ellis Street between Mason Street and Taylor Street, the north side of Ellis Street between Taylor Street and Jones Street, and 6th Street (on both sides) between Market Street and Howard Street.
(e) Leather and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Cultural District. The Cultural District shall include the area bounded by Howard Street to the northwest, 7th Street to the northeast, Highway 101 to the south between Howard Street and Bryant Street, Division Street to the south between Bryant Street and Interstate 80, and Interstate 80 to the east, as well as the south side of Harrison Street between 7th Street and Morris Street.
(f) African American Arts and Cultural District. The Cultural District shall include the area bounded by Cesar Chavez Street projected through Pier 80 to the north, San Francisco Bay to the east and to the south until Harney Way reaches Highway 101, and Highway 101 to the west.
(g) Castro Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Cultural District. The Cultural District shall include the following areas:
(1) The area bounded by Market Street to the north and west, Grand View Avenue to the west; 22nd Street to the south between Grand View Avenue and Noe Street; Noe Street to the east between 22nd Street and 19th Street; 19th Street to the south between Noe Street and Sanchez Street; and Sanchez Street to the east between 19th Street and Market;
(2) The lots along the north side of Market Street between Castro Street and Octavia Boulevard, including the Market Street public right-of-way and bookended by Block 0871, Lot 014 (occupied by the San Francisco LGBT Center as of 2019) and by Block 3562, Lot 015;
(3) Laguna Street between Market Street and Waller Street, including the public right-of-way only;
(4) The footprint of the 65 Laguna Street building (historically known as Richardson Hall, San Francisco Landmark No. 256) and the footprint of 95 Laguna Street (known as Marcy Adelman & Jeanette Gurevitch Openhouse Community building as of 2019), both located at the northwest corner of Laguna and Hermann Streets in the southeast portion of Block 0857, Lot 002;
(5) Block 3502, Lot 013 located on the west side of Valencia Street between Market Street and Duboce Avenue;
(6) Pink Triangle Park located to the west of the juncture of 17th and Market Streets, immediately adjacent to Block 2648, Lot 001 on the east; and
(7) The triangular area bounded by Market Street to the north; 15th Street to the south; and, Church Street to the east.
(h) American Indian Cultural District. The Cultural District shall include the area bounded by Duboce Avenue to the north between Market Street and Mission Street, 13th Street to the north between Mission Street and Folsom Street, Folsom Street to the east between 13th Street and 17th Street, 17th Street to the south between Folsom Street and Dolores Street, Dolores Street to the east between 17th Street and 20th Street, 20th Street to the south between Dolores Street and Church Street, Church Street to the west between 20th Street and 17th Street, 17th Street to the south between Church Street and Sanchez Street, Sanchez Street to the west between 17th Street and Market Street, Market Street to the northwest between Sanchez Street and 15th Street, 15th Street to the north between Market Street and Church Street, Church Street to the west between 15th Street and Market Street, Market Street to the northwest between Church Street and 14th Street, 14th Street to the north between Market Street and Dolores Street, Dolores Street to the west between 14th Street and Market Street, Market Street to the northwest between Dolores Street and Duboce Avenue.
(i) Sunset Chinese Cultural District. The Cultural District shall include the area bounded by 19th Avenue to the east, the Great Highway to the west, Lincoln Way to the north, and Sloat Boulevard to the south.
(Added by Ord. 126-18, File No. 171140, App. 5/30/2018, Eff. 6/30/2018; amended by Ord. 316-18, File No. 181080, App. 12/21/2018, Eff. 1/21/2019; Ord. 160-19, File No. 190389, App. 7/12/2019, Eff. 8/12/2019; Ord. 57-20, File No. 191183, App. 4/17/2020, Eff. 5/18/2020; Ord. 268-20, File No. 201088, App. 12/23/2020, Eff. 1/23/2021; Ord. 121-21, File No. 210599, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021; Ord. 33-24, File No. 231144, App. 2/21/2024, Eff. 3/23/2024)
The Board of Supervisors intends to follow the process described in this Section 107.4 when considering the future establishment of new Cultural Districts.
(a) Introduction of Ordinance Establishing Cultural District. Any Supervisor, the Mayor, or a City department may introduce an ordinance proposing to establish a Cultural District that meets the goals and purpose that have been outlined in this ordinance.
(b) Content of Ordinance. It is the intent of the Board that each ordinance establishing a Cultural District shall:
(1) Name the Cultural District, and describe its geographic boundaries. The boundaries of newly established Cultural Districts should be contiguous and should not overlap with other Cultural Districts. The Board may adopt subsequent ordinances changing the geographic boundaries after considering the Cultural History, Housing and Economic Sustainability Strategy (CHHESS) Report described in subsection (b)(7).
(2) Describe the cultural values and contributions that the establishment of the Cultural District would help to preserve, and a description of how the establishment of a Cultural District would address the goals and purpose established in Section 107.2.
(3) Require the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to engage in a competitive solicitation process no later than one year after the effective date of the ordinance to enter a contract or grant with a community-based organization to hire a district manager or executive director.
(4) Depending on the needs of the Cultural District, possibly establish a Cultural District Stabilization Fund Community Advisory Committee, a five-member advisory body to monitor and provide advice on the distribution of funds, with members nominated by the Supervisor in whose Supervisorial district the Cultural District is primarily located, and appointed by the Board of Supervisors to advise the Board, the Mayor, and the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development regarding strategies to support and preserve the Cultural District. The ordinance should set qualifications for each seat on the advisory body, and designate the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to provide administrative support to the advisory body.
(5) Require the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to design and coordinate a community engagement process with the Cultural District residents, small businesses, workers, and other individuals who regularly spend time in the proposed District in order to develop the strategies and plans that will preserve and enhance the live culture of the district.
(6) Require three or more specified City departments to provide input to the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development about their areas of expertise related to the cultural district within six months following the effective date of the ordinance establishing the Cultural District. The departments’ input to the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development should contain an assessment of relevant assets and needs, recommendations on programs, policies, and funding sources that could benefit the Cultural District, and other recommendations that could serve the Cultural District to advance its goals. Each department should seek the input of the community engaged with the Cultural District when compiling the information relevant for the reports and when deciding on recommendations. The Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development should use information received from departments in the CHHESS report it creates as specified in section 107.4(b)(7). The ordinance may require reports from any departments, including but not limited to the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, Department of Public Works, Arts Commission, Entertainment Commission, Planning Department, and Municipal Transportation Agency.
(7) Require the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to work with other departments when appropriate to prepare a Cultural, History, Housing, and Economic Sustainability Strategy Report or CHHESS Report for the Cultural District based on the reports required by subsection (b)(6), and to submit the Report to the Board of Supervisors for adoption by resolution. The Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development should submit the CHHESS Report to the Board within one year of the effective date of the ordinance, unless the Board extends the deadline by resolution. The CHHESS Report should include a demographic and economic profile of the Cultural District, including past, current, and future trends; analyze and record the tangible and intangible elements of the Cultural District’s cultural heritage; identify areas of concern that could inhibit the preservation of the Cultural District’s unique culture; and propose legislative, economic and other solutions and strategies to support the Cultural District.
(8) Require the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to provide a progress report on the strategies outlined in the CHHESS once every three years and to work with the Cultural District to re-assess and update the CHHESS Report at least once every six years based on input from community-based organizations and the departments consulted in the initial preparation of the CHHESS report.
(c) Further Board Actions. After receiving the CHHESS Report from the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development, the Board may hold additional hearings or take additional actions in its discretion as it deems appropriate.
(Added by Ord. 126-18, File No. 171140, App. 5/30/2018, Eff. 6/30/2018)
The Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development shall prepare CHHESS reports following the process set forth in Section 107.4(b)(5)-(7) regarding Calle 24 (Veinticuatro) Latino Cultural District, SoMa Pilipinas - Filipino Cultural Heritage District, Transgender Cultural District, and the Leather Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Cultural District. The Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development shall produce CHHESS reports regarding at least two of these four Districts by no later than July 1, 2019, and shall produce CHHESS reports regarding the other two Districts by no later than July 1, 2020. In preparing the CHHESS reports, the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development shall consult with appropriate departments in its discretion and coordinate with people and organizations in the Districts. By no later than January 15, 2019 the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development shall submit to the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor a written report describing the Office’s plan for preparation of these reports.
(a) Provide information upon request to individuals or community organizations inquiring about the process of establishing a Cultural District; and
(b) Develop any necessary rules or regulations to implement this Chapter 107. Any rules and regulations shall be subject to disapproval of the Board of Supervisors by resolution.
(Added by Ord. 126-18, File No. 171140, App. 5/30/2018, Eff. 6/30/2018)