Existing Internet filters and content blocking technology ("filtering software") regularly block access to useful and constitutionally protected information. Accordingly, the purpose of this Chapter is to ensure that where the City and County of San Francisco ("City"), or any department thereof, offers public Internet access through City-owned computers ("public Internet access terminals"), such terminals shall provide members of the public with uncensored access to information available on the Internet.
(Added by Ord. 206-01, File No. 010940, App. 10/19/2001)
(a) For purposes of this Chapter, "filtering software" shall mean any technology designed to block access to information, websites and other materials on the Internet based on the words, images or other content contained therein.
(b) For purposes of this Chapter, "public Internet access terminals" shall mean any City-owned computers or other City-owned equipment designated by the City to provide Internet access to members of the public. "Public Internet access terminals" shall not include public Internet terminals designated by the City to be used exclusively or primarily by individuals under the age of 13.
(Added by Ord. 206-01, File No. 010940, App. 10/19/2001)
Where the City, or any department thereof, offers public Internet access through public Internet access terminals, the City shall not use or install Internet filtering software on such public Internet access terminals.
(Added by Ord. 206-01, File No. 010940, App. 10/19/2001)
Where a City department provides public Internet access terminals and loses, or is at substantial risk of losing, Federal or State government funding or subsidies ("Funding") as a result of compliance with the prohibition on use of filtering software under this Chapter, the department head, or his or her designee, shall notify the Board of Supervisors and the Controller, in writing, of the department's estimated loss of Funding within 90 days of discovery of this potential or actual loss of Funding for the applicable fiscal year. In such notice, the department head, or his or her designee, shall also indicate the extent to which such loss of revenue may cause a negative impact on the quality, quantity or availability of the department's services or operations. Where a department establishes that such loss of Funding will cause the department to substantially reduce the quality, quantity or availability of its services or operations, the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor shall treat such information as a significant factor in favor of granting the department a funding appropriation in an amount equal to the estimated loss of Funding during the applicable fiscal year.
(Added by Ord. 206-01, File No. 010940, App. 10/19/2001)