Establishment of the Council; Appointment. | |
Public Hearing. | |
Composition of Council. | |
Terms of Council Members. | |
President and Vice President of the Council. | |
Compensation. | |
Power and Duties. | |
Assistance in the Development of the County Plan. | |
Pursuant to Section 1572.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, there is hereby established an advisory council of 17 members, known as the Adult Day Health Care Planning Council, who shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
(Added by Ord. 329-81, App. 6/19/81; amended by Ord. 434-89, App. 12/6/89)
The composition of the Council shall be as follows:
(a) Nine persons over 55 years of age who have a demonstrated interest in the special health and social needs of the elderly and who are representative of organizations dedicated primarily to the needs of older persons, including those of low income and racial and ethnic minorities;
(b) One representative of the area agency on aging designated pursuant to Public Law 94-135; or, if none, a county agency responsible for services to senior citizens;
(c) One representative of a county agency responsible for administration of health programs for senior citizens;
(d) A representative of the County Department of Human Services, or the equivalent agency;
(e) One representative of the San Francisco Medical Society;
(f) One representative of a publicly funded senior citizen transportation program;
(g) One representative of a health facility or organization of health facilities providing acute or long-term care to the elderly;
(h) A member-at-large who has demonstrated interest in alternatives to institutional long-term care; and
(i) A functionally impaired adult member with a demonstrated interest in community-based, long-term care needs of the functionally impaired who is 18 or over, and under 55 years of age.
In making appointments to the Council, the Board shall take into consideration any recommendations made by the Mayor with respect to any of the above categories.
(Added by Ord. 329-81, App. 6/19/81; amended by Ord. 434-89, App. 12/6/89; Ord. 150-00, File No. 000801, App. 6/30/2000)
The term of each member shall be for three years. Where a member, prior to the expiration of his or her term, ceases to retain the status which qualified him or her for appointment to the Council, the membership shall terminate and there shall be a vacancy on the Council.
(Added by Ord. 329-81, App. 6/19/81; amended by Ord. 434-89, App. 12/6/89)
Pursuant to Section 1572.9 of the California Health and Safety Code and guidelines adopted thereunder, the Council shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) To prepare a City and County plan for the development of a community-based system of quality adult day health care;
(b) To hold public hearings on the City and County plan prior to the plan's adoption; and
(c) To review all applications for adult day health care licenses within the City and County and make recommendations to the California Department of Health Services.
(Added by Ord. 329-81, App. 6/19/81)