The Board of Supervisors finds that:
(a) Federal, state and local fair housing laws protect certain classes of individuals from housing discrimination that may occur through zoning laws, land use authorizations, funding decisions and other activities of local government. These laws include, but are not limited to:
(1) The federal Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 3601 et seq. This law prohibits, among other things, local government from making dwellings unavailable because of the race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin, or handicap of the individual(s) seeking such dwellings.
(2) California Government Code Section 12955 (the "California Fair Employment and Housing Act"). This law prohibits local government from (i) making housing unavailable, and (ii) discriminating through land use practices, decisions, and authorizations, because of race, color, religion, sex, familial status, marital status, disability, national origin, or ancestry. Prohibited practices include, but are not limited to, zoning laws, denials of use permits, and other actions under the Planning and Zoning Law, Government Code § 65000 et seq., that make housing opportunities unavailable because of protected class status.
(3) California Government Code Section 12955.8(a) (the "California Fair Employment and Housing Act"). This law establishes that a local government engages in unlawful housing discrimination if race, color, religion, sex, familial status, marital status, disability, national origin, or ancestry is a motivating factor when a land use practice, decision, authorization, or other local action makes housing unavailable to members of a protected class.
(4) California Government Code Section 12955.8(b) (the "California Fair Employment and Housing Act"). This law establishes that a local government engages in unlawful housing discrimination if a land use practice, decision, authorization, or other local action has an unjustified discriminatory effect, regardless of intent, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, familial status, marital status, disability, national origin, or ancestry.
(5) California Government Code Section 65008 (the "California Planning and Zoning Law"). This law prohibits, among other things, local government, in the enactment or administration of zoning laws, from discriminating against a residential development because the development is intended for occupancy by low and moderate income persons. This Act also prohibits local government from imposing different requirements on residential developments because of race, sex, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, lawful occupation or age of the intended occupants of the development, or because of the income level of the intended occupants of the development, unless the local government imposes those requirements on developments generally or the requirements promote the availability of the residential development for lower income persons.
(6) California Government Code Section 65589.5 (the "California Planning and Zoning Law"). This law prohibits a local government agency from disapproving a housing development for low- and moderate-income households or conditioning approval in a manner which renders the project infeasible for development for use by low- and moderate-income households unless the local agency makes one of six findings justifying such disapproval or conditions.
(7) Section 3604(f)(B)(3) of Title 42 of the United State Code (the "Fair Housing Act") and Section 12927(c)(1) of the California Government Code (the "California Fair Employment and Housing Act"). These laws prohibit local government from refusing to make reasonable accommodations in policies and practices when these accommodations are necessary to afford persons with disabilities equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling.
(8) Section 3304 of Article 33 of the San Francisco Police Code. This ordinance establishes, among other things, that local government engages in unlawful housing discrimination if the inclusion of restrictions, terms or conditions on real property transactions, the imposition of different conditions on financing for the construction, rehabilitation, or maintenance of real property, or the restriction of facilities for any tenant or lessee is based wholly or partially on race, religion, color, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or place of birth.
(b) Federal, state and local fair housing laws require that departments, agencies, commissions, officers, and employees of the City and County of San Francisco shall not base any decision about housing development on evidence that discriminates against the classes protected by these laws.
(c) Federal, state and local fair housing laws require that departments, agencies, commissions, officers and employees of the City and County of San Francisco shall not impose, when approving a housing development, any conditions that discriminate against the classes protected by these laws.
(d) This ordinance will facilitate compliance with federal, state and local fair housing laws, and promote housing opportunities for residents of San Francisco.
(Added by Ord. 303-99, File No. 990494, App. 12/3/99)
(a) Protected Class. "Protected class" means those groups that receive protection from housing discrimination under the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 3601 et seq., the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, Government Code §§ 12900 et seq., Sections 65008 and 65589.5 of the Government Code, and Section 3304 of Article 33 of the San Francisco Police Code.
(b) City Entity. "City entity" includes the Board of Supervisors, the Executive Branch as described in Articles III, , and of the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco, and any department, agency, commission, officer, employee, or advisory group of the City and County of San Francisco.
(c) Dwelling. "Dwelling" shall have the same meaning as the definition of "dwelling" in Section 3602 of Title 42 of the United States Code (the "Fair Housing Act").
(d) Fair Housing Laws. "Fair housing laws" shall mean those laws described in Section 87.2, above, together with any other federal, State or local laws related to housing discrimination.
(e) Family. "Family" shall have the same meaning as in Section 401 of the San Francisco Housing Code.
(f) Supportive Services. "Supportive services" means services that are provided to residents of a housing development and that are based on their particular needs and circumstances. These services include, but are not limited to, counseling, vocational training, case management, medical services, peer-based services, rehabilitative services, skills development, and recreational activities. The use of a portion of a residential building to provide supportive services for the building's residents shall be a permissible accessory use to the building.
(Added by Ord. 303-99, File No. 990494, App. 12/3/99)
When any City entity considers an application or proposal for the development, use, or funding of dwellings in which protected class members are likely to reside, or when any City entity applies existing City codes, regulations, or other standards to such dwellings, the City entity shall comply with all applicable fair housing laws and administer local policies, procedures, and practices in a manner that affirmatively furthers those laws.
(Added by Ord. 303-99, File No. 990494, App. 12/3/99)
With respect to applications or proposals for the development, use, or funding of dwellings in which protected class members are likely to reside, a City entity shall not base any decision regarding the development, use, or funding of the dwellings on information which may be discriminatory to any member of a protected class. This discriminatory information includes, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) That the dwellings will lower the property values of surrounding parcels of land because members of a protected class will reside in the dwellings;
(b) That the dwellings will increase crime in the neighborhood because members of a protected class will reside in the dwellings;
(c) That the dwellings will generate an increased demand for parking or generate more traffic because members of a protected class will reside in the dwellings;
(d) That the dwellings will not be compatible with a neighborhood or community because members of a protected class will reside in the dwellings;
(e) That the dwellings will increase the concentration of dwellings or services for members of a protected class in a particular neighborhood or area of the city;
(f) That the dwellings will be detrimental to, or have a specific, adverse impact upon, the health, safety, convenience or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity because members of a protected class will reside in the dwellings;
(g) That the dwellings will be injurious to property, improvements or potential development in the vicinity because members of a protected class will reside in the dwellings;
(h) That the dwellings will generate an increased demand for city services because members of a protected class will reside in the dwellings.
(i) That the dwellings will not be appropriate for the neighborhood because supportive services will be provided to members of a protected class residing in the dwellings.
(Added by Ord. 303-99, File No. 990494, App. 12/3/99)
With respect to applications or proposals for the development, use, or funding of dwellings in which protected class members are likely to reside, a City entity shall not impose on the approval of the dwellings (a) any condition that it does not impose on other dwellings of similar scale and size in the use district or zoning classification specified in the San Francisco Planning Code, or (b) any conditions of approval which are based on the fact that protected class members are likely to reside in the dwellings, including but not limited to restrictions on the activities of residents in or around the dwellings, restrictions on visitors to the dwellings, requirements for additional off-street parking, special review or monitoring of the dwellings by a City entity or neighborhood group, restrictions on services provided to residents, special design or maintenance requirements for the dwellings, and restrictions on future development on or near the site.
(Added by Ord. 303-99, File No. 990494, App. 12/3/99)
With respect to applications or proposals for the development, use, or funding of dwellings in which protected class members are likely to reside, a City entity shall make reasonable accommodations in its rules, policies, practices, or services when those accommodations may be necessary to afford persons with disabilities equal opportunities to use and enjoy the dwellings.
(Added by Ord. 303-99, File No. 990494, App. 12/3/99)
Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prohibit a City entity from applying building and planning standards, design review, health and safety standards, environmental standards, or any other standards within the jurisdiction of the City entity as long as those standards are identical to those applied to other dwellings of similar scale and size in the use district or zoning classification specified in the San Francisco Planning Code, unless the City entity is required to make a reasonable accommodation under Section 87.7 of this Chapter.
(Added by Ord. 303-99, File No. 990494, App. 12/3/99)
This Chapter shall, among other things, apply to all actions, practices, and other decisions of any City entity having discretionary authority over permits, funding, conditions of approval, or other matters related to the development of dwellings. These actions, practices, and decisions include, but are not limited to, conditional use authorizations under Section 303 of the San Francisco Planning Code, variances under Section 305 of the San Francisco Planning Code, permits under Article 1 of Part III of the San Francisco Municipal Code, discretionary review of permits under Section 26 of Article 1 of Part III of the San Francisco Municipal Code, subdivision approvals under the San Francisco Subdivision Code, permit approvals under the San Francisco Public Works Code, and any actions authorized under law by the Board of Appeals, the Building Inspection Commission, the Health Commission, and other city entities, regardless of whether the laws or regulations describing such discretionary authority specifically refer to the City entity's obligations under this Chapter.
(Added by Ord. 303-99, File No. 990494, App. 12/3/99)
Upon the effective date of this ordinance, the Mayor shall request, in writing, compliance with this ordinance by any state-authorized agency operating solely within the City and County of San Francisco and having authority over permits, funding, conditions of approval, or other matters related to the development of dwellings.
(Added by Ord. 303-99, File No. 990494, App. 12/3/99)