(a) The Planning Department is currently engaged in comprehensive planning of areas of the City being referred to as the proposed Transit Center District, Market/Octavia, East SOMA, West SOMA, Inner Mission, Lower Potrero/Showplace Square, and Central Waterfront plan areas. These efforts are expected to lead to new or modified area plans of the City's General Plan ("Area Plans") that address urban design, open space, transportation, housing, and community facilities and present detailed rezoning and policy proposals that cover land use, housing, community facilities, open space, and transportation. The boundaries of these areas are generally as outlined in documents posted from time to time on the Planning Department's web page.
(b) As part of the comprehensive planning leading to preparation and adoption of each Area Plan, the Planning Department, and, in the West SOMA area, the Planning Department with the advice and input of the Western SoMa Citizens Planning Task Force, is analyzing the existing deficiencies and improvement needs of each area and the deficiencies and improvement needs that will be created by or exacerbated by the new development permitted by the proposed Area Plan. In the other areas covered by this legislation, the Planning Department should also consider the advice and input of citizen groups, Based on this analysis, the Planning Department shall prepare for each area a document that identifies the various facilities, infrastructure and other community improvements needed to address the identified conditions and needs (the "Community Improvements Plan") and an implementation program that summarizes the estimated costs of the various facilities and improvements identified in the Community Improvements Plan, proposes specific funding strategies and sources to finance them, identifies the responsible and supporting agencies, and outlines the steps, including as may be needed more detailed planning, program design, and environmental evaluation, required to refine the proposals and implement them (the "Implementation Program."). In the West SOMA area the City is preparing the Community Improvements Plan and Implementation Program with the advice and in put of the Western SoMa Citizens Planning Task Force. In the other areas covered by this legislation, the Planning Department should also consider the advice and input of citizen groups. The funding sources proposed in the Implementation Program may include, but are not limited to, use of federal, State, and local public resources, community facility, community benefit or other forms of assessment districts, and area-specific development impact fees, as may be detailed in the final adopted respective area plans.
(Added by Ord. 265-06, File No. 061206, App. 10/27/2006; amended by Ord. 184-12, File No. 120667, App. 8/8/2012, Eff. 9/7/2012)
This Article 36 is intended to provide mechanisms that will enhance the participation in the preparation and implementation of the Community Improvements Plans and Implementation Programs by the various City departments, offices; and agencies that will be responsible for their implementation and provide a means by which the various parties interested in realization of the Community Improvements Plans and Implementation Programs can remain informed about and provide input to and support for their implementation.
(Added by Ord. 265-06, File No. 061206, App. 10/27/2006)
For each area subject to the provisions of this Article, there shall be an Interagency Planning and Implementation Committee that shall be comprised of representatives of the departments, offices, and agencies whose responsibilities include provision of one of more of the community improvements that are likely to be needed or desired in a Plan Area. In addition to the Planning Department, these departments, offices, and agencies shall, if relevant, include, but are not limited to, the County Transportation Authority, Municipal Transportation Agency, Department of Public Works, Library Commission, Redevelopment Agency or its successor agency, Mayor's Office of Economic and Workforce Development, Mayor's Office of Community Development, Public Utilities Commission, Department of Recreation and Parks, Department of the Environment, and the Office of City Greening. Representatives from the Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) and Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) shall be consulted when formulating recommendations regarding implementation and funding related to the Transit Center District Plan. The Interagency Planning and Implementation Committees shall be chaired by the Planning Director or his or her designee. It shall be the responsibility of each such department, office, or agency to participate, using its own administrative funds, in the preparation of that portion of a Community Improvements Plan falling within its area of responsibility and, after Area Plan adoption, to participate in the detailed design of the community improvement or improvements and to seek the funding for its implementation as provided in the Implementation Program, as amended from time to time.
(Added by Ord. 265-06, File No. 061206, App. 10/27/2006; amended by Ord. 184-12, File No. 120667, App. 8/8/2012, Eff. 9/7/2012)
(a) Preparation. After the final adoption of an Area Plan, including the Community Improvements Plan and Implementation Program, for a portion of the City subject to the provisions of this Article, the Planning Department shall prepare for each Area Plan a brief Annual Progress Report indicating the status of implementation of the Area Plan and its various components. It shall contain information regarding the progress made to date in implementing the Area Plan and its various components, including a summary of the individual development projects, public and private, that have been approved during the report period, and shall also describe the steps taken regarding implementation of the various community improvements in accordance with the Plan's projected phasing and update and, if necessary, modify and amend, the contents and/or phasing of the Community Improvements Plan and Implementation Program. It shall also include proposed departmental work programs and budgets for the coming fiscal year that describe the steps to be taken by each responsible department, office, or agency to implement the Community Improvements Plan. It shall be the responsibility of each department, office and agency to provide to the Planning Department the following: (i) information regarding its progress in implementing the community improvement(s) for which it is responsible; (ii) any changes in the time-phased schedule for implementing the improvement(s); and (iii) information regarding its relevant proposed work program and efforts to secure the funding sources for implementing the improvement(s) in the coming year. The Planning Department shall summarize this information together with information regarding it's own progress and relevant proposed work program and budget into the Annual Progress Report.
(b) Annual Hearing at Planning Commission. Prior to the annual submission of the Planning Department budget requests to the Mayor's Budget Office, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on each Area Plan's Annual Progress Report. Notice of the hearing shall be provided at least 30 days prior to the meeting as follows: mailed notice to all organizations and individuals who have specifically requested mailed notice and published notice at least once in an official newspaper of general circulation. The Report shall be posted on the Department's web page for at least 30 days before the hearing. This hearing may be held as part of the Planning Commission's hearing on the Departmental budget request.
(c) Submission to Relevant Committee of the Board of Supervisors. The Annual Progress Report shall also be submitted to the committee of the Board of Supervisors responsible for land use matters, which Committee may schedule a public hearing. Further, the Board urges the Planning Department Director and/or his or her designee who chairs the Interagency Planning and Implementation Committee for each Area Plan to be available to provide a briefing and answer questions about the Report at the appropriate Board of Supervisors committee hearing.
(d) Termination. This Annual Progress Report requirement may be terminated by the Planning Commission upon its determination after a public hearing, noticed at least 30 days prior to the meeting, that full implementation of the Community Improvements Plan and Implementation Program has been substantially achieved and that continuation of the Annual Progress Report requirement would serve no useful purpose.
(Added by Ord. 265-06, File No. 061206, App. 10/27/2006)