(a) Authorized activities. A Cannabis Cultivation Facility Permit authorizes the Permittee to engage in the Commercial Cultivation and Processing of Medicinal Cannabis and Adult Use Cannabis, provided that the Permittee is both an A-licensee and an M-licensee. A Cannabis Cultivation Facility Permittee that holds only an A-license may engage in the Commercial Cultivation and Processing of Adult Use Cannabis only. A Cannabis Cultivation Facility Permittee that holds only an M-License may engage in the Cultivation and Processing of Medicinal Cannabis only.
(b) Operating Standards. In addition to the operating requirements set forth in Section 1618 of this Article 16, a Cannabis Cultivation Facility shall comply with the following Cultivation operating standards:
(1) The Premises to be used as a Cannabis Cultivation Facility may not exceed 22,000 square feet of total Canopy. Canopy shall be calculated on a square foot basis and shall include any vertical growth space, such as shelving.
(2) A Cannabis Cultivation Facility may engage in the indoor Cultivation of Cannabis only; the outdoor Cultivation of Cannabis is prohibited. For purposes of this Article 16, “indoor Cultivation” and “outdoor Cultivation” shall have the meaning set forth in regulations promulgated by the California Department of Food and Agriculture pursuant to the Medicinal and Adult Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act.
(3) All Cultivation activities must not be visible from the public right-of-way.
(4) A Cannabis Cultivation Facility must have weighing and measuring devices used in connection with the Sale or Distribution of Cannabis that meet state standards.
(Added by Ord. 230-17, File No. 171042, App. 12/6/2017, Eff. 1/5/2018)