(a) Rights and Obligations. The rights and obligations of domestic partners to each other are those described by Section 62.2, Definitions or otherwise granted by San Francisco law or policies.
(b) Duration of Rights and Duties. If a domestic partnership ends, the partners incur no further obligations to each other.
(Added by Proposition K, 11/6/90; amended by Ord. 78-04, File No. 040318, App. 5/6/2004)
For each filing of a Declaration of Domestic Partnership and each Amendment to a Declaration of Domestic Partnership the County Clerk shall charge a fee of $40. This fee may be adjusted pursuant to Section 8.33.1(b) of this Code to reflect changes in the relevant Consumer Price Index as determined by the Controller.
(Added by Ord. 2-91, App. 1/14/91; amended by Ord. 155-02, File No. 021079, App. 7/12/2002; Ord. 83-04, File No. 040102, App. 5/20/2004)
(a) The County Clerk and any other person authorized by state law to perform marriage ceremonies are authorized to perform a civil ceremony solemnizing the formation of a Domestic Partnership established in accordance with this Chapter. Persons who either (1) present a signed Declaration of Domestic Partnership for filing to the County Clerk in accordance with Section 62.3(a)(1), or who (2) present a certificate issued by the County Clerk in accordance with Section 62.3(a)(1) showing that a signed Declaration of Domestic Partnership for these persons has been previously filed with the County Clerk, may request that the County Clerk or any other person authorized by state law to perform marriage ceremonies perform a ceremony solemnizing the formation of their Domestic Partnership. Each request for a Domestic Partnership ceremony by the County Clerk shall be made in writing on a form provided by the County Clerk, and shall be accompanied by payment of a fee of $108, for a ceremony to be performed during regular business hours, and $177, for a ceremony to be performed on a weekend or holiday. These fees may be adjusted pursuant to Section 8.33.1(d) of this Code.
(b) Upon completion of the ceremony authorized by Subsection (a), the County Clerk shall issue a souvenir certificate memorializing the performance of the ceremony. If the ceremony is performed by a person other than the County Clerk, the persons entering into Domestic Partnership shall obtain a Ceremony Request Form from the County Clerk prior to the ceremony and shall return such Ceremony Request Form to the County Clerk within six months following the ceremony. The Ceremony Request Form shall be signed by the officiant. The County Clerk shall keep a record of all such ceremonies performed, filed with the Declaration of Domestic Partnership to which they apply. The County Clerk shall keep a record of Domestic Partnership ceremonies.
(c) The County Clerk is authorized to deputize persons to solemnize Domestic Partnership ceremonies. Any person 18 years of age or older may apply to be deputized for this purpose. Approval of applicants and the terms of any such authorization shall be solely within the discretion of the County Clerk. The County Clerk shall charge a fee, as set forth in Section 8.33.1, for issuing an authorization to perform the ceremony and oath.
(d) The ceremony authorized by this Section shall have no legal effect upon the status of a Domestic Partnership established pursuant to this Chapter.
(Added by Ord. 66-96, App. 2/9/96; amended by Ord. 201-99, File No. 990996, App. 7/1/99; Ord. 155-02, File No. 021079, App. 7/12/2002; Ord. 83-04, File No. 040102, App. 5/20/2004; Ord. 192-24, File No. 240597, App. 7/31/2024, Eff. 8/31/2024)
(a) A domestic partnership, civil union, or similar legal relationship lawfully entered into in another jurisdiction shall be entitled to all the rights and benefits available to domestic partners registered pursuant to this Chapter. A certificate of such domestic partnership, civil union, or similar legal relationship issued by another jurisdiction shall constitute sufficient proof of entitlement to such rights and benefits.
(b) For purposes of this Chapter, "domestic partnership, civil union, or similar legal relationship" does not include a relationship between parents and children, ancestors and descendants of every degree, between brothers and sisters of the half as well as the whole blood, or between uncles or aunts and nieces or nephews, whether or not such relationship is recognized as a domestic partnership, civil union or similar legal relationship in another jurisdiction.
(Added by Ord. 219-03, File No. 030483, App. 9/5/2003; amended by Ord. 78-04, File No. 040318, App. 5/6/2004)