For purposes of this Article XIV, the following definitions shall apply.
"Contractor" shall mean any person or persons, firm, partnership, corporation, or combination thereof; or other entity that enters into a Housing-Related Contract with the City.
"Fiscal Year" shall mean the twelve-month period commencing on July 1 and ending June 30.
"Housing" shall mean any housing, including, but not limited to, single occupancy residential hotels and Supportive Housing, except that "Housing" shall not include Transitional Housing or housing for Residential Treatment Services.
"Housing-Related Contract" shall mean any contract, lease, memorandum of understanding, or other agreement or amendment thereto entered into with the City on or after the effective date of this Article XIV for the administration or development of Housing, paid for in whole or in part by the City out of moneys deposited in the treasury or out of trust moneys under the control of or collected by, the City, except that "Housing-Related Contract" shall not include agreements between the San Francisco Housing Authority and the City, funded by grants or loans provided through the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development ("MOHCD") or agreements between the City and any person or entity funded by grants provided under MOHCD 's Lead Hazard Control Program. MOHCD's Lead Hazard Control Program is the MOHCD program that provides grants to homeowners to remediate lead hazards on their property and is funded by grants from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
"Notice of Eviction" shall mean a notice to a tenant of Housing instructing the tenant to vacate or quit premises leased by the tenant.
"Supportive Housing" shall mean housing for tenants that includes on-site supportive services, including, without limitation, intake and assessment of tenant needs, outreach to the tenants to assist them with health or social needs, management of the health or social needs of tenants, mediation of disputes with the property management, and referrals for services to the tenants.
"Residential Treatment Services" shall mean rehabilitative services, provided in a residential setting, for persons at risk of hospitalization or other institutional placement, including, without limitation, services that support the recipients of services in their efforts to restore, maintain, and apply interpersonal and independent living skills and to access community support systems.
"Transitional Housing" shall mean temporary housing tor persons tor participation in available services focused on achieving educational and/or vocational goals designed to provide a permanent exit from homelessness, including, without limitation, individual education plans, independent living skills, preparation tor employment, and teaching budgeting and money management.
(Added by Ord. 11-15, File No. 141122, App. 2/2/2015, Eff. 3/4/2015)
(a) Each year, each Contractor shall submit to each department that has awarded it a Housing-Related Contract a written report (the "Contractor Report"), substantially in the form specified by the department, that provides the following information for the prior Fiscal Year for each Housing facility administered or developed by the Contractor under the Housing-Related Contract:
(1) the number of tenants and households who lived in the Housing facility during the Fiscal Year;
(2) the number of tenants and households to whom the Contractor issued Notices of Evictions during the Fiscal Year and the reason for each notice;
(3) the number of unlawful detainer actions that were filed in a court of law by the Contractor during the Fiscal Year, and the reason for each filing; and
(4) the number of tenants and households evicted from the Housing facility by the Contractor during the Fiscal Year and the reason for each eviction.
(b) Each Contractor that has entered into a Housing-Related Contract through MOHCD shall submit the Contractor Report to MOHCD by the deadline set by MOHCD by written notice to the Contractor. All other Contractors shall submit Contractor Reports to the departments by August 1.
(Added by Ord. 11-15, File No. 141122, App. 2/2/2015, Eff. 3/4/2015)
The Board of Supervisors encourages each person or other entity that has entered into a contract with the City prior to the effective date of this Article XIV, which but for the date of the contract would meet the definition of Housing-Related Contract, to submit to the department that awarded the contract, in the time and manner specified in Section 20.502, a written report (the "Contractor Encouraged Report") containing the information specified in that Section.
(Added by Ord. 11-15, File No. 141122, App. 2/2/2015, Eff. 3/4/2015)
By September 1 of each year, based on the Contractor Reports and Contractor Encouraged Reports submitted to it, each department shall submit a written report (the "Department Report") to the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor containing the information required and encouraged in Sections 20.502 and 20.503 for the prior Fiscal Year for each Housing facility for which the department receives a report (the "Eviction Information"). Alternately, for any year, the department may submit the Eviction Information to the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor in the annual report required of the department in Section 2A.30 of the Administrative Code.
(Added by Ord. 11-15, File No. 141122, App. 2/2/2015, Eff. 3/4/2015)
In each Housing-Related Contract, the Contractor shall agree to comply with the requirements of this Article XIV and each Housing-Related Contract shall incorporate this Article by reference as though fully set forth therein.
(Added by Ord. 11-15, File No. 141122, App. 2/2/2015, Eff. 3/4/2015)
No Contractor Report, Contractor Encouraged Report, or Department Report shall disclose the name of any tenant or household or any other information that identifies a tenant or household who received a Notice of Eviction or was evicted from a Housing facility. This Article does not require the disclosure of any information the disclosure of which is prevented by law.
(Added by Ord. 11-15, File No. 141122, App. 2/2/2015, Eff. 3/4/2015)
Any failure of a Contractor to comply with the requirements of this Article XIV shall be a material breach of the Housing-Related Contract.
(Added by Ord. 11-15, File No. 141122, App. 2/2/2015, Eff. 3/4/2015)
Nothing in this Article XIV shall be interpreted or applied so as to create any requirement, power, or duty in conflict with any federal or state law. This Article shall not apply to Housing-Related Contracts where the requirements of this Article would violate or be inconsistent with the terms or conditions of a grant or subvention used in payment of the Housing-Related Contract.
(Added by Ord. 11-15, File No. 141122, App. 2/2/2015, Eff. 3/4/2015)
Findings. | |
The CAAP Discontinuance Rental Assistance Pilot Project. | |
Annual Report to Board of Supervisors. | |
Promotion of General Welfare. | |
Sunset Provision. |