(a) No person who is prohibited from possessing or purchasing firearms pursuant to California Penal Code Sections 12021 or 12021.1 or Subsections (a), (b), (c) or (d) of California Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 8103 shall enter into any place of business that is licensed pursuant to this Article to engage in the business of selling, leasing or otherwise transferring firearms and which displays the notices required by Section 613.10(k), except in accordance with paragraph (c) of this Section.
(b) (1) No person licensed pursuant to this Article to sell, lease or otherwise transfer firearms shall permit the entry onto the premises that are the subject of the license by any person who the licensee knows or has reason to know is prohibited from possessing or purchasing firearms pursuant to California Penal Code Sections 12021 or 12021.1, or Subsections (a), (b), (c) or (d), of California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 8103, except in accordance with paragraph (c) of this Section.
(2) No person licensed pursuant to this Article to sell, lease or otherwise transfer firearms shall permit the entry onto the premises that are the subject of the license by any person under 18 years of age except in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. No person licensed pursuant to this Article to sell, lease or otherwise transfer firearms and who keeps or displays for sale, lease or other transfer firearms capable of being concealed on the person shall permit the entry onto the premises that are the subject of the license by any person under 21 years of age, except in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.
(3) The licensee and any of his or her agents, employees or other persons acting under the licensee's authority shall be responsible for requiring clear evidence of age and identity of persons to prevent the entry of persons not permitted to purchase a firearm under state law by reason of age. Clear evidence of age and identity includes, but is not limited to, a motor vehicle operator's license, a State identification card, an armed forces identification card, or an employment identification card which contains the bearer's signature, photograph, and age, or any similar documentation which provides reasonable assurance of the identity and age of the individual.
(c) Exceptions.
(1) It shall not be a violation of this section for any person who is otherwise prohibited pursuant to subsection (a) from entering or being present on the premises to enter or be present on the premises if the firearms and related accessories (including, but not limited to, ammunition, ammunition clips and holsters) are kept or displayed within a separate room or enclosure that separates such firearms and related accessories from other merchandise, and such persons are excluded from the separate room or enclosure.
(2) It shall not be a violation of this section for any person who the licensee is otherwise required to keep from entering or being present on the premises pursuant to subsection (b) to enter or be present on the premises if the firearms and related accessories (including, but not limited to ammunition, ammunition clips and holsters) are kept or displayed within a separate room or enclosure that separates such firearms and related accessories from other merchandise, and such persons are excluded from the separate room or enclosure. Where a licensee keeps or displays weapons capable of being concealed on the person in a separate roam or enclosure that separates such firearms and related accessories, (including, but not limited to, ammunition, ammunition clips and holsters) from other merchandise (including other firearms), it shall not be a violation of this section for persons at least 18 years old but less than 21 years old to enter or be present on the premises if such persons are excluded from the separate room or enclosure containing firearms capable of being concealed on the person.
(d) Penalty for violation.
(1) Any person who is prohibited from possessing or purchasing firearms pursuant to California Penal Code Sections 12021 or 12021.1 or Subsections (a), (b), (c) or (d) of California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 8103 and who knowingly enters into any place of business that is licensed pursuant to this Article to engage in the business of selling, leasing or otherwise transferring firearms in violation of subsection (a) shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(2) Any licensee or other person acting under the authority of a licensee, including, but not limited to, employees or agents of a licensee, who knowingly allows a person to enter the licensee's premises in violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Added by Ord. 242-00, File No. 000950, App. 10/27/2000; amended by Ord. 260-04, File No. 031932, App. 11/4/2004)
(a) Any person whose application for a license under this Article has been denied, or whose license has been revoked pursuant to the provisions of this Article, shall have the right to a hearing before the Chief of Police or his or her designee prior to final denial or prior to revocation.
(b) The Chief of Police shall give the applicant or licensee written notice of the intent to deny the application or to revoke the license. The notice shall set forth the ground or grounds for the Chief of Police's intent to deny the application or to revoke the license, and shall inform the applicant or licensee that he or she has 10 days from the date of mailing of the notice to file a written request for a hearing. The application may be denied or the license revoked if a written hearing request is not received within the 10-day period.
(c) If the applicant or licensee files a timely hearing request, the Chief of Police shall set a time and place for the hearing. All parties involved shall have the right to (1) offer testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issues; (2) be represented by counsel; and (3) confront and cross examine any witnesses against them. If the hearing is before a designee of the Chief of Police, the designee shall make a written recommendation following the hearing regarding whether an application should be denied or a license revoked. The decision of the Chief of Police whether to deny the application or revoke the license shall be appealable to the Board of Appeals, at which proceeding the Chief shall have the burden of proof to justify his decision.
(Added by Ord. 91-94, App. 2/25/94; amended by Ord. 260-04, File No. 031932, App. 11/4/2004)
No license shall be issued or reissued pursuant to this Article unless there is in full force and effect a policy of insurance in such form as the City Attorney and the City's Risk Manager deem proper, executed by an insurance company approved by the City's Risk Manager, whereby the applicant or licensee is insured against liability for damage to property and for injury to or death of any person as a result of the sale, transfer or lease, or advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer or lease, of any firearm, firearm ammunition or firearm ammunition component. The minimum liability limits shall not be less than $1,000,000 for damage to or destruction of property in any one incident, and $1,000,000 for the death or injury to any one person; provided, however, that additional amounts may be required by the City Attorney or City's Risk Manager if deemed necessary to protect the interests of the City and its residents.
Such policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy will not be canceled until notice in writing has been given to the City, address in care of the Chief of Police, 850 Bryant Street, San Francisco, California, 94103, at 30 days immediately prior to the time such cancellation becomes effective. Further, such policy of insurance shall name the City, its officers, agents, and employees as additional insureds.
In addition, applicants and licensees shall agree in writing that they shall indemnity, defend, and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, from claims arising out of the negligence or the intentional or wilful misconduct of the applicant or licensee.
(Added by Ord. 91-94, App. 2/25/94)
Any and all investigating officials of the City shall have the right to enter the building designated in the license from time to time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections and to observe and enforce compliance with building, mechanical, fire, electrical, plumbing, or health regulations, and provisions of this Article. A police investigator may conduct compliance inspections to insure conformance with all federal, state, and local laws, and all provisions of this Article.
(Added by Ord. 91-94, App. 2/25/94)