If any Offeror to whom a contract is awarded under the provisions of this Charter shall fail to file any required bond within 10 working days after receiving notice to file such bond, the Purchaser may deposit any security required to be filed under the provisions of Section 21.11 of this Chapter in the treasury for collection. The amount thereof shall be retained by the City as liquidated damages for failure of the Offeror to file such bond. Neither the deposit nor the proceeds thereof shall be returned to such defaulting Offeror; provided, however, that upon the recommendation of the department utilizing the Commodities or Services to be provided under the contract, the Purchaser may approve the return of the amount of the Bid security to excuse a forfeiture under such Bid security.
Demand upon an Offeror to file a bond, as hereinbefore set forth, may, at the option of the Purchaser, be made by mail or by facsimile, addressed to the Offeror on whom it is to be served, at his or her mailing address or facsimile number, as set forth by the Offeror in the Offer. The service is complete at the time of deposit in the mail or machine confirmation of the facsimile, and the 10-day period shall commence on the first day following such deposit in the mail.
The Purchaser shall have the authority to extend the period for the deposit of any required bond, except a Bid bond, whenever in the Purchaser's judgment, circumstances warrant an extension.
In all cases of forfeiture hereunder, the amount of the forfeiture after collection by the City shall be entered as a credit to the General Fund.
(Added by Ord. 156-99, File No. 990743, App. 6/2/99)
If on Offeror must possess a Business Tax Registration Certificate issued by the Tax Collector, but has failed to obtain one, the Contracting Officer shall not execute the contract, except in case of emergency as defined in Section 21.15 of this Chapter.
(Added by Ord. 156-99, File No. 990743, App. 6/2/99)
(a) The Board of Supervisors hereby declares that an actual emergency shall exist when it becomes necessary to immediately procure Commodities or Services to make repairs, to safeguard the lives or property of the citizens or the property of the City or to maintain public health or welfare as a result of extraordinary conditions created by war, epidemic, weather, fire, flood, earthquake or other catastrophe, or the breakdown of any plant equipment, structure, street or public work.
(b) For any Commodities or Services that would normally be procured by the Purchaser, a contract may be executed by the Purchaser in the most expeditious manner, and shall be promptly confirmed by issuance of a regular purchase order.
(c) The department head responsible for the operations for which Commodities or Services are needed may also enter into a contract directly in the most expeditious manner necessary in order to respond to the emergency; however, if the emergency permits, the department head shall first secure the written approval of the president of the board or commission concerned, or from the Mayor or the Mayor’s designee for any department under the Mayor’s jurisdiction provided that the designee is not the department head of the department concerned, and in all cases the approval of the Board of Supervisors must be obtained for any contract in excess of $100,000. If the emergency does not permit such approvals to be obtained before the contract is executed, such approvals shall be obtained as soon thereafter as it is possible to do so.
(d) The Purchaser or the department, as the case may be, shall attempt to obtain at least three Bids for emergency purchases.
(e) The Board of Supervisors hereby declares that an actual emergency shall exist during a period of material shortages when goods meeting the exact specifications as ordered are not procurable. When such goods are immediately required, the Purchaser, with the approval of the Director of Administrative Services, shall have authority to accept satisfactory substitutes and to make proper price adjustments therefor; provided, that if such price adjustment should increase the contractual obligation by more than 10 percent, the Purchaser shall first obtain approval by the Controller, who shall reserve the additional amount of money required to meet the increased obligation.
(Added by Ord. 156-99, File No. 990743, App. 6/2/99; amended by Ord. 220-20, File No. 200949, App. 11/6/2020, Eff. 12/7/2020)
(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Municipal Code, in cases where the Purchaser deems that it is in the City’s best interests to do so, the Purchaser is authorized, subject to the Board of Supervisors’ approval by Resolution, to sell to, acquire from, participate in, sponsor, conduct, or administer cooperative purchasing agreements for the benefit of public agencies in California or elsewhere, and may enter into reciprocal agreements for the cooperative use of Commodities or Services or the common use or lease of facilities, under the terms agreed upon between the parties.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Municipal Code, the Purchaser may utilize competitive procurements conducted by or for the benefit of other public agencies to make purchases of Commodities or Services for the use of the City, under the terms established in those procurements, upon making a determination that (i) the other procurement was competitive or the result of a sole source award, and (ii) the use of the other procurement would be in the City’s best interests.
(c) Departments may utilize the results of competitive Solicitation by other City departments if such potential use by other City departments is specified in the Solicitation.
(Added by Ord. 156-99, File No. 990743, App. 6/2/99; amended by Ord. 115-05, File No. 050595, App. 6/17/2005; Ord. 161-24, File No. 240366, App. 7/3/2024, Eff. 8/3/2024)
At a minimum, all Purchasing contracts, excluding Purchase Orders and contracts executed electronically, shall be executed in triplicate. One original shall be retained by the ordering department, one original shall be retained by the Purchaser, and one original shall be provided to the contractor.
(Added by Ord. 156-99, File No. 990743, App. 6/2/99)
All contracts entered into on behalf of the City for Commodities or Services to be purchased at the expense of the City shall contain a paragraph stating all of the following:
(a) The City's obligation hereunder shall not at any time exceed the amount certified by the Controller for the purpose and period stated in such certification.
(b) Except as may be provided by laws governing emergency procedures, officers and employees of the City are not authorized to request, and the City is not required to reimburse the Contractor for, Commodities or Services beyond the agreed upon contract scope unless the changed scope is authorized by amendment and approved as required by law.
(c) Officers and employees of the City are not authorized to offer or promise, nor is the City required to honor, any offered or promised additional funding in excess of the maximum amount of funding for which the contract is certified without certification of the additional amount by the Controller.
(d) The Controller is not authorized to make payments on any contract for which funds have not been certified as available in the budget or by supplemental appropriation.
(Added by Ord. 156-99, File No. 990743, App. 6/2/99)