The Shared Spaces Program is established in Chapter 94A of the Administrative Code. Under the Program, a public or private entity may obtain City approval to create a Shared Space and provide activities, for a limited period of time, on City-owned property and in some cases nearby privately-owned spaces where the public can gather and participate in commercial or non-commercial offerings and events. The space created is a “Shared Space” that is managed by the permittee, defined as a “Permittee.”
The Shared Spaces Program is a joint effort by the Planning Department, Public Works, the Municipal Transportation Agency, the Real Estate Division, and the Entertainment Commission (defined in Section 94A.2 of the Administrative Code as the “Core City Agencies”) to coordinate their review and approval of a Shared Space and streamline the permit process. The Program responsibilities of the Core City Agencies in the coordination process are set forth in Section 94A.4 of the Administrative Code.