The basic purposes of CEQA and this Chapter 31 are to:
(a) Provide decision makers and the public with meaningful information regarding the environmental consequences of proposed activities.
(b) Identify ways that environmental damage can be avoided or significantly reduced.
(c) Provide for public input in the environmental review process.
(d) Bring environmental considerations to bear at an early stage of the planning process, and to avoid unnecessary delays or undue complexity of review. Simplicity and directness are to be emphasized, with the type of review related to the depth and variety of environmental issues raised by a project, so that government and public concern may be focused upon environmental effects of true significance.
(e) Provide procedural direction on implementation of CEQA by the City.
(f) Prevent significant avoidable damage to the environment by requiring changes in projects through the use of alternatives or mitigation measures when the government agency finds the changes to be feasible.
(g) Disclose to the public the reasons why a governmental agency approved the project in the manner the agency chose if significant environmental effects are involved
(Added by Ord. 40-01, File No. 001007, App. 3/16/2001)
(Former Sec. 31.02 amended by Ord. 92-77, App. 3/18/77; repealed by Ord. 40-01, File No. 001007, App. 3/16/2001)