(a) Authorized Activities. A Delivery-Only Cannabis Retailer permit requires the Permittee to engage in the Delivery and Sale of both Medicinal Cannabis and Cannabis Products and Adult Use Cannabis and Cannabis Products.
(b) Only Delivery Authorized. The Premises of a Delivery-Only Cannabis Retailer must be closed to the public and all Sales must be conducted exclusively by Delivery. A Delivery-Only Cannabis Retailer may not permit entry on to its Premises by Customers.
(c) Operating Standards. In addition to the operating requirements set forth in Section 1618, a Delivery-Only Cannabis Retailer shall comply with the following additional operating requirements:
(1) A Delivery-Only Cannabis Retailer licensed to sell Adult Use Cannabis may not Sell more than 28.5 grams of non-concentrated Adult Use Cannabis or eight grams of concentrated Adult Use Cannabis Products to a Customer in the same business day.
(2) A Delivery-Only Cannabis Retailer licensed to sell Medicinal Cannabis may not Sell more than eight ounces of Medicinal Cannabis or 12 immature Cannabis plants, in the same business day, unless the Customer provides a Physician’s Recommendation requiring a greater amount.
(3) All inventory must be stored on the Premises.
(4) A Delivery-Only Cannabis Retailer may not employ or enter into any agreements with any physicians who recommend Medicinal Cannabis or with any third party that employs physicians who recommend Medicinal Cannabis.
(5) A Delivery-Only Cannabis Retailer must provide to all Delivery personnel a remote electronic age verification device to determine the age of any individual attempting to purchase Cannabis or Cannabis Products, which device shall be used upon the Delivery of the Cannabis or Cannabis Products to the Customer. The device shall be maintained in operational condition and all employees shall be instructed in its use. Cannabis and Cannabis products shall not be Delivered to a Customer if the electronic age verification device is not functioning.