The owner of each residential unit in San Francisco shall pay annually to the City and County of San Francisco a Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration fee to be calculated by the Controller as provided in Section 37A.2(d) above. The Executive Director of the Rent Board or the Executive Director’s designee shall bill the fee to the owners of all residential units. Fees shall be paid by March 1 of each year. The Rent Board shall add a 5% penalty to the amount of the fee if the fee has not been paid by March 1, an additional 5% if the fee has not been paid by April 1, and an additional 5% if the fee has not been paid by May 1. If the fee remains outstanding as of June 1, the Rent Board shall refer the matter to the Bureau of Delinquent Revenues. The Rent Board shall provide owners written notice of any late payments and penalties consistent with Section 37A.8.
(Added by Ord. 278-89, App. 8/2/89; amended by Ord. 287-95, App. 9/1/95; Ord. 322-00, File No. 001917, App. 12/28/2000; Ord. 134-21, File No. 210657, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021)
All fees collected under this Chapter 37A shall be deposited in the Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Fund as provided in Chapter 10, Article XIII, Section 10.117-88 of the Administrative Code. All funds so collected shall be used solely for the purpose of funding the Rent Board plus related administrative costs pursuant to Section 10.194 of this Code including, but not limited to, costs pertaining to the imposition and collection of the fee.
(Added by Ord. 278-89, App. 8/2/89; amended by Ord. 134-21, File No. 210657, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021)
An owner who has paid the fee in full may seek recovery of the fee (exclusive of any penalties that had been added to the fee under Section 37A.4) from the tenant(s) in occupancy of each residential unit on November 1, up to a maximum of 50% of the annual fee for each unit, as follows:
(a) An owner seeking recovery of the fee shall deduct it from the next interest payment owed on the tenant’s security deposit pursuant to Chapter 49 of this Code, except that where the interest has been paid annually the owner may bill the tenant directly as provided in subsection 37A.6(c); or
(b) When the fee is not recovered from the tenant during the year in which the owner is first entitled to it, the owner may bank the fee and collect it from that tenant in a future year. Only those fees that become due after July 25, 1999 (the effective date of this Ordinance No. 178-99)1 may be banked. A banked fee may only be collected as a deduction against security deposit interest due the tenant, except that where no interest or insufficient interest exists (due to no deposit or low amount of deposit) the owner may bill for any balance owing as provided in subsection 37A.6(c). The billing statement must specifically show the fee amount owed by the tenant for each year, and the amount of interest due the tenant (if any) for each year owing.
(c) To the extent provided in subsections 37A.6(a) and (b), the owner may bill the tenant directly for the fee. The bill shall state the amount for that unit, that the purpose of the fee is to fund the Rent Board and related administrative costs under Chapter 37A of the San Francisco Administrative Code, and that the fee is due and payable within 30 days of the date of the bill.
(d) The owner remains liable for full payment of the fee to the Rent Board whether or not the owner seeks any recovery under one of the above methods or in fact does recover any portion from the tenant.
(Added by Ord. 278-89, App. 8/2/89; amended by Ord. 291-90, App. 8/1/90; Ord. 178-99, File No. 990818, App. 6/25/99; Ord. 215-00, File No. 001264, App. 9/8/2000; Ord. 161-02, File No. 020471, App. 7/17/2002; Ord. 170-04, File No. 040745, App. 7/22/2004; Ord. 134-21, File No. 210657, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021)
The Executive Director of the Rent Board or their designee may adopt such rules, regulations, and administrative procedures as the Executive Director or designee deems necessary to implement this Chapter 37A.
(Added by Ord. 278-89, App. 8/2/89; amended by Ord. 134-21, File No. 210657, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021)
Any notice required to be given herein by the Rent Board to an owner shall be sufficiently given or served upon the owner for all purposes if personally served upon the owner; or if deposited, postage prepaid, in a post office letter box addressed in the name of the owner either at the official address of the owner maintained by the Tax Collector for the mailing of property tax bills, or at such other address that is on file with the Rent Board. This Section 37A.8 shall not preclude the Rent Board from supplementing the above procedures by developing procedures to issue invoices and collect payments electronically through the online housing inventory to be established under Section 37.15.
(Added by Ord. 278-89, App. 8/2/89; amended by Ord. 134-21, File No. 210657, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021)